White women are the female master race. Prove me wrong

White women are the female master race. Prove me wrong.

Pro Tip: You can't

That's a man.

>inb4 blacked

Certain half-breeds aren't that bad either.

Wonder if she's part native 'murrican or asian.

White women are gross. Asian bitches are #1

Hapas are my fetish

East Asian girls are better looking than white wommenz


>White women
They have cunts.

Who dat again?

Non white girls just can't compete. Thats why they're so bitter.

Olivia Munn



Prove it


If you're gonna cherry pick, you should at least change the filename.

Judging by the amount of whitemen trannies, traps, sissies, what would you say?


Do you think an outer-space alien race would say that white women are the most beautiful?

Master race

Claims white women are best, posts kike slut,