Was it happening?

What happened in Romania yesterday? Was it just a ruse?

duno, everything went dark...

Where did all the Romanian posters go?

I heard there were sonic booms in a major city... other than that, it was Romanians gypsyposting about how Russia was going to kill them all over the missile shield.

we know there was an attack on shield base that all. and after the level of cover up it has been trought is just madening.

They're dead Jim.


Get your gypsy ass in here and tell us you're still alive! D:

bump for larping on Sup Forums

Only clickbait sites reported that and possibly trolls.

Also it happened in north east, the shield is located in the south.

Oh and it didn't go dark.

I see Soros already has damage control at the ready.

They all joined the 5 dollar club


"new romanian" detected

what happened??? no one is dead, right?

we lost Iasi

this is a proxy

Nah, the sites that reported that are like /x/ on some bad steroids taken from /fit/. First ones to report that are 2 sites owned by a husband and wife and believe me, they have serious mental issues.

No one. Ok the usual dead don't count (crime, car accidents, drinking too much, disease etc.).

Everyone is agitated because of the mayoral elections and thats about it.

bine ma, e al treilea razboi mondial, a inceput deja, nu ne da de gol.

I'm so glad the Russians haven't taken over and made everyone slavic.

I would really miss the
> we wuz dacians and romans and shieet

For the love of all that is holy, send backup already!

of course it did, what did you expect, gyppos stole the copperwires

>that discrediting the source
>being neutral

you're bullshitting us gip. you're not actually explaining anything, just hopping around it. you said something happened north, what happened?

im gay pls send help

Idi nahuj Russian soldier here.
No such thing as romanian anymore.
We have exterminated every moving thing here , yesterday

Romania has fallen.
Broken arrow.
Broken arrow.
Cocked Pistol.

Ivashov Stanislavovich here, can confirm

>Cocked Pistol.

Is that what you call a pistol after it was raped?

Burn in hell


Russian FSB operative in Gotland here. Glad to see that the operation was a success. Good job.

Also this: Eins Zwei Drei Germanfrei! B4578CG0001 2016-06-6.

So did Rusgols finally defeat our Gypsy neighbor?
Are we going to have to join NATO to avenge him?

Still alive


Was what just a ruse? The only thing happening is local elections.

explain this

Damn gypsies. You mongols should have stayed in a tent in Uzbekistan and not bring them here with you.

The yellow spot are catholics.
There are less than 1% muslims in Romania.

Greek Catholicism, a Hungarian invention to get Romanians to leave the orthodox faith. Afterwards, people started converting back to orthodoxy.

Seems someone did a good job?

If you bothered to check the other 1930 map, much of yellow area was covered by "Greco-Catolici"; aka Romanians who in order to gain some rights (schools in their language etc) accepted the Pope as head of church, while being Orthodox still.

Naturally after 1918, many reverted to their old native church. Also some mongols, but no so many, took their tents and left West.

>while being Orthodox still
Nope. GC is Catholicism with Orthodox practices.

>its a bozgor diaspora gets owned again episode

atleast the catholics didnt pray in bulgarian like the orthocucks used to. besides, why did the romanian regime target catholics and not orthodox, if theyre anti-religion anyways

1.Im talkinga bout romanjian orthodox, we did not pray in bulgarian but romanian.
2.they are not catholics but greko-catholics idiot.
3.communism regime targeted orthodox not catholics.

1. not until the late 19th century afaik
2. whats the difference
3. what

by the way, when are you getting rid of the horrible electric wires hanging in the air. it looks like india and ruins the view

>1. not until the late 19th century afaik

false.No documents for this.

>2. whats the difference

see >3. what

Catholics numbered very little all the time in Romania.Maybe 15% of Transylvania.Communism target orthodoxy, becauuse it was the primarly tool for romanian nationalism.

Greek Catholicism is a Frankenstein religion invented by Hungarians with the aim of converting Romanians away from Orthodoxy.

>Apart from the Slavic countries, Old Church Slavonic has been used as a liturgical language by the Romanian Orthodox Church, as well as a literary and official language of the princedoms of Wallachia and Moldavia (see Old Church Slavonic in Romania), before gradually being replaced by Romanian during the 18th to 19th centuries


>old church slavonic
>liturgical language
>we prayed in bulgarian

are you dumb or just bozgor?


By entering into the Union, Atanasie and the other bishops, along with their respective dioceses accepted the supreme authority of the Pope, while at the same time being granted the right to keep their own Greek Byzantine liturgical rite. A Diploma issued by the Emperor Leopold I declared that Transylvania's Romanian Orthodox Church is one with the Roman Catholic Church. Transylvanian Romanians were therefore encouraged to convert to Catholicism and join the newly created Greek-Catholic Church, while being able to retain the Byzantine rite, if at the same time they accepted four doctrinal points promulgated by the Council of Florence (1431 and 1445): the supreme authority of the Pope over the entire church; the existence of Purgatory; the Filioque clause; and the validity of the use of unleavened bread in the celebration of the Eucharist in the Latin Church (Eastern Orthodox had contended that Roman Catholic use of unleavened bread was erroneous).

By the way, many attempts were done by the Popes too, to convert us to catholicism.The Pope's themselvs were calling us romans and "pure" roman collonies to trick us.

nothing u idiots

old church slavonic is old bulgarian
en nee ik ben geen hongaar :'')

why didnt you become glorious latins? maybe your language wouldnt be so filled with slavic words today

No not really and its irrelevant.The liturgical langauge could have been ethiopian as well .

It is thought to have been based primarily on the dialect of the 9th century Byzantine Slavs living in the Province of Thessalonica (now in Greece)

>why didnt you become glorious latins? maybe your language wouldnt be so filled with slavic words today

We dont like heretic catholics.For us, they are the same as muslims or other pagans.

You seem to be confused. Yes, the Bibles in early medieval times were in slavonic and pretty scarce.

The vast majority of peasantry and even boyars were illiterate anyhow (like all Europe and the world at the time). They could not understand slavonic/old Bulgarian by any means, they stayed there in Church as you faggots sit listening to Latin which you do not understand.

Difference is, things changed in Romania since many centuries but you have a commie faggot as Pope. Oh, what times...

of course not goy
go back to your reality television and fast food

my family is protestant, we have a bible in dutch since the 16th century kek. pic related, dutch anti-catholic chimp out

catholics are weird but since they use latin and are based in rome it seems more fitting to romania than praying in bulgarian

we used to pray in latin first and were christianised in latin first.

1st Bible in Romanian was published in 1561. Not a full translation as turkroaches did not saw that with good eyes nor the Greeks in Constantinople.

Building of churches was also under muslim rule, which for sure you'll be familiar soon there in Netherland.

Now... Christianity moved East to West, Romanians were in that path, why exactly the hate?

-> leave Rome Church because of their corruption, became protestant
-> bitch about Orthodox because some gypsy whore made fun of him at a brothel...

theres no hate, but youd expect romanians to not crack down on catholics while being "we wuz romans"

>bitch about Orthodox because some gypsy whore made fun of him at a brothel...
is your sister working here already?

we are under attack pls send help fast the end has come everything is destroyed people are dying from radiation stray dogs have turned in dangerous mutants there are only small areas with survivors i don't think that we can survive like this for long

Catholicism is a sect created by a Pope after the Great Schism.Nothing to do with romans.

>Nothing to do with romans.
This is also true of your gypo nation.
and you are the greatest proof why romania has the lowest IQ in the EU.

oh shit guys

heretic gtfo.