What do you think happens after death?

What do you think happens after death?



Hot fudge enemas

I want to be cremated then have my ashes transferred into three separate objects. These objects will carry my essence. I will give these to my kids. I've been an occultist for all my adult life and my remains should have some sort of power.

>kids either sell the objects off or store them away in the attic somewhere, because dad was weird.

Hopefully I'm remembered as jolly old soul and tales are told and laughed about over good ale

Cellular necrosis

I've posted this before.
Think the brain has a data dump and shuts down. Life replayed. You feel euphoric and think, awesome death is great. But then give it another minute it all shuts down completely after processing all that information. then there's nothing, and it's forever.

Kinda like
> driving to work, thinking about what you'll have for lunch
> get t boned at intersection by a truck
> hear car and bones crunch
> still concious, body is 12 different types of fucked up but no pain yet, still in shock
> Now things start to hurt, realise sitting in warm goo, cough up blood, see bone sticking out of arm.
> aware people trying to get you out
> cant make out what they're saying their voices trail off things start going black
> feel jolt your heart has stopped
> darkness gives way to light, warmth, good feelings
> See when you were a kid, playing at school, running in your backyard, eating ice cream, going on a road trip
> Then high school, kissing a girl, being in a fight
> Literally entire life replaying
> Another jolt
> You're in a field, your 1st doggo there to see you. Off in distance see shapes, family friends who have already passed
> Concious thought you can join them and start a whole new experience here or 'go back'
> going back would be good, but will be massive painful recovery, nah it's all good, God, whoever, I wanna stay here thx
> Woot woot I'm dead but it's actually ok, this place is so nice!
> So warm beautiful
> Go to join family
> start walking over
> Things getting heavy
> Now stuck cant move like being in molasses
> Colours out of whack
> Annoying buzzing
> Doggo has gone
> Things start whirring around
> nothing seems right anymore
> Goes dark, scene returns, goes black again
> Cant see anyone
> Feel panicky
> Huh? What gives? Not cool, I want my family
> Brain now completely starved of oxygen
> Goes dark, shuts down, like turning off a monitor
> Its permanent
> No more brain activity
> The end nothing ever happens to you again in any realm

Exactly this!!! Glad someone thinks like me.

You will learn the meaning of life


Yeah I think it's sad in a way because people have NDEs and come back reporting real nice warm shit but I'm sure it's just the brain releasing mass overload of everything. If you come back at this stage you'll think everything is great when you die, but if you stayed dead things would just power down and then there's nothing. It wouldn't worry you though because you would no longer be concious. Like before you were born.

Remember what it was like before you where born? Of course not. That's how it is when you die.

I wonder how long it'll actually feel once our brain starts to deteriorate what if 1 second becomes to feel like a 100 years. What if a thought becomes a new life as we deteriorate and when that thought "dies* it'll do it again. So basically you divide yourself(What you currently perceive) into infinity.

Eh maybe it's just me? or not

you get to Equestria


Lol, no one would turn up to mine


Ultimately the memories / thoughts you have are limited by the speed of electrical impulses through neurons, (about 20 - 30m/s) so I think you MAY experience some sort of "life flashing before your eyes" scenario, but it will eventually stop

complementary dubs

If nobody showed up, who would let you down into the hole ? Duh !

obviously i'd build a robotic and automatic rig to lower the casket silly
>living in 2018
>not having robots to do menial task

Touché, that fancy machine demands planning and investment.
Let's make those funerals as unpersonal as possible.

People die when they are killed.

you're in for a surprise


Mind. Blown.


The world ends

The mortician screws you in the ass!

you'll hear a voice yell FATALITY


Right about most of it except the wishful bullshit about "life replayed" quit trying to appease your own self, realize reality, your entire being is nothing but electrical signals.

You what what happens? In that story? Conscious, then you realize the situation, you cough up blood, then you go into a coma, which your brain puts you in, sleep state, irrelevant data based on your recent experiences, then your bodily functions die, blood stops flowing oxygen to your brain, your brain realizes your body is not getting oxygen so it wakes you out of coma, but being unable to properly execute any function, your vision if your eyes isnt already closed, blacks out, and all bodily functions seizes to have any energy to do anything and so you lay there, inside your mind, realizing your death (if your brain is at this point not damaged in any way) while unable to do anything, and slowly your brain over a matter of 3-5 minutes starts to shut off functions, causing you to go "retarded" which is the point where if you were woken up you'd be alive but braindead. Or atleast mentally disabled. And then, as the last light of energy exits your brain, you simply seize to be. Nothing. And never again will be. And should your brain somehow get energy again, it would just be an identical clone, due to your neural pathways being formed. And no, there's never some dumbass "life passes", and people who say that, is the people whom in the moments where they realize their death, start thinking about those things, which would be a natural conclusion. Now grow up, the world is cold and dead, and so are you going to be one day, completely. Life never ends pleasantly, there is no such thing as a good death.

If you're in God's memory, more life. If not, nothingness.

Probably a mix of these. You're both right

Part from marriage.