34 year old

> 34 year old
> kissless virgin
> no friends
> bad relationship with family
> minimum wage job
> chronic illness

How do I get my life back under control?

Go to school make money. Money will solve all of your problems

I went to university for a long time. But because I was an idiot as a youth, I got shit degrees.


you are defective and must be eradicated...or else adapt and prove your worth...

Well, at the moment is does look like my lineage ends with me.

>save your monies
>invest in bartending school or real estate licence, serf safe, or something. Shit at least get a job as a waiter so youre not getting complete shit pay.
>save monies
>research investment opps (forex, options, amazon business, etc)
>when enough money saved, pull trigger and invest
>get rich (relatively)
>use money to get healthy
>develop yourself and become someone who others would want to be friends with/date
>have friends, be rich, get girl

>>when enough money saved, pull trigger and invest

I have around 10k Euro saved from when I had a better job. Most of it is invested in funds. Getting rich from that is however not that easy.

>>use money to get healthy


>>develop yourself and become someone who others would want to be friends with/date


What's your chronic illness?

Crohn's disease.

Shit. That's a bad one. I ferl you bro. I think that all change begins from the inside and you probably already know what areas in your personality should be improved. Start with the easiest one to change and go on from there.

I have no idea how to improve my personality.


>take a belt, make a loop and tie it off to something like a doorknob, chair back or bedpost
>put your head through it and have a seat
>enjoy the sweet embrace of death
You only need like 2kg (4.4lb for you amaricunts) of pressure to cut off the blood flow to your brain, rather than the much greater force required for the far more painful conventional hanging
Life is shit, its best you take others with you; but suicide is ok too.

Shouldn't you faggots be at school/in bed?

Careful with that edge Eugene.



You go out on your own terms.
Take your life in hands and euthanize yourself.

then continue?!

if you get enough money you can do whatever you want and since no family, no boundaries and responsibilities

in the meantime go to gym and get a decent body as hobby (and learn languages, to train your brain even further)

it'll help you get things in some short of order
then when you'll have a decent body and salary, you can pay for girlfriends, fuck them, have fun.

i have been there, done that
set goals and then reach them

I'm 36 and I don't even understand the desire to have friends now.

All people do in your life is presenting new obligations. I see people as children who need to be babysitted. You always have to spend time with them, entertain them, god forbid you are boring and not entertaining enough.

I don't know, the cons of having people in your life outweigh the pros for me by FAR.

Do a natural deep detox protocol, rest some weeks, do a candida cleanse protocolo, resto some weeks, make an autistic parasotosis protocolo, restsome weeks, do an morguellons protocol , rest again, start a fisical activitie tha you found fun, martial arts, dance or somethong. Start arnolds ereth muculess diet & study tibetano tantra.

>then continue?!

I was thinking about going back to uni to study something else. But that will be another four to five years wasted.

>in the meantime go to gym and get a decent body as hobby (and learn languages, to train your brain even further)

I go to the gym regularly but I have problems building muscle. Pic related is the result of 90 min gym every second day for two years.

I have no idea what half of the words mean.

you already have a decent body, nice
just keep up the good work

yeah, more 4-5 years wasted but its worth it trust me, i went the same way
otherwise its more 20-30 years wasted with minimum wage lol

think about it like you have to go to nazi deathcamp for 5 years but then heaven will come in form of delicious food, things you like and juicy pussy

just keep being nice*, fixated on the goal and it'll come

*i mean being nice that (when you'll reach your goals) dont be a fucking jerk to women just because you were a failure and got rejected all the time - because it was all your fault.. we love to blame others for your problems but its all inside us. but you dont have to feel depressed about this, just keep your chin up and walk towards that nazi deathcamp, be a new man with decent salary

and when you can buy the company of women never look at it as a bad thing.. we are socially retarded and since we are lived like this 20+ years, its hard to change.. you dont have to.. just accept the roleplays

with all the good money you'll make (since no family) you wont have anything else to spend on anyways so dont be greedy and want women to like you just because you are a good man or bullshit like that

sorry, english isnt my native language and my thoughts just flown about this topic, didnt even read what i writing haha
but i hope you get the point, i was like you some years ago

I can't build muscle either. Don't know what im doing wrong. You look pretty good tbh mate.

Thanks bro.


>how do I get my life back under control?
You could start by not posting this stale-ass copypasta yet again.

That's always me. And it's true.

Your English is fine, don't apologize man.
Over halv of Sup Forums browsers cant speak a second language, be proud of yourself .

You too OP. stop feeling sorry for your self and get off your ass. life is just a series of experiences, and you are in charge. If you want to do something, just fucking do it

I sincerely hope you can grow some sort of beard.
user, if possible, grow a goatee, buzzcut your hair, lose some weight so you're like... at most 20lbs overweight.

Congrats, 16 (or whatever is legal) year old girls love you now.
Grow a full beard if you prefer older women but I warn ye, older women (ie around 26+) are brainwashed cunts in western society - barely legal teenagers are able to be taught good female behaviour.

Oh Euro? What country, user

>I sincerely hope you can grow some sort of beard.

I cannot grow a beard. And I posted a pic of my body here. My BMI is 22

>Oh Euro? What country, user



I just saw your picture, user.

Start lifting weights - not even heavy ones. Maybe 5kg to start with and in a few months finish with 15kg. Just to get a it more fit.

Then aim for whatever is legal there. I think 14 is?

Also why not take up an apprenticeship? Doesn't Germany have those?

>Start lifting weights - not even heavy ones.

I've been lifting for a few years now. But I reached a plateau for most exercises, and only experience very moderate muscle growth.

Huh, well then. Flex more in your pictures.

In either case, go after teenage girls that are legal and get an apprenticeship

Take up running?

I do run once or twice a week. Around 10 km. and I climb / boulder regularly.

bmi is irrelevant in a vacuum. Things like body fat to muscle ratio, general digestive health (does your shitting look healthy, or is it diarrhea most of the time), and general response to physical effort (easily out of breath, ...) are more important, as they give precise pointers over which areas of your health need improving.

You can cheat out a good bmi by just starving yourself. You can also have a good bmi while having 100% body fat, in which case, you might as well be obese. Though I doubt that one applies judging from you pic. If it does though, try to shift your workout towards something that builds muscle?

OP explain to me, how the fuck are you kissless viring, i am fat ugly fuck and i was still able to get action by age of 15, are you evading women on purpose or whats the deal?

afaik, apprenticeships in germany aren't really valorised. Taking it from a country not too far from it, it's basically the thing where you put students that don't do well.

The good part about it is that if you do an apprenticeship and are motivated to do it, you have basically no competition, as the bottom line expectation would be "flaky student". However, this also means that people create apprentice positions mostly because they are required, and try to milk them as much as possible in opposition to actually taking up an apprentice in the hopes of teaching him to be good at his work.

I'm fine in all these respects.

I've never evaded women. But there was never any woman attracted to me. I guess that you actually have a decent personality.

Fuck these guys, money won't make your life any better. Just start doing drugs, smoking weed everyday, getting drunk and smoking some crack now and then makes being a deadshit pretty alright

"back under control"?
has it ever been under control?

(except the digestive part, but that part is a tough nut...)

Idk how stable financially you are, depending on that, you could use some up to all of your time to do volunteer work. If you could do it full time, I think Germany should have enough opportunities with all the jazz with refugees. If you only have limited amounts of time, try joining a club/association in your area. If it's a small town/village, there might be a voluntary firefighter corps, which also tend to organize different events (Burgbrennen would often fall into this, or a yearly Ball they do for fundraising purposes)

Make them attracted, dude you are making it harder than it is


I'd roll an alliance hunter

It's gonna be rough

>Asking advice on Sup Forums

Are you crazy?

with this attitude, dont overthink it so much, just go out there get your goal straight and go for it

with a decision.

To me, your situation is hopeless: you're too old, but still, if i were you, i would improve myself. Not in order to attract people, but to become valuable. How ? Structure your mind, reading philosophy. It takes time to train and structure a mind, which explain why i think you're hopeless. If you begin to think corectly, you'll make right decision. Give yourself intelligence. The rest will follow because your body is totally decent. More than decent i'd say.

rent a truck and drive over as many people as you can

OP here. I've always enjoyed reading ethics and political philosophy (Mill, Russell, Rawls, Habermas, Parfit, Williams, James etc.). I have no idea how that would make me more attractive.

In addition, I have no idea how one could read philosophy and think that there is one way to think correctly.

Anyway, please suggest some literature.

When i say "corectly", it doesn"t mean there's one ideology to follow. I mean "being able to think logically, rationally. Not being confused by implications, reverse implications, correlations", etc. When i talked about philosophy, i had in mind an epicureanism approach of life, of ethic. It make one put things into perspective, think higher, have a wiser approach of our society, and of how this society transforms us.
I hope i am understandable, not easy to explain as i'm not a natice english.

do you ever get high as shit nigger from poopsmoking butthash? i think you should consider it cause i was once like you at your age and i started poopsmoking cause some black guys from my neighborhood would always pressure me into buying some from them telling me ''it gets you high as shit nigger''
then as i looked at them puzzled they'd go on telling me that when you smoke weed, it gets you high
but when you poopsmoke butthash, it ''gets you high as shit nigger''
then i gave in and never turned back since then
weed is really for fucking pussies and only real man poopsmoke dankass butthash boi

I am certainly able to think logically - maybe even too much so.
Beyond that, I find most Greek philosophy pretty fragmented and incomplete at best. There are e.g. so many much more shaped out teleological systems of thought in modern Western philosophy.


>faggot detected

or just save up some money, go to mexico, get high, fuck bitches and start war with some drug cartel

if our life is worthless and dont even want to improve it then whats the point anyways

you sound like a perfect candidate for Sup Forums tbh

I would consider myself centre-left.

ok dude...do i need to tell you the story of the little engine that could?

Never heard of that story.

Are you drinking protein? Are you doing the right workouts and switching them up everytime? These are dumb questions but some people are dumb so I’d ask. Eat lots of protein after you work out. Do chest/tris one day back/abs then biceps/shoulders. It took forever for me to get the right routine and eat the right way but it’s possible man. This was probably garbage info but don’t give up. Oh and don’t skip leg day.

Look up some jordan peterson videos

>Are you drinking protein?

I supplement protein and generally try to have a protein rich diet and be slightly above my TDEE.

>Are you doing the right workouts and switching them up everytime?

I usually alternate between chest/shoulders, biceps/back, triceps/core, leg, balance / hand sessions (the latter to improve climbing)

As a reference, this was me two years ago.

Join a local association, sports club, church (if religious) or something like that. Meet people there who may give you the opportunity to be their friend, partner, or trainee/employee.

my future

I am in a sports club in addition to the gym. Also did lots of courses (most recently cooking and yoga). Unfortunately, just being around new people doesn't mean that friendships form.

Where are you from?


It's quite the opposite user. Younger girls are more corrupted, but they become more mature as they grow older. Obviously.

Mal dran gedacht, ne Lehrstelle zu suchen? Man hört ja jedes Jahr wieder, dass diverse Betriebe keine Azubis finden. Damit wär zumindest mittelfristig das Geldproblerm halbwegs gelöst.

>I would consider myself centre-left.
Also CDU? :D

Wise guy

>Money will solve all of your problems

It may not solve all of them, but it will solve some and keep other, different problems at bay.

Shoot up a school

He's from Germany, he won't be able to get a gun.

Ich habe drüber nachgedacht. Es ist aber schade sich einzugestehen, dass all die Jahre Uni umsonst waren.

>being a virgin is the worst of your problems

No idea man except get mo money.

How is it even possible to be a virgin in 2018?
It's easier then ever to get laid bro.

OP here. In my experience not. Even Tinder didn't work.

Was haste denn studiert?


Woran ist's gescheitert?

Übersättigter Arbeitsmarkt + unzureichendes networking.

Verstehe ich das richtig, dass Du einen Abschluss hast?

Ja. Sogar Doktor.

Das passt jetzt irgendwie nicht zu weiter oben "But because I was an idiot as a youth, I got shit degrees", denn mit schlechten Noten kriegt man ja keinen Dr.

Schlechte Noten wären "shit grades". Noten waren gut, das Feld ist einfach übersättigt und super kompetitiv sowohl in academia als auch Industrie.

Eine Lehrstelle im Bereich Labor, Medizin, Ernährung usw. würd ich als Arbeitgeber einem Dr.rer.nat. nicht anbieten.
Wie wär's mit einem Master in einem verwandten Feld, das aber doch weit genug weg ist?
Oder wie schaut's aus mit dem Lehramt? Manche Länder haben ja Lehrermangel und stellen Externe ein. Chemie, Bio, Physik und Mathe bis Mittelstufe sollten ja kein Problem für Dich sein.

Hab drüber nachgedacht Statistik zu studieren.


Meinst Du, die Statistik wäre weniger übersättigt und/oder kompetitiv?

Als Biochem. Sicherlich.