What drugs are you doing now Sup Forums

What drugs are you doing now Sup Forums

tried ketamine for the first time a few weekends ago

how it was?

not as intense as most say, did it at a party. some of the same social and mood stimulants as mdma but less tweaky and a heavy-ish body high. didn't hate it

I think that ketamine belongs to home drugs, unless it's on little doses

i did two small lines, was still very easy to interact with others. if you wanted to really go in i'd say home drug. k holing out somewhere would be a nightmare


a friend once blew one thinking that was coke, you can imagine the bad situation

Somefaggot in my town sells like 6 different drugs a d says they are ither Molly or acid. Taking advantage of uneducated teenagers. Should I burn his house down?

Yeah he's trash. Take trash out.


Coke, weed and alcohol

Enough alcohol to kill most people.

no, erowid exists for a reason


Nice , just shot up a two 30's

mah nig



My dude

Coke and alcohol. No weed unfortunately.

Caffeine and nicotine

How many of you consumers are having personal problems just as me ?

Back when I started, but I also used to do drugs almost all weekends. Nowadays here and then and I feel alot better.

>400+ dollar monthly weed habit
ye ur not addicted m8

Doesnt most people have some form of personal problem going on at all time?
Or are you asking if we got one in relation to the drug?

Who are you quoting?

I ask if you refuge in drugs because the shit in your life aside if you like drugs

Kratom and phenibut

D-amphetamine, some vape weed moonshine tincture, and soon to be 400mg gabapentin with a mixed drink.

Wish I had opioids or benzos.

Kratom and salvia

Coke and beer after 2 days awake