He needed love and he never received it. Some people don't understand that humans...

He needed love and he never received it. Some people don't understand that humans, especially young adults who never receive love and are alone in this world are more likely to stop caring about humans and society. If you look at him he seems empty with no emotions. He doesn't know how to love anybody because he was never loved by anyone.

Other urls found in this thread:


well duh
but also shitty culture

>la cretura, look at his ears, what's wrong with his eyes is he deformed, my number one fan...
Considering how the internet treated him by just seeing his picture, I can only imagine how hard he got shit on IRL.

He isnt bad looking

toxic culture, toxic people

Why is anyone surprised or shocked? We live behind our masks we put on each day to endure the lie that is put before us.

nah hes a fucker, everyone knows that shits wrong i dont care who you are, the fact that he crossed that line make him scum fuckery.

>He needed love

lol because the only way you can imagine being so distraught is if people didn't love you

If only he had met you.

His birth mother left him, his adoptive parents died, he was bullied relentlessly in school. Kids would joke about him being a potential school shooter. If I was him I would've flipped too. Not to mention, he was on medication for ADHD and had autism

Weak fool. I almost pity him. He crumbled under his life's circumstances. As an act of mercy, he deserves to be a warning to all other weaklings through a quick and merciful death. Many, MANY of us went through some shit. Scores have gone through worse. Few, if any, caved toxically like him. He is garbage to be disposed of, and since he is biologically human, as humanely as possible.

yes, whoever consciously crosses the line has to face the consequences, no matter how nice they are at the very bottom.

the kid is like 19

the US won't last long enough for him to spent life in prison. Maybe some people will break him out of prison for a promising career in genocide some day in a couple year/decade

I grew up around where this happened and even in the 90s, it was a culture of toxic multiculturalism. Everyone hated the niggers, every different type of nigger hated eachother, every different type of hispanic hated eachother, every group resented white people for running everything, everyone hated the northern 'snow birds' that infested the area every winter. It was crowded chaos 24/7, every 5th car was a cop, every mile or so someone was pulled over.

I moved north twice and ended up in the midwest, whatever. It sucks too, but in a better way.

He had a trust fund worth 800k. He could have bought whores. yes he had a hard life but shit happens. move on, find a way to make it work.

No way, I live in the other side of the country

I'm starting to think he is the Bastard Son of that Sheriff Scott Israel.

its much easier to live comfortably, make money and job hop, avoid what makes most people miserable like children, and go/do wherever you want, if you stop caring about humans and society. that kid had one part of it, but wasn't smart enough to just get what he wanted in the long run. now he goes to prison

Just man up

Be me grow up in abusive home no gf few friends mentally ill bullied.
Dont shoot up school because im not a fucking monster. I hope this fag frys

It was hypothetical.

This is the problem right fucking here. The mentality that if someone is depressed or going through hell they just need to suck it up and deal with it because they're being a baby. Shit like this is why theres a school shooting every 3 days.

He wanted to get revenge against his former school that he repeteadly got suspended from then expelled

>If you look at him he seems empty with no emotions.
Nope he's disappointed he didn't get high score.

He didn't do it.
Prove me wrong

He's white ... So duh!

he should have gone into the military, and he could bomb a hospital and afghanistan and still be a hero. He would get more kills and be worshipped by retards when he gets home

Was it ever revealed why he was suspended and eventually expelled?

He needs the electric chair

That would make a good recruitment poster.

Can confirm, had a shitty poor childhood and was screwed over by my highschool and picked on by everyone and everyone spread rumors that I would shoot up the school because I wasn't happy and friendly to all the ass holes. My only escape was because I was competitive and wanted to say fuck you to everyone by becoming better than them, now I'm 2 degrees and doing lightning research and satellite calibration. People break under that environment, the shitty ones kill others, the better ones just kill themselves, the lucky ones escape before either and get to a better environment.

Yeah he could kill heaps of people if he had an electric chair

Strawberry fields ....
Nothing is real.....

Good thing this happened in Florida instead of a state with good white people.

kid is a schizo, there's no amount of nurture that'll undo that.

whats funny, the government pretends to be so sad about this and boo hoo crying

but look up Operation Northwoods, the Joint Chiefs of Staff had a plan presented to JFK to have the military shoot up and bomb civillians in Florida to start a war with cuba

lmao let's just gas all mental patients no amount of nurture will undo that bam I'm a fucking genius

Maybe those kids will think twice about bullying someone else now. Every child needs to endure a school shooting to put life into perspective


Good people?
I've heard this legend.
More proof of ET though. Just sayin'

Underrated post

You right, but they wont learn a god damn thing except that crying gets them free shit and attention.


Underrated post

Land of the free

They won't.
People are so stupid that they will never connect to two events.

why are people calling him a monster he is just what those around him made so that means that the people around him were monsters so whats wrong with killing monsters?

Fuck off, that shit ain't helping!

Stale copypasta is stale

I stand corrected

Hah yeah everyone I interact with in my minimum wage job sucks good people don't exist I've got it all figured out in my job in retail

Normies thinking is controlled by made up plot devices.

If I think like this, then thats like the HOLOCAUST
If I do this, I might go to HELL after being judged in a magic invisible courtroom

What was your point?

Doesn't justify what he did by any means.

Agreed, otherwise what is the point

Trips of truth, once again.

yeah it's cool how a certain generation of people think they bear no responsibility for their mental state or actions. really makes me proud and optimistic about the future.

He was born shit
Everyone cottoned on
Called a spade a spade
The spade couldn't take it
Lashed out
Fulfilled the prophecy

Im an old fag.
I know now why old people are always angry. Doubt all you like, but you will learn through the natural course of time.
Strawberry fields.....

I am getting up there too and I know why oldfagz turn bitter
Fighting against it myself.
I strongly believe you're only old if you think you are.

>certain generation
Yeah uhuh, how many free hand outs did you get now that youre condescending people born into a world your generation made shit?

Second post " "
Was better than the first " "

Sorry for the confusion

Not supposed to justify it, just explain why it happens. If anything, bullying is being justified.

>17 kills

Not too shabby. He's the hero we need.

Uh. Because he's a fucking monkey.

haha, im born in the 80's, i can just see how fucking full of shit the kids are today

May we have examples?

I get that.
I always wanted to live forever.
Then I though about re-incarnation.
Now I'm sure I will come back, because I no longer want to.

at some point you have to start blaming the kids i mean this shit never seems to happen in other places its only America. i think it has something to do with how clicks and stuff work and that the hole culture just seems to be about stomping down the weak

See, the 2 events will never be connected

oh yeah i know that feeling man
the fear that we are already in hell
that this is just a mirage
that we are doomed to live it all again, over and over
thinking we found solutions
only to be introduced to how fucking dumb we are
all over again.
It's almost as if we are being punished.
There's two views in life: positive and negative
Take the positive route, you won't be thinking those thoughts.
That's all I cling to.
I don't pretend to knowledge of science or anything certain.
I just know what makes me feel better.

Pics to support that pls

I wish someone would love me... Doesn't even need to be love having someone to be there for me would be nice... Maybe a hug? Is that too much to ask? Someone to need me? I'm asking too much I'm sorry

Well if the weak were pre-weeded out this would happen.

do tell or fuck off if you're going to pretend you were some golden child in a eutopian age.

Go find her, man
Don't be a pussy.
Many girls thinking just like you, right now.
But they're girls.
Most of them won't approach you.
So go out on a limb.
If you get rejected, who cares?

>binary thinking


I care, I've already been told to hang myself when approaching a girl why try again if I know I'm gonna get turned down?

'every red flag'

Exactly this is he'll
With humans doing the same stupid shit over and over again.the stupidity is so predictable now that life has no more surprises. Just watching mankind hit the wall repeatedly. In so board and I get the distinct feeling that I'm never going to be able to change the fucking channel.

most of this thread "he just needed love" "they made him a monster"

fuck that, he did what he did because he wanted to. no one to blame here but him.

>Hitting himself
>Screaming at strangers
>Moved into home of friend - Brought only his AR

why would you care what a cunt like that says also did you rape her mother? why the hell is she telling you to hang yourself?

The most fucked up part is that people want to blame mental illness and this guy was clearly retarded.

No monkey pics
You said he was a monkey!

I mean that he's too mentally bereft to take care of himself.

just blank it out its backround noise at this point

lol you need to find her on facebook in 5 years when she's gained weight, and say "At least I wouldn't need industrial rope to hang myself now"

Dunno I just stopped trying to live after that I guess

Dunno I just stopped trying to live after that I guess. I'm really lonely

time is always on your side if you want to mentally torture a woman

And I might have some level of sympathy if he wasn't a murderous cowardly piece of shit

If I could I would but I don't really care enough to anymore

That’s not a very preventative attitude. If you don’t seek to understand, then how do you learn? Disregarding the complexity of the human brain is primitive itself.

I want to identify as an attack helicopter. - encourage me and use my pronouns.

I want love and acceptance - your crazy!

is dis a bot?

Oh thanks for clearing that up.

Lol ok kid

I'm no bot I'm just really lonely and sad sorry if I'm boring you or something

That works for awhile. But it wears you down after so long.