Ask a freemason anything

Ask a freemason anything.
Ill answer what I can.
Also looking for fellow brothers to join in

Fuck off

fellow mason here

Can you levitate?
I met a guy from the Rosacrutians (however you spell it) who said he can predict plane crashes.

How are freemasons connected to the Illuminati? Whats the difference

Is it normal practice to give a free reach around when getting fucked by another freemason?


What was the child skeleton found in one of your lodges near my home used for?

What's the point of the Freemasons? Boy scouts for fat white dudes?

are you really a traveling man?
Not to my knowledge. I am a 4th generation mason, and all my past relatives have reached as high as you can go and have said there is no conspiracy

if have a copy of morals and dogma and am not a freemason, is there anything i can glean from the text, or is it strictly dependent upon teachings at a temple?

delete this.

where is the gold

Seriously looking to join. Why should I?

i see you have traveled some

It was a serious question, although it was pretty obvious it was used for sex while alive but I knew the person who found it so any background on why you'd keep a corpse in a box would be neat

do you believe in satan?

Where is your jewgold?

the point is to learn to be a better person.
I learned to listen before I just open my mouth to spit shit.
Also the worldwide connections are a HUGE plus.
I got my first job out of college because the person interviewing me was a mason as well. There where like 40 other people outside waiting but I got the job because we were brothers

>Also looking for fellow brothers to join in
Ever heard about 2b1a1? You're either a dumbfuck or a larp.

in which direction do I travel?

In your personal opinion *wink wink* are there unseen forces in this world and do checkerboard tiles help you conjure them :)

why the need to eroticize our children?

read this

im traveling from the west to the east

nothing satanic happens in lodges bro

How does that even apply? He said other bros join the conversation, not anything to do with dumb shit

yes. Then welcome brother. What degree are you?


post pic of your dick

Seconded, I want some Masonic dick up in my lodge.

>Hurr Durrr East
>But I don't know why
>Please Master
>Open my eye so I may see
>Reveal the mysteries to me


It's a secluded society of weak men, there's not much more to observe than that

keep at it.

Apologies OP, I understood it as an invitation to other potential 'brothers' to join the craft.

How do you join?

Do you believe in God as an entity or as in something else? Like God is the binding force in the universe? Like hes the force.

Communicating with entities or an intelligence that most people don't know about wouldn't have to involve the mythical satan

Seriously would be interested in joining but it all seems so secretive and selective. How do i start?

did jews do 911?

To my knowledge the illuminati is a fractured piece

It's really not, just google 2b1a1

NEETS without income don't waste your time...

my grandpa was a worshipful master at his lodge outside houston

you must believe in a single higher power.


I'm seeking to join so I can be apart of the Templars, how difficult would that be to get in that?

You don't know what a reach around is... Or understand basic human anatomy.

And how do I join?

>to be one ask one
Has literally nothing to do with anything the OP said.

nope. he died about 10 years ago

>Ask a freemason anything.
>Ill answer what I can.
>Also looking for fellow brothers to join in

You have to ask and not get blue balls

when i went to his funeral, that was the first time id really been around masons.

Do you believ that freemasonry is just seen to be satanic becaise those who do not make the cut are jealous and made rumours?

Why did you join such a pleb-tier secret society?

How old is ur mom bro

tell me all your thoughts on God

How do you do the secret handshake?

You calling my gay uncle weak? I'll kick your ass

It's understandable that someone of your high intellect wouldn't understand the "slang" of the modern generation, but when someone says brothers to another person, they're usually seen as either overtly friendly or a Baptist, so...
user did not understand nomenclature of the Freemasons, no need to be an elitist prick in a religious organization.

I've always been interested in joining but I don't follow any religions. I do however put my faith in the universe as a higher power and it's ability to create, destroy and let life adapt


you don't have to follow a religion. just believe in a higher power, that is the architect of the universe.

>Lizard people

At what level do you get access to the lodge egragore?

Go to your local lodge and apply for membership. It's really that simple. Some roleplayer keeps mentioning "2b1a1" as if this were some secret meant to be written in what he thinks is Masonic cipher, but it's nothing of the sort. "To Be One, Ask One" has been a thing for a long time, and was never a secret. Either ask someone you know is a Mason, or ask at your local lodge.

>user did not understand nomenclature of the Freemasons
Then why attempt to use it?

>no need to be an elitist prick in a religious organization.
Freemasonry isn't a religious organization, I assure you.

Sorry, PHILOSOPHICAL organization; no need to be a passive aggressive douche. And the user didn't, he was fucking confused, just as 90% of the population is on what the fuck Freemasonry is.

what do you think about Plato?

No I'm calling him part of a boys club for pedophiles. There's a good chance I did kick his ass though

How do you feel about the profane goy knowing your biggest secret (flat earth and that nasa is a giant hoax) ?

>no need to be a passive aggressive douche
No one's being anything of the sort. Sorry your feelings got hurt.

0/10 needs more democracy

A: What exactly is a free mason/what do they do.
B: How does one join?
C: Can you leave?

My feelings aren't hurt, your manner of writing just gave off the impression of your normal tone of speech. Sorry if I was misled.

How old is your mother?


How long do you think the craft has left? Declining numbers, aging membership, and a general disinterest in advertising isn't exactly a good way to keep Grand Lodges open.

A: mainly fundraising and community support
B: go to a lodge and ask to join
C: yes

>while in college I applied and they said no
>graduated got a job and I was welcomed

as long as u have a job and no criminal history (not talking about speeding tickets) I'don't see why they would say no.
Getting referred by 2-3 bros won't hurt. I talked to my girlfriend's dad when I noticed his ring.

How many children do you Freemasons rape on your altar?

Is Hitler a Freemason?

serious hard did you get hit with the hammer?

what are the risks/rewards?
what are the obligations/advantages?


So it's the final level of white privilege?

Seems a bit... anticlimactic doesn't it? Like in pop culture and such they are seen as some godly secret organization.

black people can join too you ignorant prick

Happy to meet brother.

You'd have to be an actual retard to think white old Mustafa in a clown car is some godly information holder


Hitler was not.
In fact he rounded up the Freemasons with the Jews and sent them to Concentration camps

Depends on both the jurisdiction and the "local politics" as to whether or not black candidates are accepted into "regular" lodges as opposed to Prince Hall. I'm a Mason in Indiana, so maybe my view on this is a little slanted, but it's a thing nonetheless.

welcome brother.
those are shriners. they are just basically the drunks of the masons

Generally speaking the Masons are just a bunch of old guys who like ritual and hanging out with one another.

The definition of "secret society" doesn't so much mean "international conspiracy" as it does "this is none of your business, piss off."

So why is it called a secret society when it just as easily be called a "closed society?"

Don't know. Why do non-Masons call it a secret society?

not a mason, but anyone with common sense will say "because it sounds cooler"

I guess that, as per usual, the public is fucking retarded, and can't do a simple google search.
Yeah, it is cooler, but if they don't want newfags, why even bother with having such a public image; why not just say that it's a spiritual club where everyone gets to feel good?

Are there any trans black asiatic woman in your logia