God here

God here.



With an abundance of information available and accessible to virtually everyone, why are people so divided these days?


What u eat for breakfast lunch and dinner? D-d-dad

send earth to the sun

Also why am I still awake?

bad management
or over management
end goals are obscured
or clear to some
but unrelayed to others


Will this be trips?

I can't do that
at least I'm not going to

Meh, I'll take it.

you should read until you sleep
or listen to your favourite lullaby


Can you let me win lotto tomorrow? I need it. Gonna take over the world n stuff

What uhh kinda pizza

Please give me Loli dream tonight and good food dreams I’ve been grinding

What's the deal with airline food

Did he do nothing wrong?

How do magnets work?

What are you going to do after Die Antwoord? Really dig your production.

Can this be trips?

because most of that information is irrelevant, and filtering the relevant information out of that huge pile of shit is too time consuming.

This is why we have captchas to train AI

only if you're young and have your whole life ahead of you
house supreme
ugh I'm busy
is that joke? Idgi
he did everything wrong
Why are my 4channers listening to Allah?
keep asking till someone answers
you'll see
stop that

funnily enough, the magnetic force often does no work at all

what the fuck is your problem

trips of truth
people that fuck with my planet


Here's what Allah has done:
Gay marriage
Gender fluidity
flat Earth
Autism i.e. letting in unscrupulous souls from around the universe
I want him to retire or leave earth


Why did you make us humans instead of sexy animal people?

hey spiderman, ill help you out with my god killer

Hey user
I invented Spiderman
you're violating him

when will you take me from this planet? i hate it here, the system is rigged and i dont want to compete in this ratrace

Give me 100 years to fix it
if you still don't like it
ask me again
and I swear I'll put you somewhere nice

put me in the void

Can you make Meghan Markle shit herself at the 'royal' wedding?

actually you can now stay in dreamland until the next big bang
is that the one with the nice ass from the previous wedding?

No, she's the wog marrying the ginger one.

are you afraid of me?

Yo, where are the new patch notes. You released 4.72.04 last week and we still haven't heard anything.

why do niggers exist like whats the point

oh the TV personality
nah I'll pass
why u such wanker?

cause niggers are the worst thing to happen to civilized nations

Africa had the second civilised nation Egypt
before Italy
After China

