Good bands who are ruined by bad fanbases

Good bands who are ruined by bad fanbases


The entire indie music scene

twenty one pilots


kek. Read the title. "Good"

every good band ever

i agree these guys are great but they kinda brought the shit fanbase on themselves with the shilling... kiss of the indie rock scene in terms of selling out

Justin Bieber

i completely agree with this. i was horrified to find myself completely surrounded by kids with literal autism when i saw them a month ago


yeah it makes me wonder if they care about it at all
like they put so much effort into making their music and objectively it's really cool and unique and then a huge portion of their fanbase is just dumb teenagers with mc ride profile pics who write me-me comments on youtube and it kinda kills their reputation, like there's a negative stigma associated with liking death grips
i doubt they know or even give a shit but still

Do you actually pay attention to the band? Not only do they write a lot about their relationship with their fans (see Jenny Death), but they constantly fuck with their fans online and at live events.

i mean just cause im a white kid in the suburbs doesnt mean i cant identify with the feeling of the band

they are 'online' one might say

hah! NOIDED amirite guys?

edit: thanks for all the likes, it has always been my dream to have a higly rated comment on the official Death Grips facebook page


You have to be pretty autistic to have something ruined by other people liking it. I mean who gives a fuck?

they're not "ruined", like I still listen to and enjoy them, but it seems like people don't take them as seriously as they should because of their fanbase
like the people that dismiss them and say they're a meme and whatever

>listening to a song on youtube that is literally anywhere on the prog rock or prog metal spectrum
>like 10 people in the comments comparing it to Tool
every single time

true fans dont give a shit either.
if you know the place theyre trying to connect the world with, theres no room for stupid shit like that.
if ur at a show and the crowds full of retards, its appropriate to mosh

dude who gives a fuck just listen to them you fucking idiot

Grateful Dead

lel just read this like an hour ago

my God, Death Grips haters are cringier than the actual fans