A storm is coming

A storm is coming

who doesn't love a storm

the homeless and those living in rural plains

Am I the only one that thinks this movie was better than T2?


Sup Forums consenus is that it's better than T2


>Sup Forums consenus

Does not exist.

You're not, and wrong.

>The Fascist Fuhrer Drumpf has just won, World War Three is coming

How would you guys know, T2 isn't out yet.

shut up, we are comparing to a situation, not the actual fucking date.
By the way, the metaphor is accurate, aumatisation is your enemy since how else are you going to make money?

I think Genesis was better than T1 and possibly even better than T2

My life has been idling towards the great happening of our time. My destiny will soon be fulfilled.

I want to lick her eyebrows so fucking bad

that pick for ZARAH CAHNNA' wasn't so much bad. Kyle Reese's in 5 was though. Emilia was in the ballpark, but that Kyle Reese alone exterminated the movie.

so cute

No you don't.

she might be a chubby marshmallow but she is so fucking qt. would definitely marry and feed cake.


I always love this shot at the end.