Why do people enjoy their work?

Why do people enjoy their work?

Most jobs suck, i don't have passion for any of it, and all i hear is "Do what you love " , "You have to find what you love", etc...

Everything i did made me miserable, being unemployed makes me miserable, i trying to learn some skill to sell myself but constantly get "Don't do it if you don't like it!"
Srls what else i'm supposed to do ? Is not like I have a choice.People piss me off...

Just keep looking. You just haven't found what you wanted to do yet.

It is ideal to love your work yeah, personally i do, but it dosent have to be that way, a job can just be a mean to an end and thats perfectly acceptable, not everyones passions are profitable

Nobody likes their work. Work is work. Find what you love is a white lie, the truth would scare the children. Being an adult sucks. Thats why they let the little ones believe those stories of the great big grown up live.

call me when they start paying people to do nothing

restart your life :D

Just do what you love

Because you have to learn to enjoy working before you find what you like, not the opposite.

Maybe try another way to get to where you want to go

Visualize what you want your ideal life and ideal day to look like and then work backward. Where do you want to live? What kind of "normal" day would you like to have? How much responsibility do you want? What does your leisure time consist of? Do you travel a lot? How much money do you want to make? You get up out of bed, have some coffee and..... what?

The more details you can fill in, the more help this exercise will be to you. And stay away from identifying what you *don't* want. It's not helpful in this type of discussion.

Once you have all the details, you now have the easier task of just making it happen.

>Most jobs suck

I'm a Ruby on Rails programmer.

Sucks to be anyone else. Especially my colleagues, who are all Java programmers.

I like my job because it's real chill. No one wants to talk to me, I get to be outside, and I get paid. Just suck it up and find something tolerable. Look for positives. Happiness doesn't just happen man. You've gotta go out and get it.

They have been. Food stamps, access card, social security, unemployment. It doesn't work. It only serves as a way for the niggers to drain the government of all the money while they push drugs on the street. This, in turn, causes a massive raise in taxes for all working-class civilians.

"Do what you love" is a fantasy people started being told in the 50's and 60's. Until VERY recently no one "did what they loved" -- they did what put food on the table

Work isn't FUN, it's FULFILLING. There's a VERY big difference, and if you fail to understand it then work is just miserable because you're trying to enjoy it wrong. It'd be like trying to "play" with a classic painting or trying to "read" the notes of a song. There's nothing meaningful there and you'll just be left angry and confused.

Think back to a time, before you were miserable, when you had a lot of shit to get done. The house was a wreck and needed cleaned, you had dishes piling up in the sink, you had weeks of laundry you hadn't done,... then you did it. Remember that time?

It wasn't "fun", but you probably felt like a fucking boss because you ACCOMPLISHED something. That's what work is supposed to be. It's not a game that you enjoy while doing it. It's a task that you feel like a better person for having completed.

Now even with work being fulfilling and not fun, there's the problem of people not understanding their work. As the world has gotten more and more automated and we've tried to eliminate the need for human labor, we've ever-abstracted jobs to the point that 99% of people don't know what they do. "Your job is to take these emails that come in and make a spreadsheet with one column counting how many emails are "internal" and another counting how many are "external"

Who the fuck knows why that job exists? Someone does, but odds are the person doing it is just following directions. If you don't know what you're accomplishing, you can't feel fulfilled. You need to actively seek to understand your job and the role you fulfill.

This is why laborers tend to be happier than pencil pushers. They KNOW what they're doing. When you build a house you can stand back and look at what you've built.

Not everyone gets their dream job. I don't have mine. But it at least has a fine balance between things I hate and things too good to pass up. I think that's a decent settlement. And I try to find little things to make me happy. If you get breaks, take them to do something you actually enjoy. If you don't like your job, look for a new one. Open up any option.

>Sucks to be anyone else. Especially my colleagues, who are all Java programmers.
LOL, I'm a java programmer and the job is breddy sweet.

>Why do people enjoy their work?
Are you from soviet union?


Any work is enjoyable if you work for yourself, not for boss of some sort.

My work is fun because I've been working toward my work hard since I was a kid. It's basically games, solving computer engineering puzzles. It's fun, rewarding, and pays quite well.

But it's also extremely difficult and has taken 20 years to get real good at.

You can love your job, only because it makes buying stuff you like possible

lol nobody should be paying taxes in the first place mong

Just because you're unhappy and bitter you couldn't find a passion in life doesnt mean everyone is. I love my job and find meaning in waking up every morning because of it.