Basically this is what happens to every anti-American I know:

Basically this is what happens to every anti-American I know:

>moan and bitch about America and the American people all the time because the European media only shows negative shit about the USA.
>travels to the USA on vacation
>comes back loving the country and the people


I've been to the USA twice already (Texas and Montana). It has the FRIENDLIEST and most WELCOMING people I've ever met in my fucking life.

People have big cars and big houses, the stores and commercial zones are HUGE as fuck, the food is fucking amazing and the country is beautiful.

I wonder why people are like this in Europe. I have to listen to shit like "urr durr Muricans are all dumb and shit because I saw it on this Youtube video!!!" constantly when I say that I love America.

Why, just why?

It's a little thing we call capitalism

I want to live in america

I'm proud to be your ally ya fucking yank.

>I want to live in america

I don't blame you if you live in Northern France. It's a shit hole. Southern France was fine for the most part.

Jealousy is ugly OP

A lot of Europeans seem stuck up and grumpy. No offense to you, OP, but there seems to be a superiority complex that isn't deserved.

>texas and montana
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, but I'd remind you America isn't all the same. I have family in Texas, spend a decent bit of time there, and I agree, I do like the people and the way of life, but on the other hand I have also have family in California, where everyone and everything is fake and superficial and people are fanatically committed to enforcing cuckshit on their fellow man. It's not all Texas and Montana, there are places infested with moral posturing and disrespectful immigrants and jaded ghettos.

Hey man thanks don't forget to check your shoes for spiders there aren't enough good Aussie-Bros left

>A lot of Europeans seem stuck up and grumpy

It's likely the same shit that happens here where you have ignorant young people who think the grass is greener over in Europe or Scandinavia. It's a utopia over there. Yea, sure it is buddy.

just ask and we'll arm you guys to help fight against the emus

all we ask is for their carcasses so we can make emu burgers

>Burger calling out Euros for superiority complexes


Take a trip to the east coast next and maybe you'll see some the shitty Americans they're talking about.

Or maybe not. Maybe you'll still have good experiences. My personal experience is that people along the east coast are the ones the rest of the world uses as the stereotypes. In the western half of the country people are generally much friendlier

>emu carcasses
You know how the last war went, right?

Claymores are a thing now, sonny.

I'd like some emu burger

Unless you're getting your town bombed to shit in the middle east there's only one reason to hate the US - jealousy.

Europeans are constantly commenting on how dumb Americans are and yet they are living in huge houses, driving around in 5 litre jeeps the average European could only dream of and leading the world in every conceivable industry while Europeans work their asses off to drive a smart car and live in a box

I'd say Southerners represent most of our negative stereotypes.
>gun nuts
>jesus freaks
>fat again because thats where you see the scooterFATS

America is so big that in some places the stereotypes are completely accurate while in others they aren't. There are a lot more assholes on the east coast, there are a lot more superficial people on the west coast, there are a lot more down to earth people in between. I'd say this is generally true.

Also we love yuros even though you all try to tell us how to run our own fucking country.

The places you're talking about are by large found in the coastal states. Everything in between is largely conservative and nice to be, excluding Colorado. Of course you still have the liberal disease no matter where you go, even in my state but they're limited to talking shit on the internet. I've called out a few libshits online and all they do is cower, really. Their only strength is in numbers or if Soros slid them enough shekels to get stupid.

One complaint that I understand and relate to is people saying "Americans are ignorant of the outside world" (by European standards)
Which is true, by and far.
But, the reason is because America is bigger.
An American taking a road trip to visit another state is going to go the same distance as a European visiting another part of Europe.
While we might visit another state and learn what it's like there; Europeans on the other hand can visit another nation and experience a different language and culture.

Plus, it's a struggle getting most Americans to keep up with what's going on throughout our country.....let alone what's going on throughout the world.
For example, many Americans barely know about the anti-white violence in San Jose---so getting them to learn about the middle-east (*fill in the blank with any other world region) is a far cry.

Nice proxy, faggot.
This place is a fucking joke.
Example one: Free speech? Nope. It's a meme. We pretend to have it but we don't. Sure, it's written there but so are a million things we've written since to change those things. Most of our population doesn't even like free speech and wants to change it. They don't think insulting minorities should be allowed.

>but it's still there

It does no good. Sure, legally you're covered. But society will do what the law wont. Speak in ways that might offend and you will be exiled. Good luck getting work or a career when every employer has you on the black list.

Most of our pop doesn't want guns anymore either and thinks more restrictions are a good thing. They want it to be harder and harder to get guns and it doesn't even matter if they get law changed because they never have any intention to own one anyway. Most guns are owned by only a handful of people who have to pay out the ass for the license to actually own them and even then they still cannot own most.

We have no democracy nor a representative democracy we just have the mob. What do I mean(no one is asking this you all know but examples are good)?
California voted to pass a prop in the 90s baring illegals certain services reserved for citizens.
Illegals rioted and beat up and killed white people, so the government overruled it after it had passed.

"American Freedom" and "Individual Liberty" are dead because the population was never supposed to want the government to take care of them. The people were supposed to hate the government and view it as a necessary evil.
Now you have useful idiots who think they're against the government while demanding the government do more in peoples lives and to silence their opponents.
They thought the greatest threat to freedom was government. It was not. The people are.
The entire nation is a lie. The people are hypocrites.
Don't romanticize a death.