I have a rare congenital disorder called radioulnar synostosis...

I have a rare congenital disorder called radioulnar synostosis. It essentially means my two forearm bones were fused together during pregnancy and I am unable to turn my left hand palm side up. I'm making this thread to see
>if any anons have this/know someone with this
>to see whatever rare irregularities anons have
>ama if you want to

Here's an xray (not mine) of what it looks like

Can you fap without pain?

Can you falconpunch?

Are there things you cant use your fucked arm for?

Does it hurt?

Tried breaking it and putting it back together?

How does it feel to be a mutant?

What if this is the first step for mankind to become mermaids?

Kek I can do both. A lot of people born with radio ulnar synostosis have it on both arms, I only have it in one.
>I've jacked off with my bad arm before because I try and pretend it's not mine
Doesn't hurt but im pretty certain ill have arthritis later in life because of the strain I put on it. I can do 95% percent of shit without it looking irregular

How did being pregnant make your arm bones fuse?

I mean mermaids are ok but I'd prefer a different mythical animal if I will lead the evolution

Google congenital

Don't start with your furry bullcrap
i like foxes tho...


Does any of your relatives have the same condition?

What movements you can't do?

Non that I know of but, statically, I'm sure somewhere down the line an ancestor of mine had it

All the motions that involve palm side up in one hand

So you can't beg...

I got that shit on both my arms, thought it was normal until I turned 11 and knew I was different.

Never was
Finally someone else that has it. How much does having it in both hands frustrate you

I learned to live with it, but of course I still have problems during various things.

Good man. Moving shit and getting drive thru change sucks

Yeah, it's fucking awful, so many people complained because I can't receive change properly after I pay for something.

I only have it in my left so I just reach with my right. Still awkward though

I knew someone with this in middleschool.

I have to look like a beggar just to get change, friends are having a laugh over it.

It's shitty any annoying especially as a kid
Kek yeah I know the feel