How do we stop mass shootings?

How do we stop mass shootings?

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Arm teachers.

Improving the economy by taxing the richest among us and removing lobbying so that the nra cant keep an automatic rifle in every store




by giving our boys reasons to live, letting them know why their ancestors put them here, giving them community and fellowship. of course, adopted, jewspanics don't have that

I don't know the answer but don't fucking touch my rifle

Shoot the people bullying people first

boomers didn't shoot up their schools

>Improving the economy by taxing the richest among us and removing lobbying so that the nra cant keep an automatic rifle in every store
it is extremely rare to find an automatic firearm in a store as most are in the hands of private collectors, seeing how restricted they are and all

If Americans were less fat, there would be less mass to shoot and you could just call the shootings like the rest of the world.

Jogs never shoot up in schools

pic related


Eliminate the deep state. They are behind all mass shootings. Just show us a video of the shooter in action. They can't because it would expose them.

Good job mate


>How do we stop mass shootings?
Pay attention to clear warning signs. Question anything that takes place in Deb Wasserman Jew Schultz' district. Recognize a false flag event. Be able to recognize disinformation agents. Hint: Listen to NPR, and when they have a nonstop week-long campaign on any one subject you can be certain it's fictional bullshit.

By removing all non-whites so that young white American men don’t feel discrimated and disadvantaged in their own country.

Give everyone on Sup Forums a gf

>removing lobbying so that the nra cant keep an automatic rifle in every store

You don't realize how little the NRA spends on political contributions, do you? The NRA's strength is in it's ability to mobilize members.


Republican thoughts and prayers

no "gun-free zones" that become blatantly fucking obvious targets for said mass shootings

I like your humor, posting the problem in their face knowing they are too retarded and brainwashed by the state media to ever get it :)

Stop bullying in schools
Teach these retarded new generations respect
Arm teachers
Teach kids respect for firearms

Mass executions, to thin out the retarded people. Like... Drug dealers, Child molesters, Murderers, Domestic Abusers, Religious Freaks, Any and all Terrorists including Green Peace and whoever else is a radical.

That'll help.

Guns don't kill people. People do it.

Ban people


damn iPhaggone autocorrect

who cares

>I like your humor, posting the problem in their face knowing they are too retarded and brainwashed by the state media to ever get it :)
that's the spirit, blame the tool, not the one misusing said tool

by increasing the availability of guns, arming all citizens with a standard issued handgun, starting gun education in middle school that involves gun safety and target practice, teach them what to do in the case of a shooting, etc.
>everyone carries guns
>retards won't want to kill anyone because they'll be instantly killed by everyone around them
problem solved.

Fucking jogs m8. Try to keep up.


lol, sorry

Trumps already working on a good answer to this question. Arming Teachers with weapons, shotguns for close quarters and medium to long range if they're down halls or outside near the playgrounds at recess.
Obviously woman can't deal with the more heaver weapons so small ankle or thigh holstered handguns would suffice

Guns reduce violence the same way that doughnuts reduce obesity.

Why drug dealers ? Who am i gonna get my weed from then ?

Cant answer that, can you, you fucking cretin

Kill the subhumans in our society. It’s legit that fuckng simple. Off the cliffs for the weak

hi noguns

I’m OP and I’m an NRA member/conservative

It wasn’t meant to be a leading question at all, I was merely asking a question

Ban Democrats from having guns. Discipline kids. Get the FBI to pay attention. Kill people immediately who even threaten to shoot a school.
It all comes down to not being a bunch of bleeding heart pussies.

Maybe compare nra spending to big pharma then realize every fucking shooter is on Prozac or Zoloft. You ignorant fucking retard. Get back in your cuck cage

free public health care and mental health checks, obligatory for students
mandatory and free weapon training and safety course for anyone purchasing a gun
severe punishment for any damage done by a weapon owner negligence and giving access to his weapons to anyone using them for crimes
developing and distributing a "peoples gun" with government substitution to arm the poor


>republicans responsible for all mass shootings
>literally all of them
>"ban democrats"

not true at all, someone starts to attack you, you pull your firearm out and they will usually back off, hence, reducing violence ... you pull a doughnut out infront of a fatty and they'll eat it ...

While this may reduce mass shooting events this will drastically increase the number of gun related deaths and injuries in the United States. More guns is not the solution.

You sound like you should be im vietnam or some other shithole

free, you keep using this word but I do not think it means what you think it means

Oh don't worry that shit would or should be legal. But the H has gots to go.

Increase security

Ban all locations
Shootings are always at a location

If the government would just pass legislation to amputate everyone's arms, there would be no more shooting. #GETREALAMERICA!!!

You can't stop them. Murder has existed since the dawn of the human race. Is it going to magically end? Hell no. Do you think you can magically round up the millions of assault rifles and other weapons overnight, or even over a year's span? No. Best response to the few assholes who go crazy is to be armed yourself. Legalize drugs so you can save the government billions of dollars fighting the drug war. That also cuts down violence. The way America is, its citizens are best off left the fuck alone, with as little rules, regulations, taxes and the such. So yes, doing nothing is the best answer.

Nah some of the apes are out of control, gotta get them sorted out.

We'll you can't Op, if that's what people are willing to do. You can make it costly, a good chance that you could die trying to perpetrate one, but stop school shootings? That's a moral question. That has to do with someone's value system and it goes deeper than any gun.

Agreed! We can establish that weed is actually superawesome, and really is the only substance that has a health benefit to us.. BAN ALCOHOL !!
No sarcasm intended!

Audit the FBI and CIA daily

THIS. THIS THIS. Prior to the 60's boys were taught to be men and were admired by their culture. Now the men who created civilization are denigrated at every turn and only parasites and deviants are celebrated.

Automatic rifles havent been in stores in decent numbers since 1986

How do we stop paid shilling?

The USA is THE PROOF that more guns equals more violence. Open your eyes nignog.

I'm a teacher, and I'm also incredibly pro-second amendment.

I like the idea of being able to conceal carry if I so choose, but let's be honest: First of all, where the fuck am I going to conceal it? I wear a tucked in dress shirt and tie. Second, I haven't been trained to handle active shooter situations.

I like the idea of being able to close my classroom door, lock it, draw my pistol and put sights on it, knowing that at least no one will be coming through that door to hurt MY students. So I like the idea of having that option at least.

But ultimately, armed security guards are probably the way to go, and more than just one. It appears as though one armed security guard just isn't enough. He needs a friend, a hypeman, to encourage him to, y'know, engage the threat as opposed to standing outside the school pissing himself.

Oh! You mean like how the NRA paid Donald Trump 30.3million USD?? Or how Marco Rubio got over 8million USD?? Yeah.... they don't spend THAT much... Cause y'know everyone around America is a millionaire.... dipshit.

Alcohol is far worse than weed for sure.

Allow teachers open carry. The best deterrent is one you can see.
If they come for you first you should be quicker on the draw.

I like the idea of teachers and air-crews carrying weapons. That way I always know where to get a gun without having to pass through a metal detector.

You're right. But a boomer did shoot up las vegas murdering 50 people.

I just don't think that's a good idea. I wouldn't open carry in front of my students whether I had the right to do it or not.

>what is conceal carry for $500

Boomers started the craze by shooting up post offices and blowing up a federal building

ban gun ownership for white men :/ fuck i don;t know they are talking about getting rid of the second amendment so fuck it just get to the source.

Who's going to pay for all these additional guns then? The government keeps needlessly slashing education funds over and over and fucking over again. It's gotten to the point where teachers themselves have to pay out of pocket for supplies. OH but they can tack on another expense right?

>assumes none of the teachers will be deranged
>assumes every teacher can afford a firearm
>assumes every teacher has proper gun training
>assumes that when the police arrive they'll magically be able to discern the "good guy with a gun" from a "bad guy with a gun".

This is just opening a whole new can of worms.

>baby boomers caused all our problems

by banning guns

You don't stop only deter it.
Arm Teachers,
looking into warning signs,
investigate tips given.

But honestly these things don't need to be stopped.
There is to many of us and with no world war going on to cut our numbers we will see more and more violence.

This, also forced abortions for anyone carrying a retarded/autistic baby.

how so we stop KILLERS??
thats the question



lol I think they get the point I was making.

Learn a little nigger. If I want to go get a handgun today I just need to break into a few trucks - no more than 5 and I'll have a handgun and ammo.

That guy was a fucking nut. The more I read about him and his family the weirder it gets.

What if I just carry 2 guns and put one in each jacket pocket?

we can't

it's collateral damage from muh freedoms.


this was a gun made inside of a prison with common garbage.

>call someone retarded because they outsmarted you

By slashing prices!

>Communist style
Take guns from the people with the most guns and evenly distribute them amongst people. If everyone has a gun then mass shooters will be discouraged and people can defend themselves

So where are all the liberals talking about gun violence in Detroit. More people die by guns in that city then school shootings.

>assumes that when the police arrive they'll magically be able to discern the "good guy with a gun" from a "bad guy with a gun".

That's something I'm surprised not many people think about. Do you think the police can immediately tell the shooter apart from a vigilante with a gun? What if they end up shooting the vigilante mistaking that person for the actual shooter? Fuck it must suck being a cop in the US sometimes with so many guns. No wonder why cops are so damned trigger-happy and likely to use lethal force.

I like this.


My argument wasn't that you couldn't get a handgun at all you fucking idiot. My argument was that if teachers or air crew were conceal carrying, you wouldn't know who is carrying and where they're carrying. I'm sure a nigger like you could get a handgun in no time one way or another, but that wasn't my point.


I do daily carry. I spot concealed carriers all the time. Two gunz just makes it easier to spot.

Are we really, really, REALLY sure we want to stop mass shootings in the US?


Dipfuck, they took guns away in the uk so people started throwing acid, stabbing each other, and running each other over with trucks. Instead of Screeching guns r bad how about we try to solve the problems that lead to violence