No rekt thread??????????????????????

no rekt thread??????????????????????



omg... what happend to him???




It's hardly a rekt. In the full video he spins a little bit longer, and then just walks away, perfectly fine.


Oh i see.. Shitty one

god thats hot



This is triggering


"Everyone knew"


iirc the old man had a heart attack on his boat at the docks, he was by himself so nobody knew until a while later

Funny thing is, this is exactly how I'll be found after I die.
>ages later
>nobody noticed I died
>no friends
>family all dead before me

whaaat?? i need blood


evil, unbridled evil

>waiting for OP to deliver

That is some of the cringiest shit I've seen in a while.

"god thats a thot

fixed it for ya


Did she fuck him?

have my upvote

I think this is from House on Haunted Hill or some shit like that

yall know any good sites in this matter?

This man went to to sea to live, he had a good boat and was a very accomplished seaman. He ended up dying from something banal but since he was at sea the salt in the air mummified quite quickly, they say he was dead a couple of months when the ship washed ashore near Greece If I remember, I read the article about him a while ago.

> "upvote"


Nigger's don't care about your feminism

why does the filter think I'm spam?


first time i ever cheered for the nigger

...where are the dying people? is this place is so full of underaged faggots now that they don't even know what rekt threads are?


4th trimester abortion

stupid feminist! i want to punch in the stupid face every feminist alive

You peice of shit. Fucking delete this dude!

Allah Ackbar!!!

nigga got washed for the first time.

>punch someone
>instantly walk away without even looking at them

tex avery stuff right here


Wow such a rekt wisdom oozing out of your post.. such authority.. fucking degenerate complaining that his favorite deviation is not appreciated enough. Fucking clown.



just like this

The same shit again. Fuck off, retard.

go back to redit faggots


Keep your pets on a leash

>hurr durr our grandparents fought in a war
So what?


Unless you're near an elevator


to me is funny they are doing that public me too joke but only aim rich white guys that they probably tease to win something from them, when in reality niggers rape white girls like every single day

how the story end please?!


you know that rekt and gore are two fucking different things right?


Vocabulary of a retard expressing himself in pictures in lieu of words. 3rd world white nigger who by accident found himself in a country with internet access.
Your personal hero who somehow got into the White House despite barely speaking proper English was elevated by you and you kind so no wonder you're illiterate. Arrogant, ignorant, uneducated inhumane Scum.

going to check this

fucking rednecks

dog is clearly moving around, he probably survived, but with a minor chase of choking and the child might have trauma

I love how they already have an Ambulance ready.

>No other male serves or is forced to sign up for draft.
I'd say go eat your tide pods in peace, kiddo, but seems ya beat me to it.

rekt is people dying and gore is just blood. nice trips though

So her point's invalid. If she means current white men, there are still many many many more white men fighting wars. I'm sure 'hey nice rack' is easier to take than a bullet

Holy crap I remember seeing that movie as a kid...I think it was a Vincent Price movie.

I had fucking nightmares about it for years.

hah i like how her hair just flips foward really fast, she prolly got whiplash kek


not really I mean a rekt threat is not necessarily gore dude newfags being doing it lately but is not like a rule or anything


>hey...........little help here

Why is this black dude culturally appropriating Egyptians.


>Vincent Price movie

Well done young man. Classic, acid pool and skeleton marionette setup.

>common sense

Pick one.

cate is kill

i will remember you dude, as the faceless fucking virgin you are

Oh shit Trump is two voters down

Keep and eye on your pets if you're near an elevator

Yes a seaman

You have no clue how much this fucking haunted me....I used to have dreams that I was getting chased around that fucking spooky house. Running room to room.
Somehow there was an old tube radio involved.

time for a history lesson
>first started
>mostly tame shit like pic related
>people started posting gore
>it was a bunch of peoples fetish or something, it got popular quick
>been like that for a year
>summer comes in
>kiddies find blood too icky
>start bringing back cute shit
>and it stuck around for some reason, up until now
so you just came here a couple of months ago and you are calling me a newfag

fucking women are so useless.. just unhook its collar

What is it with women and not being able to care for animals?

read more sartre, cunt.

that's not what it means on Sup Forums

I know...

right? she had so much time to do it also. should have gone for it immediately. Even the dog is like, 'wtf bitch?'

Implying mechanical understanding and rational thinking.

Come on man, you go to a woman for emotional shit.

Women are about as useless as they get.

sadly this guy had to pay for that punch ... equality .


Ahmed is that you?

bubble of priviledge