Can you lefty libtards just fuck off and quit making this planet worse than it already is?

Can you lefty libtards just fuck off and quit making this planet worse than it already is?

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The left can't survive without the right. They need us so they can complain about the good life we provide them.

It should say transgender girl wins girl championship

were r her bobs? show pagenis

Basically a dude beating the shit out of girls.

Not basically,. It is.

He wants to wrestle against boys, but the (conservative) government has decided that he's not allowed to wrestle boys because his birth certificate says female on it.

May as well allow steroids, Just as unfair.

Only sort of. It was born a girl but wants to be a boy so has started to take testosterone. It requested at the start of the year to wrestle against boys but the state of Texas forced it to wrestle against girls.

They just need a league of their own. I'd pay to watch retards wrestle.

its a transboy, assined female at birth, ftm, girl-to-boy

The right need the left to blame them when the world degrades into shit. As if the left has done nothing but pursue money and power at all costs.

This is why CEO Trump is the left's favorite president. Like the bible says 'If you make enough Money, you'll live in Heaven'

He should just be denied alltogether. Shouldn't be wrestling in competitions. Until they figure this shit out. They deny people For less. Why should this shit head get special treatment?

It's actually up to the competition who they allow in, not your opinion on an anonymous chinese imageboard.

She shouldnt be wrestling period while taking performance enhancing drugs...


And proving to fuck up the game. May as well put a tiger in there while their at it.

Or sorry she wasn't assigned at birth she was assigned the moment her sperm cell entered the egg...

Double cuck

Who cares Nobody cares about real wrestling anyway. The more popular fake wrestling gets more crazy than this.