If God exists then why do bad things happen?

If God exists then why do bad things happen?

Watch the movie "The Brand New testament"
It's literally all about this question.


Because without bad there wouldn't be good you moron

He's fuckin with ya!

hurr durr

low quality bait

The Bible makes it pretty clear that God is evil.

Hi user,
Hope you are well and that nothing is distressing in your life.
From a Christian perspective.
Your are presupposing that God is "good". But God is just God. He is the creator of everything and things like good or evil are human ideas based on this life we have.
God created everything including man and woman. We have the ability to think for ourselves. And because of this we thought that we could become god when Eve and Adam ate from the fruit from the tree of knowledge, when tempted by Satan.
That disobedience separated us from God and He was forced to kick us out from "Eden". Because God is Holy and we were no longer holy due to disobedience. And from that disobedience, people have been singing ever since.
I hope you find some meaning and truth. Good luck.

to thicken up the plot

Bad things exist because of God, like when he did shit like rain fire or flood the earth or birth a son just to murder him. Without god there wouldn't be any good or bad things, just a bland boring existence.

If you'd like to know more, just look literally fucking anywhere.

>He is the creator of everything
>things like good or evil are human ideas
Yet God still punishes you for the "evil".
If the very concept of evil is solely our idea, why does he punish for it?

There wouldn't be any good bad things, nor any bad good things either.
We can tell from Mary that God appreciates a hot 13 year old girl; so he's ok in my book.

God punishes for sin, not evil. Humans tend to consider things like rape and slavery as evil, while god encourages those things.

He didn't even need consent first.

You are an interesting person.
Keep up the good work.

>have a good childhood
>grow up and realize everything is an illusion and life sucks
wow, that's c ool

If god is all good he cannot be all powerful, if god is all powerful he cannot be all good. Where was superman when my daddy beat the fuck out of me?

Well god seemed to be a bad father too so he was probably cheering your dad on.


Only humans have the concept of "right" and "wrong". Nature doesn't know that. What you see as bad someone might see as good and then there are cases of necessary evil etc. It's a broad spectrum


You might want to read

We would cease to have free will if God corrected everything for us.


It's not really free will when the penalty for not telling him how great you think he is constantly is eternal burning.

You could go with "God works in mysterious way", but no, you had to use that shitty meme.
If everything bad is a result of a free will, mother nature should not be able and willing to fuck you up at any point, and it is obciously both able and willing. So your argument is kinda shit.

what makes you think you are so important that god would stop bad things from happening to you?

get of your high horse faggot

>kiss my ass everyday & I MIGHT help you
>no guarantees tho
>I'll definitely burn you for all time if you don't tho
Our God is a loving God, truly.



why would he?
After two world wars, do you think he gives a shit about us?

also who started the meme of "god is loving"
folowing the bible he killed 99% of humans in a fload.
he burned a entire city and transformed another one into salt

It is said in the bible that god exhibits these values.

All of which makes it far more mysterious why everyone is always so eager to kiss his ass & sing his praises all the time.

If he has all three of those, it's DEFINITE proof that he's an unmitigated cunt, and most likely completely psychotic.

Good read user

well, you are using human morals to try to understand something that is bewond human perspective,

if god exists and he created the world the way it is., for him that is the definition of good. and trying to change it would be the definition of evil

is the same argument about how the universe was made. its a usuless information cause it will not chance anything and humans cannot replicate it on a experiment

The definition of usuless information.

I don't like being alive
I have mental issues
I want to die

>it on a experiment
We have been slamming atoms together for over a decade, mimicking the big bang.We found the higs boson. We know the big bang happened because the WHOLE FUCKING UNIVERSE is moving AWAY from the SAME SPOT in the UNIVERSE.

Also read

We've really got to do something about Amy Schumer

i've read it
doesnt prove anything

>i've read it
It unequivocally disproves gods existence, using the words in the bible

Because humans are garbage, he's just trying to take the trash out.

>It unequivocally disproves gods existence
Bullshit; all it unequivocally disproves is that God is a benevolent being.

let me get this straight.
>god loves us
>god does not love us enough to give us the ability to become as powerful as him
>god has given us free will
>except for the choice of going to heaven or hell
explain please

Read it again, follow the flow chart, its made for bible thumpers like you, its easy to read and follow. god cant exist from the same words that describe what a god would be

what a book writen by man is wrong about something


>its made for bible thumpers
>like you
Oh how fucking wrong you are

Then explain your god without using anything listed in the flow chart.

He created existence exactly as it is because he's fucking psychotic, and egomaniacal.

>transformed another one into salt
He turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt so he could orgy with his daughters. He didn't turn a city to salt.

Then why does he have a "heaven" in which "good"(deemed on his chart of morality) people aspire to go to, and a "hell" where those that go against his teachings go for their "sins"?

Why do people spend all their money and all of their life trying to appease this "bad entity", across every religion? If that is the case, why would the bible or other books matter at all in life?

this is why people prefer to pick quran.


but that is doctrine user, it's not qur'an.

free will

You can get away with literally any sin as long as you ask him to forgive you & tell him how great he is every day... EXCEPT the sin of NOT telling him how great he is all the time.
Heaven is a yes-men convention that constantly brownnose him. Hell if for those who don't or can't.

The bible is a control mechanism for man & governments, and it works because humans fear death, and love the idea that they'll get to be happy forever, and see nothing proving or disproving it absolutely, so they go along.

imagine living in 2018 in the most advanced time ever and still be religious. why dont you beleive in santa, OP?

That is LITERALLY written in the quran.
It cannot be more basic or simple for someone to understand

> literally
Those sandnigger also LITERALLY hijack Airplane from an high security first world airport, organized with 3 simultaneously operation, and fly it through the building and razed it into the ground, which also coincidentally razed the neighbor building, just by being how effective islamic prayer is.

me iz god
tuk want stop to bannana
tuk want topkaks ylyl bred

It's also the same Abrahamic God.
People fighting over & killing one another in different variations of his name REALLY gets him off.

I'm tired of seeing all the moronic answers inhere... it's stated directly in the bible that god left humanity to be and fend for itself after the flood. So there's your answer, he doesn't care for his pet project anymore

well i'm going off,

incase you actually has interest to fill more, this is how proper muslim behave in distress.




Your 13 years old traits showing.

Show me in the book where these are no longer listed.Show me what has replaced them.

You can't

My favorite part is that god is "all knowing"

So he knew adam/eve would eat the apple, and set them up for failure... what a fucking asshole

>durrrr out of the 4,200+ religions mines the real one durrrr

you found that on a facebook page with a name like "American patriots" didnt you?

Found it on Sup Forums back in 2012

bruh, God controls good and evil. did you even read the entire bible before posting this?


search for Theodicy on google and you will know

the book of Job is the bible's answer to that question, and it isn't very good

>y, those are $0!?

becouse humans keep fucking up