Mumble Shit

Why is all popular music just auto-tuned black guys mumbling?

Is this just a logical extension to "bad boys don't give a fuck" to the point they can't even be bothered to talk properly? And this makes girls wet?

because you are a moron go back to Sup Forums or read literature before you post again

Do you think any of these artists read literature?

Do you reckon Lil Yachty is well versed?

because it's cheap to produce...don't overthink this stuff

no not at all but neither are you reactionary

chill bro it's fun

Yes and yes.

leaving out commas is the equivalent to mumbling, what are you trying to say?

If you're tired of the norm, I suggest you check out lil xan.

>Why is all popular music just auto-tuned black guys mumbling?

its the dream pop/shoegaze of hip hop
fucking panda bear has been doing the shit for decades

Leaving out capitals is the equivalent to mumbling because you're shy and don't have the ability to speak up. What are you trying to say?

ADHD and black anti-intellectualism encouraged by effete cuckolds like not even a meme, it's hormonal politics

you have never felt a womans touch in your life

Your politics are driven by high levels of estrogen dude

>nah mang
>i don sit in no chairs mang
pretty much
just shit attitude taken to the extreme and glorified

>implying that one can't be honestly critical of gender relations and still have sex with women

Its not that its what every single Chad loves, its just easy to make and profitable





oh wow, how mad are you boi?


>no u



Yea watch his latest interview with No Jumper. He quotes Hegel and Nietzsche

jihadi beard, jesus kill it with fire

it's just trendy, but s going away already, slowly

Because idiot music press and producers are throwing money at it to push it on the dumb kids that eat this shit up. And they'll eat this shit up because it's pushed on them like anything you could push on them.

Popper develops a critique of historicism and a defense of the open society and liberal democracy. The subtitle of his first volume, "The Spell of Plato", makes clear Popper's view — namely, that most Plato interpreters through the ages have been seduced by Plato's greatness and inimitable style. In so doing, Popper argues, they have taken Plato's political philosophy as a benign idyll, without taking into account its dangerous tendencies toward totalitarian ideology.

Contrary to major Plato scholars of his day, Popper divorced Plato's ideas from those of Socrates, claiming that the former in his later years expressed none of the humanitarian and democratic tendencies of his teacher. In particular, Popper accuses Plato of betraying Socrates in the Republic, wherein Plato portrays Socrates sympathizing with totalitarianism (see: Socratic problem).

Popper extols Plato's analysis of social change and discontent, naming him as a great sociologist, yet rejects his solutions. This is dependent on Popper's reading of the emerging humanitarian ideals of Athenian democracy as the birth pangs of his coveted "open society". Plato's hatred of democracy led him, says Popper, "to defend lying, political miracles, tabooistic superstition, the suppression of truth, and ultimately, brutal violence." Popper feels that Plato's historicist ideas are driven by a fear of the change that liberal democracies bring about. Also, as an aristocrat and a relative of one-time Athenian dictator Critias, Plato according to Popper was sympathetic to the oligarchs of his own day and contemptuous of the common man. Popper also suspects that Plato was the victim of his own vanity, and had wished to become the supreme Philosopher King of his vision.

The last chapter of the first volume bears the same title as the book, and conveys Popper's own philosophical explorations on the necessity of direct liberal democracy as the only form of government allowing institutional improvements without violence and bloodshed.

In volume two, "The High Tide of Prophecy: Hegel, Marx, and the Aftermath", Popper criticises Hegel and Marx, tracing their ideas to Aristotle, and arguing that they were at the root of 20th century totalitarianism.

Insofar as Hegel is concerned, Popper favorably cites the views of Hegel's compatriot and personal acquaintance, the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer,

Hegel, installed from above, by the powers that be, as the certified Great Philosopher, was a flat-headed, insipid, nauseating, illiterate charlatan, who reached the pinnacle of audacity in scribbling together and dishing up the craziest mystifying nonsense. This nonsense has been noisily proclaimed as immortal wisdom by mercenary followers and readily accepted as such by all fools, who thus joined into as perfect a chorus of admiration as had ever been heard before. The extensive field of spiritual influence with which Hegel was furnished by those in power has enabled him to achieve the intellectual corruption of a whole generation.' "

The next principal enemy of the open society, according to Popper, is Karl Marx. Popper concedes that, unlike Hegel, Marx deeply cared about the plight of ordinary people and the injustices that prevailed in his own day in capitalist societies. As well, Marx's writings offer keen economic, sociological, and historical insights. Popper rejects outright, however, Marx's historicist, anti-rational, and totalitarian outlook.

>When an argument about music gets so derailed you go on a Manifesto

anyone can quote some pic they've seen

What's wrong with that?

You don't live in reality

I was joking holy shit.
*smacks lips* who is this neetchy nigga?

Neither do you if you find that so horrible

>having a problem with people being purely emotion driven means you dont live in reality
Way to prove my point.

Why does it matter to you though?


>Dude nothing i life matters because I'm piggle rick

Not an argument

Lil Pump is a Harvard grad though

and at age 17 too