Red pill me on the cops

I need to be red pilled on the police, I feel that I should support the police because the left hate police, but at the same time I can see their militarization and brutality.

I feel conflicted as I can see both sides, what does pol think on the police, how do you all feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

The left also breathe oxygen. Do you renounce that on principle?
Cops (American cops anyway, European ones have a different set of problems) are an issue on which the left happen to be correct. Doesn't mean you should grow your hair out and start growing pot in your back garden, just recognise that a broken clock is right twice a day.

The only time I've ever had to deal with cops was when I was breaking the law.

Let this lawyer redpill you on why you should never speak to the police even if you are innocent.

To be fair, sometimes it works well to be compliant even if you don't think it's technically the right thing to do. I've been thanked and let go more than once for being nice.

Depends on the situation of course. And of course the expectation is that you're not going to be such a dumbass again.

Your Redpill:

The lefts increasing hostility and violence are being guided and funded by globalists with a direct agenda to build and even more authoritarian police state with less freedoms.

Its all a stepping stone towards the "new world order" which must be a police state.

Also you really need to watch and understand this video. What Bezminov says about useful idiots and subversion spells it all out.

the cop in that picture needs to work on his situational awareness. there's a terrorist right next to him and he doesn't even realize it.

They stood down and let trump supporters be attacked by muslims and illegals in san jose the other day. I personally have no issue with the police but after that I have no plans to rely on them and neither should you. I really dont have an issue with the whole militarization thing as long as they actually use all that shit to defend people and uphold the law and not just look cool

Forgot link.

Yeah, that was pretty disgraceful. But the way to do it is to go after whoever ordered them to behave like that.

Here is a abridged clip of the relevant part:

Let me talk to you about militarization...

What is this, a parade?
>putting up barriers ahead of time

I'm a cop. I took the job because it was easy to get, gave me enough money to support my hobbies and the job is easy enough that I can be carefree enough to slowly edge through life with little to no problems.

I've got some spare time if you want to ask some questions, OP. Though, as my flag implies, I'm Australian. So I can't speak for American laws.

Sometimes yes... sometimes no.

wew lad now that's something I'd be afraid of

Average police are slightly right leaning normal citizens, however they'll follow almost any orders given by the corrupt globalist establishment without being conscious of the implications, or unwilling to oppose them without losing their job.

My wife was a police officer for five years.
We live in a rural area, so not much crime.
She mainly dealt with petty theft - shoplifting etc, stolen tools from garden sheds, traffic violations, giving directions to lost tourists, car crashes, domestic violence and other stuff. She tells me that car crashes were the most stressful - dead bodies and horrible injuries.

She left as she got fed up with all the paperwork - she is old school and thought most of her time wasn't spent on catching crimanls. (this is a common complaint among the police)
Rural cops are great. City cops can be arrogant and a bit heavy handed.

Also she has her own shop now selling household items.
I own and run a second hand bookshop.
Lefty cops are shit good luck living in a left democratic shit hole like Chicago or as the gangstas call it Chiraq.

Notice Lefty democratic cities are the highest in crime. Lefty cops either don't do shit or the higher ups tie up their hands so they are not allowed to legally do shit.

Or you could be like Euro cops who are so lefty they let muslim criminals commit crime and arrest innocents who are not muslim for speaking ill of muslims due to the crime.

Remember cops are not god, they are not omnipresent to protect you from protesters, ganstas, thugs, and the religion of peace. Get a gun. Roof top Korean got guns and their shops and homes did not burn during the LA riots.

>hello sir how can I be helping you?
>There was a robbery at the jewel store!
>Did you try turning it off and back on sir?