I'm no muslim, do try and prove that god exists and that this one's bettar

I'm no muslim, do try and prove that god exists and that this one's bettar

Since you are making a claim (a "proposition" philosophically speaking), the burden of proof is on YOU to prove it (e.g., it is up to YOU to prove that "God exists"); it is not on those who do not believe the proposition, to prove a negative.

You cannot deny this, escape it, try to reverse the burden of proof, or do anything else whatsoever.

You aren't allowed to say, "prove me wrong". This is a fallacy and is prohibited in discussions of this type.

YOU have to provide proof supporting the claim that YOU are making. People who don't believe the claim DO NOT have to provide evidence.

I'm sorry if you don't understand this basic principle of philosophy but it happens to be fundamental to epistemology (Google it if you don't know). If it were otherwise then people would believe in all sorts of idiotic things from pixies to unicorns to "a Giant Teapot orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter". The default position is NOT to believe claims until they are supported by adequate evidence.

Either provide convincing, objective evidence (note that references to ancient holy books do NOT count) that "God" exists (and then... "which God?"), or your claim will correctly be disbelieved by all the rest of us.

Have a Nice Day!

kek, go on

If anyone had a good way to prove that god exists, it would be well known. It isn't well known, therefore no one has a good way to prove that god exists.



first thread wasn't enough?



christian god and the islamic god are exactly the same "thing"

The jewish god as well.

no, it wasn't enough for that greenflagfag

THERE IS NO GOD.. nufags will nufag


kek plus ultra

Christians believe Jesus was God. Muslims see Jesus as a prophet. Yes indeed the same thing lol


Cool english nigga

Andrew WK is not a blonde muslim.

Would you deny that Jews, Christians, and Muslims all worship the God of Abraham? Would you deny that Christians are a people of the book?

If so, then you are an apostate and no Muslim. Christians worship the one God which is Allah, but they are mislead in believing that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is God.

You tried to sound smart here but fucked a couple things up, user.