Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

why are you patrolling the mojave? there can't be anything there but the stray mexican

i was just about to start another playthrough of this today

Tried to get back into 4 yesterday, couldn't do it

I'm stuck in limbo between the perfect rpg, yet clunky shooter that is new vegas and the excellent shooter, yet glorified grindfest that is fo4

I hope project mojave is actually finished at some point

the only way to enjoy 4 is mod the piss out of it and enjoy the good fps handling while utterly disregarding any idea of role playing beyond the gear you're wearing

I suggest installing increased spawns and shortened cell respawn timers, plus better locational damage and using weapons with stupid high damage output for an almost "realistic" shooting experience

and by stupid high I'm talking like an automatic AR with ~80-100 dmg per round, get in firefights with 10-40 raiders/mutants at 100-200 yards. shit's cash.

Fuck NTC! Was stationed in that shithole.

Instead of project Mojave they just need to re-make the game for the new generation , keeping true to the old game with the new style of combat , graphics and voice acting while keeping all the Dlc. You know how much of a killing they would make?

yeah i had a long buisness trip in 2016 still havent picked it back up again. never finished the first playthru.
just got new vegas again after having gifted it to my neighbors daughter who has a 360 but no games for it other than the free to play downloadable crap.
she rescued it from the trash and knew i am a computer nerd and asked if i could fix it up for her. i did and because it was also her birthday present to herself i went ahead and threw in new vegas. happiest 12 year old girl i have ever met.
no there is no nasty stuff. we baby sit her from time to time.

The only way I could enjoy fallout four to get a fuckton of building mods and then go into god mode and build ridiculous fortresses.
I forget what it's called but there's one where you can make your own synths. That was pretty cool.

>be me
>console fag
Are there even decent mods available on PlayStation?

Same didn't even finish the story. Got bored


until u develop some kind of heart disease with no one to operate u because everything has been bombed to shit, ok

Fuck Trash Vegas. The WORST fucking Fallout game to date.

im only gonna say this once. hand over the sugar bombs, smoothskin

Pathetic Bait

Newfag reply. lmao


lol. Projecting much there newfag? Go eat your fucking sweetroll and let the adults handle real fallout games instead of that trash bankruptsidian puts out. lmao

Oh man, you've been here a while

>saved the thumbnail
Quality joke

We are region newfag.

i didnt put it down due to boredom. sure i was frustrated and the game had permaglitched my save file so i couldnt kill off the institute but i was still having fun with it.
i had to put it down because i was going to be gone for 9 months and couldnt take the system with me.

Literally HAVE to be on rec doses of amphetamines (100mg+ Adderall) to play Fallout 4....and sadly admittedly, any other fallout...I just overplayed the living fuck out of them all. And yup I have alllll the mods, Game was great but I have to be on some kind of drug to play it anymore, sometimes being stoned but only for a half hour tops, xanax with amphetamines proves most effective but is losing its touch because theres just hardly anything left to do that I havn't already done countless times. Shame.

Look, I love NV. I really do. But it just isn't worth playing.

Got it on 360 when it first came out, loved it but it had so many fucking bugs with saves that it was a miracle I managed to finish the main story line. Forget multiple play throughs for different experiences. Didn't touch it again for years.

A few months ago it was on sale on steam with all the dlc, so I decided to jump into it again. Main story runs fine, maybe a few loading screen freezes but it's manageable... until I try playing the dlcs. Stuttering out of nowhere is common, but not game breaking. But then there's Utah. Mother fucking Utah. Can't walk half a mile without the game breaking. Gave up, haven't touched it in about 4 months or more.

im sad for you haveing to do drugs to enjoy the game.
personally i prefer a lesser drug. alcohol.
being drunk and playing a faf (fuck around forever) game is great.


they couldn't fix the bugs even with access to the source code. Fucking weak on Obsidian's part.