Say you were locked in a room with a random dog, one you've never seen before

Say you were locked in a room with a random dog, one you've never seen before.
The dog seems to have its own enclosure with a button on the outside to release it.

You hear a voice saying "You will be trapped here for just under 20 days, you will be provided water and nothing else, the dog, on the other hand, will be given food as well as long as it stays locked in its enclosure".

"The human body can withstand 3 weeks without food, but it depends if you want to be malnourished and suffer the pain for the weeks and the bodily side effects that will last a lifetime" the voice continues.

"Do you want in the time between" and a counter clicks on, displaying how much time you have left.

What do you do?

Not eat the fucking live dog obviously

Wait a week then some time during the second while the dog is getting fed i release it and proceed to eat what the dog was gonna eat. Since the type of food was unspecified, ill assume its a big juicy steak. That steak should keep me alive for the remainder of the time. After its all over i take the dog home with me.


How long do you think a dog can survive without food?

also way to samefag it btw.


Its a really big steak so I'll probably share. Probably.

1 last meal of dog food to last 2 week with dogs only being able to survive 5 days at best?
What's with the steak head cannon shit.

Thirst gets worse and worse until you die from the lack of water. Hunger, on the other hand, goes away after about a week. Choose wisely.

Oh, and before I clock "Post", is there any way to cook the dog?

I'd try not to drink much so that I can drown the dog with the water I spare.

You never specified the type of food nor the quantity. Also never mention that the dog has to survive. Heck you never even said that i had to survive.

Just an empty room, you could attempt to start a fire if you break a light and burn your clothes?

is there a way to give the dog water

>After its all over i take the dog home with me.

You did.

The dog has food and water in it's enclosure.

"Do you want in the time between" wtf does this mean?

OK, dog is dinner. I'll wait a bit so the last stretch isn't so bad.

then i stay in there for 20 days with water and take the dog home what kind of question is this

A poorly thought out one.

That was always an option, it was more about do you think you'd snap and want to eat over starving and dealing with the long-term effects of it.

i've went a week without eating once and i didnt feel like killing someone to eat it

Hunger pains go away once your body switches from glycolosis to ketolysis. Takes a couple of days to a week. 3 weeks is no big deal. If you're on a paleo or atkins diet you are probably already in ketolysis, so you may not have much in the way of hunger pains.

20 days isn't 1 week.

but its close

This was a dumb thread and OP should feel dumb.

I fast on a regular basis. 20 days is nothing.

I have like 12-15% bf, so I should be good. Eating a dog raw would probably be more dangerous than fasting for three weeks. I might let the dog out to hang for the last couple days if he seems like a good boy.

I like the moral dimension, is it relates to any vegan discussion?

What would be the right thing to do?

Doggo is good doggo. He gets to eat. Who would choose otherwise?