YLYL: Offensive Edition

YLYL: Offensive Edition













Shit I lost












I hate you niggers for posting banana stuff on ylyl threads.

Why can't you be this prevalent with lolis, shota, wwyd, etc.?







Ah yes. Those faggots. Legit stupid people with 0 reasoning.





Your fault for considering /b a place where fair priorities are a thing.




Help me commit suicide




lol i saw how the last thread ended. what like 150 bump asciis?














this thread is actually hilarious. the banana REEEEE is better than the bananas!




There was only 1 guy angry.....topkek






not in the last ylyl. there was some gud autistic screeching.










hate this banana shit




take this one pls, it's good quality.








this is excellent banana edition



yes im tired of that banana everywhere, not fun


Some of these new ones eh pretty lol. Can i repost this on 9gag?



what are we looking at here?