Any tips? how to improve looking good

any tips? how to improve looking good

shave off eyebrows

dial back the eyebrows, get a better hair cut, shave...and smile. Confidence is super attractive to women

Be a alpha male. start lift ïng.

Don't pose like a faggot

like this?

You're pretty cute, I'd date you.

aww thx user, i hope fem user but if not its ok thx anyway

work out.. rest is pretty much fine. You got all you need. Start learning how to pick up chicks... Try growing a beard if you wanna look more manly/mature

just change your haircut and avoid posing like that for a picture

Lel. True

kill yourself

>dont thank me, just pay it forward

Haircut, Beard, Gym. and you'll be fine

but what haircut

Put on a shirt, quit posing for Vogue.

Get your head into your ass and run like hell to the mirror. U will be the best!

1: Gym
2: Grow out hair, do a "big" hairstyle to draw attention away from your below average face. I would of said dreads even before the PC police decided white guys cant.
3: Stubble
4: Peircings, maybe ink a bit
5: Start smoking loads of weed and shit.
6: Big, bold style choices for clothes etc.

>would of
Kill yourself

not op just saing
i smoke weed allready

He is already dead. Don't u see?


>any tips? how to improve looking good
Get a haircut, wear a shirt, don't stare off into space while taking a faggot selfie.