So, trump wants to ban assult rifles, ban guns for people under 21...

So, trump wants to ban assult rifles, ban guns for people under 21, he called members of congress pussies because they're afraid to stand up against the NRA, and said guns should be removed first, and have due process done second.

How does this make you feel?

And people thought Obama hated guns. Lol

I'm starting to enjoy the taste of right wing tears. This is funny. I actually enjoy shooting, so I'm glad to live in Canada where the gun grabs of the RCMP have been modest compared to what's coming for you jerks.

that's pretty dope tbh

He changed his mind depending on who he spoke to last and what's popular. I expected nothing less.

This must be tearing the trump base apart. I love it

Sounds like he's gearing up for reelection.

>republicans will vote for anyone so nothing he says can stop them from reelecting him
>trying to garner support from "centrists"

trump went for that cheap pop

Centrist here, still won't vote for him


He's cooked.



he said purchase. not ban. jesus you fags....

He supported hardening background checks and banning bump stocks, that is ALL

he supports them alright... By literally revoking hardened background checks for people with mental health issues. Damn you trump worshipers are fucking retarded.

I think it is fucking hilarious. I'll be good reality TV for a week until something else comes along.

think russian bots are blasting these on Sup Forums and other right wing places.

you didn't read the text from todays meeting:


Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court. Because that’s another system. A lot of times by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early. Like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida. He had a lot of firearms. They saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. You could do exactly what you’re saying but take the guns first, go through due process second.

Trump was just awesome today:

President Trump:

But it would really be nice to create something that is beautiful. That works. And you know the biggest thing, Chris? The biggest surprise to me. I’ve only been doing this two years. Three years now. Time flies. But I’ve been here for a little more than a year. What surprises me more than anything else is that nothing has been done for all these years. Because I really see a lot of common ground.

Democrat, Republican. I’m so surprised. I’m sitting here and I’m saying, there’s a lot of commonality here. A lot of people are agreeing with pretty much everything you’re writing. I don’t understand why this hasn’t happened for the last 20 years, nothing has happened. So we’re going to get it done.

Yup, nicely quoted. Heard him say this shit on Colbert. Hilarious! Huge! Biggest gun grab ever!

Well I live in CT so those have been the active laws for a good while now. I had to prove I was a good boy both legally and financially (costs almost 400 bucks said and done for a pistol permit) to get guns. I could care less if the feds match some of the stricter laws here. You can still get ARs here, though they are banned, it just costs more to find a pre-ban. And if all else fails, just get your fucking FFL and be above all the bullshit bans and restrictions.

ITT: "right-wing" hears what "left-wing" has been saying all along- Trump is incompetent.

Hey fucktards, every time you say “assault rifles”, you are talking about something that DOES NOT EXIST. AR stands for Armalite Rifle.

You fucking morons probably call suppressors “silencers” and magazines “clips”.

Just fucking shut the fuck up if you do not know what you’re actually talking about.

That's clipazine, you worthless fag. And mufflers, like Hiram Maxim intended.

Makes me feel like I'm listening to another lying kike on Sup Forums right now. Any more questions?

>You could do exactly what you’re saying but take the guns first, go through due process second.
Someone needs to explain to Trump how due process actually works.

he lost me when he canned Bannon. I hope the next few years are total shit for him and i'm giving up hope on this faggoty place. I'm leaving to Argentina in a few months. Have fun being ruled by libtards, jews and turncoats.

Trumpettes will latch on to ANYTHING to not see the writing on the wall. Your hero doesn't care about his base. The red meat is just that, bait to get you frothed up. Trump only cares about Trump. He will say, and do , ANYTHING to remain relevant. Trump has always been in it for one guy, DOnald Trump. Trumpettes are salty that all that time, the years of support they gave, the money they poured in. The hats they bought. It's like back in the 90's when you had all these loyal Cleveland Brown fans, just raring to go for the new season, and then the team fucked off to Baltimore in the middle of the night leaving the fans high and dry. Trumpettes are Browns fans, but with shittier hats.

And a shittier team, if that's even possible.

Leave faggot, Nobody needs a sensitive snowflake like you anyways. Your safe space has diminished.


All Trump is doing is alienating his base. He won't garner any converts with this move. I'm happy he's doing what he's doing, as are many libtards like me - but none of us will ever vote for him.

It's hilarious how slow moving and quiet this thread is.

Faggot Trump supporters have nothing to say. I fucking love it.

im not even angry at defectives like you anymore. i'm just sad that we took the one chance to get our country back on track and threw it in the toilet for the sake of multiculturalism.

but hey, if you guys are alright passing laws that fix nothing and ignoring real problems just because they force you to realize the rotten truth that we aren't all created equal, go for it. This is what will kill you though.

Check out /k/. These idiots are trying to stir up open revolution and getting no traction. It's almost cute, how naive Trump fanbois can be.

Yeah? What are the real problems and how do you propose fixing them?

Realistically, please. I know that's tough for your ilk, but genocide is kinda off the table.

>i'm just sad that we took the one chance to get our country back on track and threw it in the toilet for the sake of multiculturalism.
The fact that you think this is what's happening shows how worthless to us you are. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

I hate illegals and uncontrolled immigration but also hate trump and his base as well.
Conservation is cool and all but we shouldn't regress. We have to progress nonetheless.
I want a center figure who respects right wing ideologies and stop the immigrant problem in a more distinct and decisive way while showing enough care for it.

every time we show you stats of black-on-white crimes, you freak out and blame it on something else. every time we show you transgenderism is just a treatable mental condition you celebrate it as diversity. every time we show you how much power jews have over the media and the subjects you think and talk about and how you feel about them, you make jokes about it and ignore it.

so, fuckit. just keep ignoring the obvious reality of how fucked you are. give up your last line of defense against an invincible authoritarian state, and enjoy finding new ways to explain how its not your fault that the house is burning down.

>im not even angry at defectives like you anymore. i'm just sad that we took the one chance to get our country back on track and threw it in the toilet for the sake of multiculturalism.
I hate faggots like you who acts like the country got aids during the obama era and trump was the only remedy for it.
Immigrants were always there and will always there as long as life exists.
The point is that immigration in itself is not a bad thing as long as you only let in decent and bright ones. It is a fact that we started to let in utter trash as well so they spread a bad smell now. We need to get rid of them but we need a decent leader who can actually do it, not a populist one who just say whatever the retards want to hear and all.

Im in CT too. Whatchu doing up at 4 AM nigga

stay mad shitlibs! 7 more years!

Lulz, fuckin love it , so much for Obama taking your precious guns away, you voted for this bipolar dumb nutcase , now he is actually gonna take your guns away , smiling so hard rn

Do you need help packing? I don't want you to delay your exit.

Rural people and the poorly educated shouldn't vote.

no, youd fail that too.

I think you have it backwards, kohai.

Lol love it !! She is giddy!!

You seem to fit into one of those 2

Yep, an old animal being led to slaughter.

Actually assault riffle was a term weapons manufacturers came up with to sell fancy semi automatic rifles.

people will just buy guns illegally or make them so who cares

no she’s just so pleased with trumps new gun control stances

Believing any of this is gonna change is just you being delusional.
You never believed a word outta trumps mouth, but you believe this?

When they aren’t they callled assault pistols?

>trumps new gun control stances
Being this retarded and short sighted.

Like the Hitler I wanted elected. Fuck gun rights for non-whites

Well she has to take happines where she can get it now that her days in politics are numbered. The party has refused to endorse her in the primaries for the next midterms.

And then America would actually be made great again.

Let's hope he's in the neighborhood when the next mass shooting happens, so he can proof to us he's braver then all the cops together and walks into the building were the shooter is, completely unarmed...


>implying the president has the power to do ANY of this.
>also implying everyone on the rigjt or left only have 2 viewpoint that never differ. We are adults and can handel different views

Did you read the EO he reversed? Guess not

>y, those are $0?

The hubris here is immeasurable. Talk about voting against your own interests. For 8 years all we heard was "Obama gonna steal my guns!" but of course nothing happened because that was all just FOX fear-mongering. Are you guys convinced yet that you'll do whatever FOX News tells you?

Good point. Where the fuck is Sergei, our pro-Trump Russian shill?
Shouldn't he be in here replying to everyone with "Sure Kid" and "stay mad princess"

>Shouldn't he be in here replying to everyone with "Sure Kid" and "stay mad princess"
Its amazing that they still get so many replies with such obvious shitposting.

Shit, even Hillary wouldn't have gone this far. Trump really is unpredictable, maybe he really does have dementia?

The right can't decide now whether to be Pro-Trump or Pro-Gun. Since you can't be both anymore. They've been scammed by the world's biggest scammer and they were warned. Now their brains are melting, it's pure cognitive dissonance.

Lol it’s all a smoke screen. Thrump will never do anything

that just sounded like a whole lot of absolutely nothing and rambling that is at best marginally productive to the gun debate

>how trump treats the people who voted for him


Nobody should vote. That way the elections do not need to be rigged anymore.


>Implying you know how greentext works
You don't

Trumpcucks are backpedaling all over the chans about this. They're trumpcucking still, even defending Trump over his gun control measures. It's truly bizarre how stupid the trumpcuck mind is.

Please good sir, I need the source for my studies

Trump has been cucked by the NRA, he won't agree to anything more than a bump stock ban (which the NRA is ok with anyway being as they don't sell well). Drumpf has been bought and paid for by the National Retard Association and won't sign any meaningful gun control reform. We need an assault weapon ban, age raised to 25, full and complete background checks, required license to own a gun and stricter laws on carrying, restrictions on how much ammunition a private citizen can buy (allowed to own no more than 50 rounds per weapon etc) and additional license to buy and own ammunition. Also we need to ban all hollow point and armor piercing ammunition.

sure kid
no source
stay mad bitch millennial

sure kid
stay mad

cry more bitch millennial

wow no source
weak bait

no source

sure kid

just love all the salt from the republican snowflakes

fake news bro.

trump puts deals like this on the table not cause he means them, but because he wants to prove that the left are intolerable assholes that won’t accept anything from him... he’s proving they just want to hate cause it’s him

this you?

>trump wants to ban assult rifles, ban guns for people under 21, he called members of congress pussies because they're afraid to stand up against the NRA, and said guns should be removed first, and have due process done second.

Sounds reasonable to me.

stay mad kid

weak bait

she still lost child

sure kid
stay mad


sure kid
cry more

sure kid
cry more

stay mad princess
because thats what you are
a princess

LOL not mad, this is too much fun to be mad about

so weak
stay mad princess

You must be fuming inside about Trump about to take away gun rights.

this retarded

this weak