It wasn't supposed to be a documentary, folks.
It wasn't supposed to be a documentary, folks
Why do politicians always say "folks"? It sounds odd and archaic.
so true LOL
it's a warm word, pure folkino
omg why did we vote for that orange IDIOT V___V
What else would they say? Lads? Champs?
The problem with that analogy is that the future world that it depicts was a nation united in stupidity and only needed information to get them past it. That doesn't look anything like the world we are living in.
Senpai obviously.
This comment wasn't supposed to be a documentary, folks.
>the future doesn't look like today
No shit, Sherlock.
>Implying you wouldn't vote for the greatest movie president of all time
beat me to it tbhq
ayo lil nuggas
Yeah it was.
go away r/Im14AndDeep
I actually can't believe America did it. The absolute M A D M E N. I hate Hillary as much as the next guy but Trump is a fucking cartoon character. This is truly a glorious time for both memes and shitposting. I am shedding tears.
I do. Yesterday was the best day of my life.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums win
folk off bitch
We have a retarded intern at our office who makes the same idiocracy jokes. Is this you kenji?
Also, the sweet, sweet tears of the left.
why what happened
Fuck off Adam it's not me
I can smell Australia from behind this comment
>mfw 'murikkkans voted a meme as president.
top fucking kek
The next few years are going to be hilarious...until Trump crashes the world economy and Russia invades half of yurup.
itt: sweet tears
ahah trump is so stupid xDDD
we're all going to die xDDD
>Russia invades half of yurup.
Their economy went to shit during oil prices drop and it didn't improve since. They wont invade shit.
Trump won
we /reddit/ now
>voting for and elected the corrupt, SJW-pandering feminazi war-criminal was the SMART thing to do!
how did that make it the best day of your life
>not living in a part of the country where "folks" is a common piece of terminology
Sounds pretty sad. Inner-city shithole, huh?
nice meme!
So you elect the corrupt, fear-mongering corporate criminal instead
>and Russia invades half of yurup.
Why would this happen? I thought you Europeans were all little badasses that could defend yourself without American shouldering all the NATO burden?
I fucking hate hats
What was the meaning behind this phrase?
Why do plants love Brawndo?
Nice SJW mem-word. Stating that "illegal immigrants and terrorists are bad for the country and we shouldn't let them in isn't "fear-mongering". It's Logic 101 to anyone that isn't an SJW.
>corporate criminal
Not that either. The fact that he's successful shouldn't make you so mad, Hill Shill.
>Why would this happen? I thought you Europeans were all little badasses that could defend yourself without American shouldering all the NATO burden?
Sure we can, US doesn't need to lift a finger.
At best Putin will try to repeat Crimean switcheroo with baltic states. He won't go soviet style zerg rush.
A shitty life.
The irony of the fact that Liberals love this movie so much because they think it agrees with them is that Liberals have done more to damage public intellect and reduce intelligence in the younger generations than any other group in history.
Common-Core, lowering testing-standards so stupid kids could feel better about themselves and pass, mandating that college-graduation requires bullshit classes on "Feminism" and "Racism" in order to pass rather than useful informative classes, replacing more qualified college professors with under-qualified female and non-white ones just because they provide a "female perspective" or a "black perspective", lowering the GPA required for a student to get into college if they aren't white or asian, banning intellectual discourse on campuses because it's "hate speech", etc.
All of these were implemented by angry, misguided liberals and has greatly reduced the intelligence and critical-thinking power of the next generation. I just hope we can wise-up and reverse it before people get too stupid.
I'm not even a hill shill, but at least a republican controlled congress could prevent her from going too far. Who is going to prevent trump from shitting all over the America?
He's going to be an avenue for corporate corruption straight into the White House with his ignorance of politics. He's not even a good businessman or successful, he's just slimy.
Stop trying to explain away how much of a pussy you are because you're afraid. Waah the big bad terrorists are making me so afraid, better pull the covers over my head.
kek wills it
>but at least a republican controlled congress could prevent her from going too far.
Meanwhile she was going to stack the Supreme Court with moon-howler Liberal progressives that could and would veto any common-sense legislation for the next generation.
>Yesterday was the best day of my life.
I'm so sorry
>He's not even a good businessman or successful
do you expect your life will now change?
American fundamentally disagrees on what is common sense, but instead we're going to get the most radical conservatives in generations trying to turn America into their Christian paradises. Clinton was barely even left, she's more republican than democrat.
And now we've got someone that's going to set back foreign policy and probably allow Russia to gain power because of isolationist ideals. Congrats, comrade.
>Clinton was barely even left, she's more republican than democrat.
She's whatever Saudis pay her to be.
>trump burgers are the best burgers that ever existed
>they're a pile of shit
Having trillions of businesses isn't a sign of being a good businessman actually.
wow, how pathetic
>American fundamentally disagrees on what is common sense
Actually it doesn't.
Typically, with the issues that the Supreme Court vetoed/declared "unconstitutional", the public was in almost whole agreement about them and the Supreme Court just said "no", and since they have the power that's what happened.
Case in point: 80% and upward of Americans believe we should have Voter ID Laws to stop Voter Fraud:
The disagreement typically among the American populous.
It's BETWEEN the American populous and a tiny, tiny group of wealthy, insulated, powerful and overall extremely liberal people in positions of authority.
Yeah why not?, it can't get worst.
children think idiocracy became real at trump
adults know it happened with obama
>implying trump isn't just going to let the Russians walk all over him while our oil prices go up because he can't keep his mouth shut and tries to actually do shit to muslims
I wish more people would understand this
my dudes
>Clinton was barely even left
Militarily maybe.
Socially she would have waves of men fired and replaced with women in the name of "Equality", illegals granted total amnesty and all firearms confiscated if she could.
>we're going to get the most radical conservatives in generations trying to turn America into their Christian paradises
The modern definition of "radically conservative" is politicians saying "the Women's Bathroom shouldn't be used by men, even if they are wearing dresses" and "a bakery shouldn't be utterly destroyed because they politely declined to cater a wedding that disagreed with their values".
I think we'll live.
That survey is more about illegals than it is about voter id and whether it is morally correct. Should illegals get to vote? Of ducking course not. Should an America citizen be forced to pay for an id (if they don't have a driver's license) to vote? No. I thought republicans were for less government brosef.
I hope you're right lad.
>Liberals are now COMPLAINING about the idea of American Isolationism
You people literally can't be pleased.
What is hyperbole, Alex?
Clinton doesn't believe anything strongly. She'll do whatever gets in office and whatever keeps her there. She's a puppet with money up her ass.
It was a meme for Republicans to blame Obama for things he had absolutely no control over. How long before Democrats do the same thing with Trump?
>>implying trump isn't just going to let the Russians walk all over him
With what? What kind of leverage Russians have over Trump? You really think Putin's gonna tweet at Trump "small hands" until he got what he want?
>Militarily maybe
She wanted to instate a no-fly zone in Syria and completely destabilized the ME as Secretary of State
>The "Dude, Liberals don't have any convictions"-meme
Yes they do. Believe it or not, politicians are often motivated by things other than money.
Case in point, many Leftists are guided by a flawed sense of what's right and a drive to help the "underprivileged".
The idea that a politician will never do anything based on personal beliefs or dogma is an insipid farce.
Trumpet has already said he wants to see roe v wade repealed.
Also, that a key should be utterly destroyed if they can't do what's best for their business, including shutting the fuck up and serving fags. That's fucking capitalism. Except they could just say no, they're not required to give a reason at all. If they choose to turn it into a soap box about how wrong the gays are then they deserve to be tugged down from that soap box.
>that a key should be utterly destroyed if they can't do what's best for their business, including shutting the fuck up and serving fags. That's fucking capitalism.
Then why did the government step in?
If what they did was SUCH a bad business-decision, why couldn't the government just let them fail?
>If they choose to turn it into a soap box about how wrong the gays are then they deserve to be tugged down from that soap box.
So basically you're justifying government destruction of business because a business said something you don't like?
Get fucked, fascist.
I'm liberal and voted Trump, fuck Hillary
>tfw we knowingly elected Biff as president
>/po/ is shitposting on every corner of the site to rub it in
What an awful day to be alive
I'm not actually sure the specific event being referred to now, I thought we were talking about a hypothetical where a business fails because locals cause a fuss. But again it depends on the business. Essential services shouldn't be allowed to refuse anyone but nobody except government officials should be forced to hold a wedding.
t. Sup Forums
Got to hell and take your memefrog with you
Give it a year
Sup Forums will become the left they despise now. the mememen have already started pretending to be libtards on Sup Forums and Sup Forums
(You) was the biggest mistake besides /qst/
Registered democrat that voted for Trump here. Fuck the bitch.
How many people who voted for Hillary actually supported her and her policies? Take out the people who voted for her just because she's a Democrat, just because she's a woman, and just because she isn't Trump. How many supporters does she have left?
>tfw in distant future instead of dollars with presidents protraits you'll have (You)'s with pictures of frogs
Doing God's work, Gentlemen.
Because of your actions, Democrats might be forced to host a worthy candidate in the next election.
Kanye 2020
kek demands it
go away Sup Forumstant with your gay hipster music
Sup Forums is our sister board, redditor
Sup Forums is the worst board. I can't wait for it to be deleted.
Our fate was sealed when Social Media, socjus and dudebro "culture" became a thing.
In other words - 2007.