Has liberalism gone too far?

Has liberalism gone too far?

You Cringe You Lose,
Liberal edition.

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Is pedophile a gender?

>gender creative



>haha idk. 2017!
You sure that isn't a joke?

Fascism BTFO!

>dating someone with a disability is now rape

>can't lactate

>these things stole the goth aestheic and ruined it forever

Wait wait wait...

This 'guidance counselor' told a kid to not date another kid... cause she was in a wheelchair?

Wow... that's just... full circle now?

>People don't date someone cause they're crippled.
"Oh my god, stop being prejudiced!"

>People start dating them, cause hey, there some hot girls in wheelchairs too.
"Oh my god! You're abusing them!"

This is what confuses me about SJW stuff. It tends to be circular in nature and have absolutely no common theme on average other than, "You have a penis? OMFG you're wrong!"

Now can't help but feel like I'm being discriminated against... >.>

This is why I don't go outside much.

>THIS is exactly what the world thinks of when they hear the word 'american'.

I remember reading that the disabled girl asked him out, so the counselor is saying that this girl can't make her own dating decisions.

Allowing people under the age of 18 to take hormone replacement therapy is just fucking stupid. Even under the age of 25 is stupid, because until then, your body is still making it's own gender defining hormones.

In all honesty, I think that 'transitioning' doesn't fix anything, and these people should have to undergo vigorous therapy to sort through their mental health issues before being so quickly assigned completely life altering drugs. Studies show that there is no difference in suicide attempts/successes before and after transitioning. Coincidence?


I guess wheel chairs make you dumb now lol

Why the fuck do all of those freaks type like that, do they thing it's cutesy and random, do they learn it from tumblr, I seriously can't stand it

Liberalism is nothing but a cancer designed to crumble society. Once there is no order, the government can take over.

I feel bad for those kids.

>"You have a penis? OMFG you're wrong!"
You hit the nail on the head. Social Justice has NOTHING to do about equality or justice. It is merely a tool of Marxists/Communists to cripple Western civilization by attacking its heart, white males.


I have returned to finish my dump

You dont have to tell me twice, xer



If you don't date a tranny, you're a fucking bigot

6 year old beginning his transition. How progressive


since day 1

Fags should be allowed to adopt pt 1

Fags should be allowed to adopt pt 2

Fags should be allowed to adopt pt 3

Fucking lost, also nice dubs.

You sound...upset.

Britain = cuckistan

Imagine a person like this existing 100 years ago. What the fuck is liberalism going to look like 20 years from now? I can't even imagine it.

Although that's pretty cringe, I'm pretty sure that one's fake.

Indeed, if is any indication then it is truly a lost cause.

It doesn't matter, they will have taken over the world by then, and I will have killed myself.

They can't, too weak, imagine to be in the leadership with those faggots as population, ahahahaha, piece of cake

Don't worry, user. This kids will grow up to kill themselves by 20. 25 at most.


>30 years later
>'This ENTIRE family has cancer'
>'We asked this family Whats it like growing up in a cancer ward'

Lol you never got in to begin with

Did reddit OP get to keep his cripple gf?

Where are you from, user?


I hope so. I'd finally have a name for my attraction

>for kids

Oh my god what the fuck is that?


What could possibly go wrong?


Britain is a matriarchy for centuries
What did you expect?

Tards can't consent, fucking a tard is like beastiality and should be treated and viewed as such.

.....I'm not sure how, but I think I'll manage to resist the urge....

Whoa. Easy on the facts and reason there, big fella! Ya see, out here in Amerikey, folks can do any old fool-headed thing they want. If a dude wants to put on a dress and insist that the rest of us call him Caitlyn, well by god, we oblige!
What you call irrational and dangerous, we call "progress."
That's just the way it is.

>tries to make him conform


>She's perfectly normal mentally, she just can't walk
Not a tard, sounds like she's paraplegic.

Not a liberal. It's a neo marxist

maybe if the doggo had fucked up braces it drooled all over and keept telling me to "get off i cant breathe" in a droning monotonous voice.

So that means any sex with you is illegal?

>thinking there's a difference
>being salty about it

reddit's that way ---->

To be fair they have a woman leading the country.


Hot off the presses.

lol all these future nazis who's families turned on them before they could even think just for having wrongskin or a dick

everyone creates the thing they dread

Why would you even want to have sex with him in the first place?

What are you on about?

Mate do you even know what liberal means? America was founded on old school liberal values ( same ones I hold) I'm basically a libertarian. I would call myself that but it got taken over by the anarchists

STFU Brad go color with feces and fill another tweet with faggaloon emojis.


Hell, it didn't even need to tell me once

>old school liberal
Now known as conservative.

Britain has a female prime minister, Theresa May.

Hello, am 9 yo kid hihihi xoxo
Wanna go huggies and kissies like mommy and daddy


You Trumpservatards despise free speech and individual expression. Hypocrites.

Hooo boy! Another YLYL thread! And this one has some good oc!

Cuckistan is a matriarchy for centuries

Lady I don't even know how to find your pussy.


Now thats what I call Child Abuse!

Clinton was way ahead in the polls until the Russian Interference happened.


>literally doing damage control

>being able to grow such a beard
>dying it blue
Fuck him. And yes, I am jelly.

Great. The hormones treatment and stuff will turn him sterile, changing irreversibly his adult life.

I wasn't assuming your gender, yet.

huuuuuur deeeeeeeeerp




Coincidence? Genetics? Know the answer in the funeral.

Then why am I expressing myself and asserting my freedom when I call you a nigger , bottom lip deep in unsurpassed faggotry?

How is this not a public health hazard?


haha Trumptard got triggered

Clinton was popular until the Republicans smeared her with the Benghazi hearings.

No, you can't handle that another person is asserting their individuality in a way you don't approve of, so you respond with racial--and homophobic--slurs against my character. You're a nazi, basically.
