How did we conquer america so easy? Was it just that their women couldn't resist the big mick dick?

How did we conquer america so easy? Was it just that their women couldn't resist the big mick dick?

anglos crave the big celtic cock

It's because the white man is weak and unable to protect their women.


That's the only logical reason.

who do you think ruled the 13 colonies numbskull? ireland was part of the uk

And then we decided to revolt.

>white men
>irish aren't white
this is a whole new brand of shitposting

>conquer america so easy

I don't see the potato flag on the White House.

Please tell me you're not actually this stupid

Thanks for the railroad you drunk shithead :^)

Im a burger paddy so i cant really speak seeing as my kind are the topic of interest.... Maybe your women couldnt resist the Big Burger Cock

Believe it or not the man who designed the whitehouse was Irish.

You're not Mexico

Why did Americans copy us?

>Conquered america
>Actually fleed from their starving island
but this is how potatoniggers think

It's cause we just let you in when all your potatoes died in the 1800s

much better meme than the bbc (big beaner cock) one
top kek

as a ~1/8 (or ~1/16?) Irish, I believe I speak with authority when I say it's because the Irish are easygoing (if somewhat irritable), hard-working (if somewhat irritable), and assimilate very well as immigrants. In fact, the "Irish ghetto" in my city was basically deserted after a single generation, as people of Irish descent intermarried or just spread out.

They never asked for any special privilege that I know of, though they did suffer some discrimination; they just took it upon themselves and carried on with their lives, and prospered as a result.

I'll take a second wave of potato famine immigrants over war refugees from buttfucking "Syria" any day of the week.

>also the "I speak with authority" part was a joke.

I know

this is precisely why about an eighth of the white people in America that you ask say that they're at least kind of irish, because they assimilated

The Irish make the best immigrants

>not even one state with 25%

>sense of humor

What was supposed to be funny?

...How was he trying to be funny?

that immigration prank

Holy kek. This

He wasn't.
He seems to be taking the OP seriously, which is kind of my point.
The OP.
