2000 - Simpsons show Trump running for President

>2000 - Simpsons show Trump running for President
>2015 - Trump becomes President

Everyone who is posting that is retarded the clip from the Simpsons is from 2015

>being a gullible nigger

Where do you think he got the idea to run for president?

1. Your pic is from 2016
2. Trump has been saying for 30 years that he would run for POTUS
3. This is a PR stunt by the shitters at the Simpsons to save their slipping ratings

and you think they used """digital""" animation in 2000?

yeah they didn't switch to digital until 2001 I believe

This wasn't the episode.
The episode is set in the future and about Lisa Simpson becoming president. They just mention the previous president, President Trump, having ruined the country.

>2020 - USA needs to be bailed out by China

>grew up in a two-story house
>mother a full time homemaker
>played an instrument as a kid
>dedicated student
>only sibling is an older brother

Is she the black Lisa Simpson?

really fires the ol' synapses.

>only sibling is an older brother
>only sibling
>Is she the black Lisa Simpson?
nigga, did you just forget about Maggie?

well shoot me in the dick

America signed up to become the UK 2. They're collapse and lose their power. They don't create wealth.China creates wealth. Get used to being a second class power because that's all America can become now. THey create NOTHING for the world.


Maggie isn't human though.

we all know Maggie ends up slutting around and then getting shanked by her pimp

I'll add yours to my rather large collection of internet prophecies.

I guess everyone else should be happy then, since you all have been telling us how much you hate America for years.

just a coincidence

>2. Trump has been saying for 30 years that he would run for POTUS

This. I know Sup Forums is probably 15 yrs old on average but he's openly joked about this for ages and started seriously saying it in the 2000's. They even did a Comedy Central Roast of him centering around it.

>and started seriously saying it in the 2000's
He literally ran for the president in 2000.

technically he didn't because he was never on an actual ballot.

Springfield's answer to a question nobody asked

>The American people aren't dumb
Haha, showed her.

how fucking embarrassing

I just heard Lady Gaga is buying a train. Fucking psychic simpsons

.t Ahemd Mohammed Derka Derk