Just finished puking from a migraine. So does anyone actually know why the fuck this shit happens?

Just finished puking from a migraine. So does anyone actually know why the fuck this shit happens?

No. My physical therapist told me there was nothing she could do. Neurologist just keeps handing out pills. Try weed. I never have because i'm no smoker and it's not legal where I am.

Have you been screaming yelling or doing anything physical too much while having the migrane?

same boat here. second migrane this week. ive thrown up twice already and basically stuck in bed in a dark room

Not while having it but I did a lot of exercising right before it happened

Multiple causes. Could be delayed food allergy, not enough magnesium in your blood, blood sugar, spiritual defects that manifest physically.

I've been having them since 12 yrs on and off, fucking sucks

it tends to be because your hormones are out of wack. that and excessive caffeine or sugar. i get them basically every time i have my period. apparently guys get it worse though...

I take 800 mg of ibuprofen, a shower, then lay down and try to sleep it off. Stress usually starts mine.

Whenever I get migraines it is from mold, has it rained recently where you are?

show bobs

Mold? And no

To much porn and masturbation


I haven't masturbated in a week, too depressed to

>i get them basically every time i have my period


Sorry thought you were asking OP

Just out of curiosity, where do you live?

Yeah I have a friend she gets them too only her ear loses hearing and she very rarely throws up


I fap like mad and never get headaches let alone migraines

I used to get stress related migraines back in school, basically around every big test I'd end up with one.

Learned to chill out, smoke some weed and now I almost never get any.

Probably genetic on some level, both my parents get migraines. I get em, but my siblings don't.

It could be God punishing your for immoral behavior.

Have you sinned in the past few months?

I hallucinate and then lose sight when I get migraines. Anyone else get this? I cant take the fucking pill because of them. Visual aura migraines I think they're called.

>shit happens

i get visual migraines, i legit lose my vision. no pain but its fucking scary.

"Auras"/seeing stars/whatever is usually my first sign of an impending attack, but they usually go away when the pain starts. I don't lose my sight tho, that's fucking terrifying. I have thrown up a few times from it tho.

Yep exactly what I get, bad shit

lsd does great to me, 1 blotter keeps my migraine away for a whole month or two. Without it I get migranious through 2 weeks of each month. But it is kind of a chore buying damn LSD from a dealer, even if I microdose I have to boy from them again because LSD disintegrates naturaly from contact with air, light, etc. even if I kept mine in the darkness inside the fridge. I do not do the 420, but I could try it on the micro-dose level to see if i get better.

>So does anyone actually know why the fuck this shit happens?
Not yet, science still hadn't get it yet. Some say it's cardiovascular, other say it's autoinmune inflamatory reaction, some other say it's bad waste from the mitochondria. Nobody really knows. Bio-molecularly probably it's caused from different things, but manifest as a similar symptom, i.e. migraine. I think it has to do with my seratonine receptors or some shit because ergot molecules really help me. (LSD, ergocaf, NBomes) My therapists suspects it's because i'm somaticizing from my repressed unfullfilled faggot homosexuality.

Btw my triggers are: Stress, glutamate in processed food, chocolate, ripe bananas, red wine, grape juice, cold and stormy weather, UV light, bad postures while at PC, etc...

What I do to be ok?: Sleep well, 8 hrs. Avoid anything stressful, eat wisely so no triggering food, meditate, stop'd drinking alcohol, avoid bad postures, stop'd smoking tobacco, supplements like magnesium, q10, omega-3, etc.

TL;DR: not even nobel prizes know exactly what's going on with migraine and what really causes them, but you can learn how to avoid yours.

I have migraines because of the Atlas on the base of my skull. I practically hurt enough to not remember what I did while having a migraine and most of my migraines last for days... It's not like I'm not functional or dangerous, I just do my work and I don't remember what I did, who I talked (or what I talked about with them), etc.

Muscle relaxants (sometimes quite strong ones) do the trick, but I don't want to destroy my kidneys by talking too many.

Modern medicine has allowed genetic weaklings to breed. You or your parents should have died by age 5.

Mmhmm mmhmm. Too cold, your blood vessels constrict affecting your blood pressure. I wonder if resting your head on your left feels better than resting on your right. Not that your blood can't pump, but theoretically it will pool more on the left as your heart tries to pump up and around.
Resting on your right would ease this flow.
Trust me, my mom took 2 years of nursing school and dropped out cause she got pregnant again. Fucking idiot.

shut up you moronic fucking edgelord

Maybe you’ve been working out too much

Don't be ir8, no h8 m8, not trying to instig8 or exacerb8, not even exagger8. Just trying to talk str8 and st8 that OPs parents aren't fit for reproduction but they had weak genetic kids anyway ands why the world has problems.

95% of people that claim they get migraines don't even know what it means and just have a headache. Most of these people are females. If you had a migraine you wouldn't be posting shit online. You'd be in a dark, silent room with absolutely no stimuli. Take an advil and shut the fuck up, pussy.

That wasn't OP

You saying that going fully blind in my right eye and brain feeling like it's on fire isn't a migraine?

Yes, I am. Again, you wouldn't be on a computer posting on Sup Forums.

i get migraines with aura
i wouldnt be on pc with one


The migraine finished about 2 hours ago

Get a topamax prescription. It's a prophylactic treatment for migranes, and I even took it for a bit. no migranes in a month but it slows down your neurons. If she starts forgetting words or getting dumber, wean her off of it.

Nature is a dick.

Hang in there.

For me and my migraine, the puking means the beginning of the end. It means that soon it'll start to get better. I'll still have what I call a "'graineover" for a couple days or so. Can still feel throbbing when I bend down or cough or shit like that.

I'll actually go literally blind before the headache hits. Then I'll regain my vision but then the headache sets in. Finally, after hours and hours, I'll get naseous and start throwing up, but within the next few hours it all goes away.

One of my pet peeves is when people use the word migraine to say that they have a bad or painful headache. Not the same thing. Not even close. Only those of us that suffer them would understand that though, I suppose.

Ugh, I had juvenile migraines as a child, and threads like these give me fucking flashbacks. Fortunately the only migraine I've suffered since I was about 13 was one in 2005 after a concussion right before I was hospitalized for a subdural hematoma and had holes drilled in my goddamn head. Fuck migraines.

I found having shit in my colon to be a cause, my body sucks in the toxins again whilst I do things.
so having a good shit usually helps me get over it.

I always want to drill holes in my head when I get migrane.

I can see how that became a thing in medieval times

lol, science man knows his shit. holy fuck people are retards

It's because you masturbate and don't pray to Jesus.