Whats so bad about Hillary Clinton sending a few emails from her blackberry?

Whats so bad about Hillary Clinton sending a few emails from her blackberry?

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I'd like to pat Tomoko's head.

She kept an e-mail server in the bathroom of her home and had classified information on it including the names of CIA personnel working overseas

She's a traitorous commie for having loose lips

The private server was used purely to circumvent Freedom of Information Act subpoena, which all properly stored documents on a state department server would be subject to.

In other words, "Fuck you, I'm above the law."

Wait until the FBI publishes all. The foreign payments to that cunt through the Foundation is what will ruin her presidential run and disgrace her for the rest of her worthless leeching life.


>a few


>mfw that tweet isn't real
this meme magic shit is confusing

me too



aw, that picture is adorable

>>Whats so bad about Hillary Clinton sending a few emails from her blackberry?

>Be traitor; see cremator
Because she's probably doing it so foreign agents can intercept her communications. On purpose. And that's treason. She should either be executed or be thrown in prison.

>You got the lazies? You'll push up daisies.
But even if she just did it to make it convenient for her, the outcome should be no different. If she really loved country, she'd do whatever it takes to keep America's secrets. But it seems her convenience is more important than keeping America safe, so she should go fuck off
>to prison
>or to the grave

No amount of vagina-having will excuse you. At least she should own up to her mistakes and take whatever punishment is meted. That's the least she could do, and to show that women could be adults too and be responsible for their own actions.


What effect do you think open criminal behavior by a countries leaders Years and years of lawlessness? Hint, people think the laws are fucking jokes and you don't have a society you have a mob. Seeing the picture yet?

>thinks a tape ruined nixon's presidency
>doesnt know nixon had his goons break into democrats offices

its like you never took a history class before.


Shut up and read this one.

All official emails are supposed to be archived, but she was sending classified information and otherwise secrets over unsecured channels so that they would not be archived and the public would never know.

For one thing, she was violating the law which is reason enough to indict her. More than that, she was intentionally hiding information and interactions from the government and from citizens so she could operate in total secrecy which is pretty fucking bad. On top of it all, she did this POORLY and even though her actions were kept secret from us, foreign governments and random hackers have already accessed her server and archived the entire thing for their own uses.

She's incredibly stupid, a criminal, a traitor to the country, and just generally not a very nice person. She represents a political establishment that operates above the law, and this behavior allows US officials to directly meddle in the affairs of foreign countries without leaving hard evidence. The conflict in Syria is not a civil war, it is a bunch of US-funded mercenaries trying to overthrow the legitimate government.

It's not just that; the Clintons have a history of scandalous behavior.

>what's wrong with selling state secrets
>what's wrong with just handing them out to any remotely competent script kiddie