Feminism by definition

the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

If you're not a feminist, you're a bigot.

Find a flaw with this logic.
Protip: You can't.

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Also, if you ideologically align yourself with that definition, you are a feminist, regardless of whether you personally identify as one.

How does that make you feel?

>equality to men
Was and will never be the goal of feminazis after the second wave.

Literally discrimination

>Was and will never be the goal of feminazis after the second wave.
According to who? You?

What makes you the arbiter of what the goal of feminism is?

>Feminism fights for equal rights for EVERYONE!


>let's pretend a small group of zealots represents an entire movement

classic Sup Forums

not an argument

Feminists still hate low status men though. Their first line of attack against anyone who dissents is either

"hurr neckbeard virgin" if you're a man
or "hurr brainwashed patriarchy stooge" if you're a woman

Fact is women aren't equal, and never will be. They are poisonous.

By that definition I am a feminist, but the people who most violently claim to be are not.


Women achieved equality of rights and opportunity decades ago.

Literally all that's left for "feminists" to fight for is the criminalizing of thought and consequences for their actions.

>What makes you...
Having two feminist seminars in my curriculum and actually having Beauvoir and Josephine Butler for the first wave, MacKinnon and Dayl for the second wave and finaly from the cancerous third wave Judith Butler and Sauer.

Not counting papers from fat and stupid radical american and spanish Gynocentristic bitches.


Cultural Marxism for obese dumb cunts.

>the advocacy of parasites's rights on the >grounds of political, social, and economic >equality to men.
>If you're not a misandrist, you're a bigot.
>Find a flaw with this logic.
>Protip: You can't.
You're right, I can't.

Trips of truth.

>What makes you the arbiter of what the goal of feminism is?

According to anyone who actually reads what self-identified feminists promote and what feminism does. Feminism has never advocated giving up any of the many privileges women receive, they only want more privileges.

Feminists shut down conferences on the male suicide problem, that's why I'm not a feminist.

What has feminism done for men? At all?

They say they do stuff to help men but when you ask what they get all defensive and angry.

>What has feminism done for men?
They enabled the counter movement of gender studies (which isn't only feminism). Unfortunately only the plual gender feminazis are widely quoted in this regard.

Thanks for the pic

>the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
1) Those things are definded by urban centers and usually in the collages. As such, the meanings are slanted with an urbanist bias.
2) "social equality" means jack shit. Its basically a placeholder for any corruption or shitty ideology to grab and claim to represent.
3) Rights are things that you are created with and government can(or can not) protect. "social equality" and "economic equality" are not rights especially when you are referring to the condition of an individual and not a family since a lone individual with only government "supporting" them is basically slavery to the government.
4) Women have no special rights. This is especially the case when those "rights" basically rob other women of their actual rights(eg abortion and anti-family shit) by either killing them or causing undue suffering(eg divorce) by violating the rights of others(eg fathers).

Unless you respect the actual rights of families, then claiming that the blank-slate "rights" you're selectively applying to only women are rights is absurd.

Everything you think is a "woman's right" is basically only for an urban center's benefit. There's a reason why feminists don't give a fuck about forced abortion or about the intetionally-high cost of raising kids in urban aresa. There's a reason why feminists don't care about the suffering of women who are mistreated due to the fear of these fake privileges in the eyes of men.

Women already have rights. "Women's rights" don't exist. They should be called "urban elites' rights" since that's the only group those privileges serve... especially when those "rights" are invoked as a means to prolong corruption, decay, and population control.

>Thanks for the pic
No problem. Make sure to tell all your tumbler friends about me!

>equality to men
Well I guess I'm not a feminist then.

Yeah whatever roastie, you have no power over me.

Nobody cares about your faggotism definitions. Women are for making babies and making the home.

>Lets pretend that a small group of urban elites -- who control the universities' hiring practices and always support urbanism at all costs -- don't define entire movements via chosen zelots

Classic liberal fallacy of division. Face it: leftist bullshit doesn't arrise from the "grass roots"; its created from the top and any support of it is the support of all of it. Its like claiming that the Holocaust wasn't the fault of the German people by saying that most people weren't as extreme as Hitler(but still let him gain power).

>what they get all defensive and angry.

thats because they dont think they should have to do it at all

Controlled opposition detected.

The average person who identifies as a Feminist does not fall under that definition, therefore, it is a faulty definition.

Okay, so we go off and make our own group dedicated to just men's issues...and they hate that too.


Get off Sup Forums and move your ass to the kitchen to make someone a sandwitch.

>thats because they dont think they should have to do it at all
No, its because they don't even care about women. All "feminism" is is just a means of urban elites controlling society.

Its like you're claiming that all cops care about is upholding the law when experience always proves that they care more about targeting certain groups regardless of criminal activity and only serve to protect the legal economic influences of one group while weakening such influences of another(hence why people fund campaigns for police chiefs and sheriffs).

But definitions and logic are colonialist patriarchal constructs you bigot

Define equality. Is it equal rights for equal effort? Because if you think so, a lot of feminists would tend to disagree with you.

Because feminism isn't about protecting the interests of women in the first place. Feminism is just about protecting the interests of urban elites and thus anything that protected/promoted the interests of men - being typically counter to the interests of urban elites - would naturally elicit opposition from said elites.

Take the yellow pill and realize that Neo never left the simulation and you're being fooled yourself. They make up this obscure, meaningless and ever-varrying, definitions and causes as a way of telling you to quit trying to use logic because their control isn't rooted in logical justification.

Arguing logic with feminists is like arguing with Russians: it goes nowhere.

>Wrong reply
I'll go to the corner and sober up...

Real femminism does not exist anymore. Almost every single "feminist" nowadays wants more than men by doing less

So according to the definition everyone is feminist except for people against women's rights but also feminists.

Feminism pushes the lesbian agenda, not the women agenda. Why else are 95% of the leading feminists lesbians?

i dont believe in women sufrage
fuck off

Sounds great if that were the modern definition of feminism.

>Find a flaw with this logic.
Women are functionally equivalent to children until they've gone through menopause. Women should not be voting, holding public office, or working until after age 65.