Are actual girls' sleepovers they way some guys envision them...

Are actual girls' sleepovers they way some guys envision them? I thought they consisted almost entirely of girls sitting around on their phones until my girlfriend told me different.

>My girlfriend told me she went to her friend's sweet sixteen
>Long story short, her and her friends twerked on each other, had pillow fights, drank vodka, and made out
>She is fifteen and her friends are all fifteen-sixteen
Pic unrelated

Probably, a lot of women are willing to fool around casually with the same sex like that.

Why do so many girls deny it? In conversations I've had/overheard with girls I'm not with, the girl usually says that's some weird "male fantasy". Are straight girls actually that experimental? I wouldn't be down to kiss or do anything sexual with another guy.

It was the same thing for me and I am a boy. That's just called being a teen. Hormones and curiosity. I mean, I also got into deep shit for getting all the girls in my neighbourhood over and making out with them and dry humping them, but that was my pre-teen years...

what did you do? Play halo and jerk off to facebook?

It's because not everyone is like that, but also not everyone is also NOT like that. There is no such thing as a 'normal' teenage experience. It's literally the most chaotic and confusing time of any humans life. This is why teen movies like Breakfast Club DON't have a room full of the SAME FUCKING PEOPLE and is seen as authentic.

In the few sleepovers I've had we just played video games and shit-talked each other.
>Is it weird that I'm not bi-curious? The most sexual experience I've had is a handjob from a girl, I've never done anything with guys

This is very insightful, thanks. My gf is a straight-A student who plays sports and does student council, etc. but is a little on the crazier side when it comes to this kind of stuff. Maybe I fit stereotypes more than most.

It's a common thing for hormones when you're younger to make you do dumb things, is the facts.

It's the people that follow stereotypes that have the hardest time understanding the norm, ironically. As an constant outsider myself I am always trying to figure out what the norm is, you don't. You define the norm, even when you're being a deviant...

I live with a 13 year old girl who has sleepovers frequently. They mostly pig out on doritos, binge watch something terrible on netflix, and talk shit about other girls/plot out ways to destroy them.

Definitey not something you'd want to be around.

So am I out of the ordinary? I haven't really done anything crazy. I'm 15.
>I've never drank alcohol or done any recreational drug. I haven't even tried weed yet.
>The only person I've kissed is my girlfriend, who is my first and current one. I met her in sixth grade, we started dating after eighth, and we're both in our sophomore year of high school.
>The only crimes I've committed have been jaywalking and piracy.
>I've never snuck out of my house.
>I've never been to a party.

I've never believed stereotypes are true most of the time, but yeah I see what you mean. Maybe fitting into one kind of skews my view a bit.
>Focused almost entirely on school and vidya
>Only somewhat athletic

You're fairly normal. Most kids aren't out doing drugs and partying. Plenty are (I was one), but most aren't.

This is exactly what I imagined them to be, I thought all girls' sleepovers were like this

Ya, I've kind of had to block out the fucked up stuff I've done in my life, so to be honest we're not as different as you think. Fitting into society is more than what you've done as a kid, but also about how you were raised, your parents, your brain's own chemistry, and so forth.

After all of that bullshit I've done, I pretty much was on house arrest playing sega and shit and never did anything till I was in college...

I'm 23 and I've never drank or done drugs, been to a party, or been on a date. You're normal faggot.

What's stopping you in your adult life? I stay away from all that for fear of disappointing my parents/getting in trouble.

I was just quiet and shy in college. Now that I've graduated my entire life is working a job I hate to stave off homelessness.

I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you can find happiness soon. Given my age I don't know much about being an adult but once you get some money saved up, you can start doing more of what you love and less of what you hate, right? After the student debt is paid off I'm sure there will be less financial pressure on you.

Nope, you are gay

>I'm 15

I knew someone would say this kek, go ahead and report or type "MODS MODS MODS"

>I'm 15

There's the motherfucking problem with this board, right fuckin there.