Is it true Europeans cut down all the trees in their cities and will never know this feel?

Is it true Europeans cut down all the trees in their cities and will never know this feel?

where have you heard this

true, we cut all trees to make hancrafted dildos.

In the case of the English, its true

On the contrary, the city planners usually put a lot of effort into having trees planted inside the cities and make sure there is some green here and there.

No. Nice obsession with lawns you've got there though.

During the age of exploration/sail the major powers did cut most of their trees down but they forest have been coming back especially in protected areas.

You can’t plan much with trees, they have limited lifespan (some of them actually have suprisingly short lifes) and get sick all the time.

>oh no we have to plant new trees once a century, what will we do

it's still up to the city planning department to preserve and nurture them etc.

What do you use as shade over sidewalks?

there are more forests in Europenow than 100yo

Lighting equipment from the porno being filmed in the street.

London is green as fuck mate.

Genius, turn the towards the sun to reflect the light back at it this cooling the earth, why are chileans so advanced?!

You have nice avenue for about a decade and then you have awful mixture of freshly planted and fully grown trees as some of the original trees succumbed to some bug or mold or some other shit. Not to mention that some new fungus can come over from Tibet and wipe out entire species in a few years.

Yes, green, but no trees

There's tons of trees, just slightly fewer in the center of town.

It probably has the most trees of any other comparable city, what the fuck are you talking about.

Yeah well, the bad news is that trees can die. The good news is that you can plant new ones.

Dumb Moor.

Hah, no, all our cities have greenery and trees to some degree

fuck trees

Sheffield a northern city has more trees than people. It's supposed to have the highest ratio in Europe for trees vs people.

stupid pepik
you can cut down a dead tree and plant a new one

its also a matter of caring, some nice hundred or close year old ones in the middle of my town