Amy Schumer responds


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Who gives a shit.

>she actually retweeted that fake quote




Isn't Amy fridge-scooper suppose to move to Canada?

How fucking dare you?!?

>First of all the interview where I said I would move was in London and was said in jest. Not that anyone needs more than a headline to count something as official news. Anyone saying pack your bags is just as disgusting as anyone who voted for this racist homophobic openly disrespectful woman abuser.

>Yes this quote is fake but it doesn't matter

Lol she acknowledges that it's a fake but of course you would be too lazy to read anything which only further proves her point.

Thank you America for providing me with a 4 year supply of salt and kek.

She writes like a middle schooler

>anyone who asks me to follow through my commitments is literally hitler


Why is her grammar so bad? Isn't she a professional?

The thing is now that the left can joke and joke and joke, but Donald will ALWAYS have the last laugh. I bet that's what sickens them the most.

What was this from again? I recognise it but I can't remember.

>implying I give a singular fuck about what Amy Schumer has to say on anything.

Thank god. I don't want her anywhere near me.

her post


That'll do, pig.

>let's give this whore the attention she wants
Fuck off



TL;DR. Is she moving somewhere to be a hermit or not, that's what I wanna know.

is called lying. nobody has time to read that wall of text, and even if they do it, there's already a memory of the fake headline. she's even crying about some misinterpreted headline about some bullshit she actually said.

lol of course not

Since when do facts matter to liberals?

They have no control over their emotions, and it governs all of their choices, political and otherwise.


>Even though I made a big deal out of it and was adamant about it until the end,I won't be moving! I was just joking LOL BUT FOR REAL I'M SCARED OF MEANIE TRUMP


The fucking irony, leftys are literally immune to reality.

Dumb bitch, I have 6 firearms, I don't need some crooked granny to "protect" me, Fuck off to Canada , or better yet move to Mexico if you like them so much, see how long it takes for you so be fucked to death by rabid dogs!

yes, because conservatives voted for Trump out of logic and not just anti-establishment bitterness

I love how every drama queen failing celebrity is trying so fucking hard to get their slice of the pie from this pageant show mess with their woeful, poorly written diatribe on some social media outlet desperate like LOOK AT ME THIS IS ABOUT MEEE.
Imagine being pathetic enough to clamour like this to scrape some modicum of notoriety from the bottom of the barrel by blowing the whole thing up into literal apocalyptic prophecies and condemnations against their 'enemies' like they're at the fucking Nuremberg trials.

>mfw Trump's first act as president is running over Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham with a steamroller.

Hopefully making reading Huffington post and similar sites a criminal act in the US

>implying that's not a good reason
You're out of the job CTR, you can go home to the shed now.

She probably typed that tipsy on wine and with tears osbcuring her vision.

>somehow found a way to play victim again

they voted from trump because he said he will reopen charbon mines that got close because muh environnement

just as expected from all these fake celebs saying they would leave the usa.

>Yes this quote is fake but it doesn't matter.

The credo of the modern liberal, particularly the entitled white woman.

Friendly reminder Amy and her sister used to steal from departments in New York and return the items for cash, got caught, and instead of going to prison, got off with mischief specifically because her second cousin once removed is a senator.

She's a privileged lying bitch who plays her own words and actions off like a joke while demanding a fake quote be taken seriously.

The saddest part is, she and people like her are a huge reason Donald Trump is in office and she's too stupid to realize it.

Even if you don't visit Sup Forums you've seen dozens of their .jpgs with fake, slanderous quotes about this or that. Any Trump supporter complaining about this should be given brick sandals and dropped in the pool; doubtless they have folders on their computer comprised mainly of fake history, fake facts, fake quotes that they shamelessly repost ad nauseum.


Liberals lie, but lying is the entire platform of alt right.

>alt right

Hasn't your pay cheque dried up yet?