Which Sup Forums idea do you actually believe in real life but would never say it...

Which Sup Forums idea do you actually believe in real life but would never say it? I actually believe meme in pic related is the reality, in all my school years I don't remember even a single case when a Mizrachi kid excelled at anything, all the straight A students weren't even mixed race, and even at sports all the serious athletes were Ashkenazi.

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If you don't share it, you don't actually believe it.

I believe in honor.

We had this same thread hours ago

That's why you're wearing an iron cross on you?


There's "ash" and "nazi" in ashkenazi.
Coincidence? I think not.

you fucking ashkenazis are so hypocritical.
when asked about your genetic relation to the middle eastern land, you say "oh muh ancestors are from the levant, muh ancestors are israelites, muh jewish people are a race not an ethnicity"

as soon as you get a fucking state to yourselves, all you can talk about is how ashkenazis are genetically superior and mizrahis are genetically inferior

pick a fucking side you autistic leftist


Your pic related is only true because all of the shittest Jews moved from mid eastern countries to Israel. Eg. Iranians in the USA, Sephards in France, Iraqis in UK and Turks still in Turkey are rich and successful. Israel took most of the poor Jews from these countries and the intelligent ones moved to western countries.

>muh jewish people are a race
That's a lie though. No one wants/thinks/can really prove it and no one cares.

That's nonsense though. Sandnigger Jews have had more than enough time to become civilized western and successful here, but they didn't.







but u was suckin a nigga dick the whole time

>ashkenazis are productive and civilizated
>rest are literal monkeys
I can't blame them.

>More than enough time

Forced to live in random shitholes while Ashkenazim were favoured. It is also demonstrably true senpai, wealthier and better educated stayed or moved west. Eg. In Turkey poor Jews left because they couldn't afford a tax that was levied on minorities in the 50s. The rich stayed behind and are now moving to the USA and UK not Israel.

productive i agree, civilized........not so much

Are you serious? That's only true on average, and only proves different diaspora groups aren't as homogenous as portrayed to be.

>Forced to live in random shitholes
Nice try, Mizrachi. Russian Jews only arrived here post 91' and they were sent to the same shitholes Mizrachim were sent to 30 years before, yet most Russians got themselves out of there and crawled up into middle class in record time. It's the perfect experiement.
Mizrachim in the cities have exactly the same advantages as Ashkenazim yet they don't do as good, that shows it's they have Arep tier genes.

it is actually true, istanboulite elite is either jewish, or jewish.

>shittiest jew

>either jewish, or jewish

>"serious athletes"
oy fucking vey G-d spare my sides

>Russians are doing well

>South Tel Aviv literally a third world shit hole comprised of Russians and eritreans

> Loads of them not even Jews and many can't even speak hebrew properly.

> Also ignores the vast numbers of Ashkenazi retards who think they still live in 18th Century Poland and the others who like taking out their centuries of butthurt-ness by pretending to be cowboys in the settlements.

Am Armenian m9, you and falestinians are both retarded. Plus you are transforming into Arabs as we speak. You should all take American passports and do a massive population swap every couple of generations, it's not healthy for you to be living here like this.



seriously man, I've seen sephardim here doing layman jobs like construction and alike and some also hold great positions. Ashkenazim on the other hand is either well doing, or well doing, as I said.

>Ashkenazis aren't mixed race

top keke khazar mongrel

don't you have a nigger to get cucked?

shut up donmeh

Kikes btfo by niggers and slavs
What a time to be alive

This is PASTA


ethnic jew:
khazar = turk mixed with mongol
israelite = jews can't even tell if israelites are black or what the fk they even are

pure blood supremacy 101 lol

i'm trying to convince people i know irl that i have no opinions on anything important. tfw preparing for 4th Reich

Highly doubtful of your claim effendi. Jews and Armenians in Turkey are very small in number and are more than aware of the barbarity the mohammden roach is capable of. This means they all have turkish names and would never appear outwardly as Jewish or Armenian as they would probably be killed or attacked daily. As such I don't see how you would be able to say that someone working as a layman was Jewish. There are also barely any Ashkenazis in Turkey but some of your biggest companies are owned by Jews and Armenians although most Turks aren't aware of this and these people will probably be forced to leave soon anyway.

So thank you for proving his point.

I will ask again

Are you an european, or are you a jew, descendant of ancient semitic tribes?

Choose one and only one, you piece of shit.

I fucking hate jews but I don't really hide it

i'm the grandson of an orphan from your shitty europe who got married to some rural muslim family at 16. she still swears in yiddsh tho.

Israel is not divided into


it's actually

Slavic Soviets / Ultra Orthodox / Moroccans

I lol'd


What are you doing there, anyways?

I now a Jewish or Armenian when I see them.

>Can't write ashkenazi without nazi

no this is Patrick

This desu. Delet

This but also Yekkes, German Jews who see themselves as the normies and "whites."

Do jews of different ethnicities routinely intermarry in Israel?

Another question: aren't bavarian jews the true rich ones?

What is their classification?


You are joking at this point right?

jews are masters of meme magic

Jews ARE a meme.

You have been visited by the Eternal Cockroach. Turkroaches will keep posting unless you reply to this post with "roachie roachie don't encroachie"

so that makes

1/7 of haredim
1/7 of moroccans
1/5 of russians
