I haven't been to dentist for about 20 years. I think it's gone to far. I want to do something about it...

I haven't been to dentist for about 20 years. I think it's gone to far. I want to do something about it, but still afraid to see the doctor :/

Nigga you dead

Mine are way more fucked than that

Pics or didn't happen.

So fear of something potentially going wrong is bigger than actually doing something about it?

I had the same problem, went to the dentist, solved a bunch of shit and it wasn't even bad. I recommend you do the same.

>British as fuck

Dentists are used to seeing people with completely fucked up teeth. It's their job. If people didn't fuck their teeth up because of bad hygiene they wouldn't have any income.
Just go.

White people are fucking disgusting animals.

Niggers should be our slaves again. The world would be a nice play if all subhuman niggers became slaves once more

I used to be the same way cause I didnʻt have insurance., until I got a infected wisdom tooth that gave me an abscess that spread to the rest of my body. Felt like I was going to die until I finally went, and got it pulled with some antibiotics. Lost the molar beside it too unfortunately.
I go every 6 months now though.

Only in your dreams. Truth is your race is the most beta race in the world and you are becoming a minority.

Name one single first world country run by niggers.

Your own women don't even like you.

I'm confused, he isnt black

All you guys do is sit on Sup Forums all day and fantasize about being an alpha in a world you don't have the balls to live in.

Who gives a fuck what women like?
Go look for your biological father boy.

Murican dental care.


>didnt answer the question

really makes you think

And that's why your race is dying out. Too busy being a faggot for traps.

Your question isn't worth answering you fucking cac.

Better than sloping about stealing, raping and selling drugs to kids you subhuman vestigial hangover.

>glitched prices!!!! nons

Nothing that cannot be solved with a good punch in the face. You just need to find a boxing enthusiast and piss him off. And he will fix your extra teeth in seconds.

Those are stereotypes, I'm talking about real life problems. For a race that claims to be the "master race", you bunch sure are filled with a bunch of losers.

Too busy running the world you mean?
Again, name one single first world country run by niggers.

and well documented criminal statistics you thieving, untrustworthy, ignorant animal.

Smile for the camera ;)

The dentist fucked up my root canal so now they can't fix it so at some point they'll have to cut my face open and remove everything from that area. Fuck that shit going to the dentist fucked shit up so I'm not giving the docs another chance to make my life worse. I'll chop off my dick and shove firecrackers in the hole before I let that happen

What world are you running from your mom's basement on Sup Forums?

Stats like 84 percent of whites killed in this country are killed by other whites?, 53.3 percent of gang related murders are committed by white people with the vast majority of the homicide victims being white as well? Stats like whites commit the most of the crime in this country? You have to take a step back and ask yourself why is crime so prevalent in your race before you can blame others for your problems.

You have nothing to be afraid fr user I promise. My dentist is one of my friends dad's who has always hated how loud and fucked up on drugs we are. I was very nervous when I first went to him, on top of how fucked up my teeth were. But I waited till my abcess was so bad that I couldn't go into work from the pain. On top of that I had to deal with 3 super talkative women, 2 of which were attractive, me being above average attractiveness I had to be just as talkative to them without crashing and burning the whole thing. It actually went really smoothly, he ended up for once opening up to one of his son's friends and gave me 50+ perc 10s. Go to the dentist please, it's a good thing you want to do something for your health and you should feel happy that you are working up the courage. Even if someone were to insinuate or flat out say something about you waiting so long DONT let that conviction exist in your own mind and you will be fine. Do what it takes to be happy and allow yourself to feel good from making that decision. Don't ever take that away from yourself again.

And how much did that cost you user? My trip to the clinic for bronchitis cost me 400$

Whites commit 67.4% of all burglaries.

Whites commit 63.7% of all aggravated assaults.

75.2% of all arson related crimes are done by whites.

Whites commit 59% of all violent crime in this country.

Whites also commit 71.6% of all sexual assault crimes in this country. Your own women don't like you so you have to basically rape them. That's pathetic.

Here in CT it's illegal for a dentist to prescribe narcotics. So it's Motrin and Tylenol for your wisdom tooth pain


meant for

Just go dude, your confidence will soar once you get it over with. I took the long journey and now will be getting braces soon.

it will be expensive but so worth it.

food will taste great again for you.

Go devalue another neighbourhood boy.
While your at it, look up the statistics for altruistic or community beneficial works by niggers. Tell me how many niggers run national sized companies, employing thounds and benefitting society. Tell me about all the amazing inventions and social reforms niggers are responsible for. Show me nigger art, nigger engineering, habitable nigger construction. Show me one fucking place on planet earth that has benefitted from nigger intervention.
Go pick my cotton you useless fucking porch monkey.

>whites also commit

such a retarded thing to say. people are shit whether they are white, black or violet so shut your fucking trap you monkey

Good news is that most of your problem is bad occlusion because linguo, labio, and torsiversed teeth.

I don’t see any signs of big caries and it seems you at least have hygiene. I don’t see calculus in there.

If I could see your gums I could tell if you had gingivitis, but I wager your probably don’t.

Your dentist will probably do the following:
He will do an evaluation, prophylactic tooth cleaning (scaling and curet) to remove plaque and calculus, and then he will take X-Rays. If he finds any caries he will let you know.

If it is of interest you, he could refer you to an orthodontist who will fix your smile. A few years with braces and you’re done.

Overall, it doesn’t seem to me like you have much of a proglem. Trust me, I’m a dental medicine student.

Oh wait, I forgot, that lateral incisor needs some restauration.

Did you have an infection or a cyst in your mouth when you were an infant/toddler?

Get braces. Those look scary.

Oh come on you just made half of those words up don't lie what does calculus have to do with teeth that's fucking stupid FUCK THIS GODDAMN COCK SHIT ENGLISH LANGUAGE FUCKING DICK SHITTING CUNT FUCKERS FUCK IT FUCK THIS FUCKING FUCKSHIT

Calculus means tartar. That’s what we dentists call it.

It’s calcified plaque that has adhered to the tooth surface.

ur a tard. do ur own research. tard

Just drink a gallon of bleach.
It's guaranteed to get rid of any and all of life's problems.

I just chipped my fucking molar eventho I brush my teeth pretty regularly and saw a dentist 4 months ago (said everything was fine).
Why the fuck did this happen? (it started hurting a bit a few weeks ago and now the part that hurt is gone)

It could be any of a number of reasons. Were you biting or chewing something particularly hard? Did you try opening a beer bottle with that molar? Maybe you developed a caries that caused a fracture. Have you been under a lot of stress lately? Do you have a sleeping partner? If so, ask them if they have noticed you grinding your teeth at night. Do your teeth look worn down and flattened? Do you floss regularly?

Could you post a picture?

I have not been to the dentist in probably a little over 20 years because my parents never took me and then I did not have insurance. I got a good job last year and now I have insurance but I have not been to the dentist yet because I am afraid plus I think even with insurance it will probably cost a lot. My gums are pretty bad and I am sure I have a lot of cavities and I have 2 molars which are broken. My teeth have always caused me depression since I was a kid because they have always been pretty bad. What do you think I should do?

Jesus Christ you need an architect or a civil engineer to fix that mess

my wife was a dental assistant way back when. anytime it's not to complicated, she just does my teeth. home dentistry, free of charge. so cool

Thanks for listing the reasons, not gonna bother posing the picture.
I think it was probably due to chewing on pomegranate (the seed s can get hard sometimes and I remember it started to hurt after I bit down on a hard one). I was eating some roast and potatoes now and it just broke off while chewing meat, fucking bullshit.
I don't know what to expect after this.

Take a picture of your gums and post it.

Call your insurance and ask them about your dental coverage and what your copay is. Then go to a dentist, get an evaluation and a tooth cleaning. He will then tell you if you have any cavities, gingival recession, or anything more complicated. But, you likely don't have anything.

From the picture you posted in the OP, it doesn't look like your teeth are bad at all. It looks like all you need is braces.

You may be pleasantly surprised

Does it still hurt? This is what mostly determines what happens next.

You should go to the dentist, explain what happened (bit down on hard seed). He will evaluate how deep it broke off. If it only chipped off some enamel, nothing has to be done, except smoothing down the surface with a file to prevent lacerations of your tongue or inner cheeks. If it went a little deeper into the dentine, he should do a restoration with resin.

Overall, it's not too big of a problem.

I am not the OP I just figured I am in the same boat so would share

Does teeth extraction for braces, change face shape?

go see a dentist bro. I barely saw a dentist until i was about 19 or 20 years old. ended up losing a good portion of my upper teeth.

It crushed my confidence for a while but know what I did? Found some fuckin cheap insurance. Worked my ass off, saved up the money and got myself a pair of dentures from my dentist. wasnt too expensive and its a lot easier to do if you find a dentist with a payment plan. Just need to look around bro. Find a dentist that will make you feel comfortable, they are out there.


also id reccomend go see a dentist and get a treatment plan so you know what kind of work you need done before you pursue an insurance plan. some insurance plans cover certain types of dental work better than others.

it's too late... they'll have to amputate your mouth

you got regular dentures or the implants? I feel like I would have worse confidence if I had removable dentures in my 20s I have been researching implants and reconstruction but it seems very expensive and most insurance does not seem to help with that

you're afraid to see the doctor? m8 I think the doctor would be afraid to see YOU...

not that bad m8, and at least they seem pretty white so you're all good

Literally just need braces, wont even need the bands because your bite seems fine. Looks like you take care of what you have so do not worry. Could take max 2 years to fix your teeth alignment but i would bet i would be less. Be wary though braces are not cheap so i recommend you get a payment plan.

I got regular dentures because it is extremely cheaper than implants. If I have the money eventually Ill go for implants but honestly once you have the dentures and you keep them in they arent noticeable not one bit. Ive never had a single person tell me they think im wearing dentures and most of my teeth are actually fake. Most people arent keen on the idea until they are actually put in the situation where they dont have a choice. yeah its definitely not as good as probably having real teeth or implants there but it beats having a fucked up smile. my penis has gotten significantly more wet since acquiring my dentures.

A better quality picture would help.

From this, I can see that the gums are not bright red, but a soft pink (which is good), you seem to have healthy gingival papillas and embrasures. I can't tell what the texture of the gingiva is with this picture, but an somewhat orange peel like appearance is ideal.

I do, however, spot some gingival recession on the left central maxillary (upper) incisor. It seems like you brush harder on that tooth? Remember to use a soft or very soft tooth brush and do not press down on the brush when brushing.

fuckin fugly kunt

Same. I was terrified of the dentist, but had an infected molar

Took me 7 years to finally go and get it sorted and it only took the dentist 15 minutes to x-ray it, numb it and pull it

All those years worrying about nothing

regular visits to the dentist is actually pretty cheap.

cleaning is like 100 bucks for every 3 months.


Wow, beastiality sucks ha?

Depends on the tooth extracted.
Anterior teeth (from canine to canine) and first pre-molars will cause your face to immediately look aged because these provide a resting position for the upper lip and cheeks. However, usually, they extract the second premolar, which will cause no esthetic problems or changes to face shape while maintaining masticatory function intact.

What do you think bois? :3

No pain whatsoever. The part that hurt broke off I guess. I started picking on it with my finger and broke a little bit more off. It's all the way from top to botton, the side close to the tongue, 2nd molar.
Can't believe teeth are this fragile. I floss at least once a month and use mouthwash and brush almost every day (sometimes twice a day, sometimes I don't)

uh we can't really tell.

I have actually seen this before. Those are supernumerary teeth, lots of them. Extractions and orthodontics. That's the way to go with that.

Could you close your mouth a bit and retract your lips? It would really help a lot.

Why? Are you shy? :3

Kiva tiedostonimi

Well, teeth are not fragile at all. However, it could be that you have genetically weak enamel. If that much broke off, go to the dentist. Get it filled.

Eiks ookki? :3

Go to a fucking dentist. Tooth infection can spread rapidly - it can fuck you up.

Onko ees oma

Thanks for the advice. How do I prevent this though? Any food supplement or whatever to strengthen my enamel/teeth?

This is now a teeth of Sup Forums thread.

its like the thing off star was the almost eats luke

Unfortunately no. Just toothpaste that has fluoride, frequent visits to the dentist (every 3 - 6 months), and avoid biting down on anything too hard. If you must eat something hard, try cutting it into smaller pieces.

Also, a weak enamel makes you more prone to cavities, so you should get those checked.

I don't feel like brushing my teeth every time I eat or drink something sugary, how much does having a sip of water and swirling it in my mouth help in preventing cavities?



Good occlusion, good gingival health, no calculus, only little plaque. However, your maxillary central incisors are wider mesiodistally than what I enjoy. Also, your left maxillary lateral incisor looks a little grayer than the rest of your teeth. It could either be the camera/light conditions, or a dying tooth nerve. I'm betting on the light conditions.

A lot actually. But, make it a big sip of water.

It's actually better to drink and swish water immediately after eating something sugary or acidic because it eliminates these substances from the teeth surface, whereas immediate brushing could cause more damage. Acidic and sweet foods cause a drop in oral pH, facilitating tooth demineralization. pH levels return to normal after about half an hour.

Your best bet is to swish water after eating sweet, sour, or acidic foods, then wait 30 minutes to brush your teeth.

You're a good man, user

10/10 review, thanks bro

im 27.

mad /b?

You need braces and maybe some orthognatic surgery. You have misaligned teeth and bad occlusion.

That's nothing compared to the brown teeth that I have

Thank you.

Not mad. It's good that you have braces. I'm 24, a dental student, and I'm getting braces next year.

>mad /b?
Mad? I'd be fucking livid if I was 27 and had the beard and moustache of a 14 year old Mexican girl.