I'm a black guy that lives around a lot of white people

I'm a black guy that lives around a lot of white people

As a home owner, I wanna know why white neighbors are asking me "Are you buying or renting" with a fake smile

That's sorta throwing me off, so just give me the brutal truth of what that means

They assume you're a stereotypical nigger that's gonna bring drugs and ho's into the neighbourhood and just generally be a piece of shit with loud nigger beats keeping them up at night and gang drive bys.

they wanna know if you arent some nugga squatter

Property value, yo.

because you're lowering their property value

So? That's the same question white people pose to me about my house, and I'm white why are you offended by it?

if you're renting, you may not stay long so this is a measure of the basis for getting to know you. if you're buying, they'll bring a souffle for youre house warming and after getting to know yourre dietary preferences, age, and other factors may recommend low sugar/low sodium (blacks have increased incidence of hypertension) recipes, and maybe even a good primary care doctor for diabetes

Cause all Dem ebil white b racis.

you might be nice and people might like you but we also know that black people have fucking awful pieces of shit children that come with them and cause problems.

Dude its small talk. Us whities are socially nervous and we are staring at a nigger and the only obvious question is what is your situation with that house... and when are you moving?

Friendly Suburban Neighborhood Watch White guy here.

What it means, OP, is are we going to have to make an effort to really get to know you and your family, invite you to dinners, poker games, SuperBowl parties, and other random block parties. Are you and your wife going to be involved in PTA and take care of your yard?

Do you have a job or a career and can you afford to pay not only the mortgage, but the property taxes, association dues, and neighborhood pool dues?

Are you just here "temporarily" and we'll just exchange friendly smiles and waves but otherwise don't have to put in the extra effort to get to know the new black folks down the way.

Also, do you have any kids that are good at sports? Are they going to contribute positively to our kids' athletic teams?


my neighbors ask how much I pay for rent. I just ignored the question. it's none of their damned business. some fuckers are just nosy.

They are black of course they are good at sports. Its like asking a black guy if he can play the bass.

Yes, but are they fucking juvenile delinquents or overall good kids who won't fuck-up our kids' team chance at State?

Actual nog here, and this is a fair position imho. I have Asian neighbors and their unease at my presence is palpable, I tried to break the ice sending them letters in Cantonese and Mandarin and they're still iceblocks


every person in a good community asks everyone that moves in "Are you buying or renting" with a fake smile. It's a subtle underhanded way of saying "I'm pretending to care."

With the Asians, it's all about food and family. If you or yours can cook some really good food (I'm not talking fucking hamburgers or grilled cheese sandwiches), cook something up and hand deliver it to them with a letter in Cantonese or Mandarin explaining what it is, etc. Asians like their pork and chicken so my suggestion is some bomb ass bbq.

If they like that shit, you'll have new friends and more food from them then you know what to do with.

wait is this a serios thread some people are responding seriously i think they may be hypoglyemic secondary to low blood suger post insulin administration

They ask everyone that, theyre just curious. Stop being a nigger and seeing racism in everything, at least youre not a white dude in a black neighborhood.

Canuck here

It's rare that your neighbors speak to you at all in Canada. Unless you make some kind of effort to get to know them or something unusual happens, you're not going to interact with your neighbors in the north. People just carry on with their lives, living next to strangers.

buying=responsible neighbor who has a vested interest in not shitting up the neighborhood
renting = human garbage

nothing to do with race

As a hispanic living in the hood near white people, I've noticed that white people are just awkward in social settings with minorities unless people are fucking. Don't think much of it because it probably doesn't mean much.

also this

Wow, pretty much guessed it right

I've been there a year, never caused problems, yet some white woman with her dog asked me that, when she literally lives on my block and like 6 houses down from me

I didn't really wanna answer because I felt that was rather rude out of the blue, yet me being mister nice guy, I said that I was buying.

So to continue with what I was saying, she went on about my home used to be a wreck, which had tons of mice etc etc, so she was surprised that it was restored and loved that I kept it well nicely

Which was fine but then she said 10 years ago, my house used to be a meth or crack house, which was..10 years ago. Yet I don't even know if that's truth.

I mean the previous buyer had rent his home towards renters, I know the previous renter was rather nasty but she was a white woman and my other neighbors never said anything about her doing drugs...yet they did said that she took out the copper from the house, so I don't know.

Anyway, she seemed REALLY nosy, so I just smiled and she ended up telling me more about herself, since she couldn't get anything from me

Like "I know this area can be so divided but I like it being so diverse now!" then she talks about her racist grandfather and how her brothers were bikers and were killed. How she spies on this latino family and thinks they might be selling drugs, when they're not.

I mean she even asked if I had a security camera, since she always wanted some and where, and I gave a vague answer of "everywhere". Really weird

It just threw me off, I'm not some jerk but I'm a rather private person and that was a bit too personal

Most black people I've met outside of work or school seem nervous or cold and respond stiffly to any attempt to communicate. It makes having any conversation awkward.
Also most suburban white people are shit at small talk

Quite lieing to him folks. We all know his neighbors are racist. They want to know, "hey nigger, did you use money to buy that house? Was it from drugs! @_@???"


I'm white and a couple of neighbors asked us that when we moved in. I think it's because there is a substantial minority of renters in our neighborhood.

I wouldn't ever ask anyone that, certainly not if I didn't know them pretty well. It's not my business and it seems like you are trying to ask a personal financial question.

Not OP but why is that their fucking business? I'm mexican and some white guy asked me that shit. I rent but keep my shit better than everyone in this redneck neighborhood
Man, you white people can be too damn nosy.

Her story was just a test to see how you would respond to the thought of meth going in and out of that house you live in. You can almost taste their thoughts, "is there crack in that house now!?"

Welp, congrats OP, you have met what I like to refer to as the neighborhood wack-a-doodle.

Mrs. has too much fucking time on her hands and overshares. Friendly neighborhood white guy here, and I hate these types of nosey Nancys.

Just keep doing you, don't give anybody a reason to question your presence, and go about your day. Eventually folks will be happy to have you as a neighbor and jealous they didn't swoop-up the property on the cheap and fix it up and raise its value way above what they have in it.

Congrats on being a homeowner.

Yeah that sounds pretty typical
Try not to let the tone deafness of your neighbors get to you. They're products of their time, a weird mix of deeply racist parents and their ultra liberal/progressive children

>I tried to break the ice sending them letters in Cantonese and Mandarin and they're still iceblocks

well what in the fuck is wrong with you, writing letters to people (in 2018 btw) who you don't even fucking know. I would be weirded out by that.

Mang, it sounds like a pain in the ass to deal with those people, if you can handle them stay but if you can just look for another place that mainly is filled with nosy people do it, it isn't worth living in a place where people will be constantly watching what you are doing.

Whoa let me take that back

You got a nutjob nosy neighbor on your hands, sweet jesus. I got two of those

I fucking hate these nosy cunts
You get them everywhere
Your place may not have ever been a crackhouse she might just be making shit up to seem like she's knowledgeable in order to impress you or she's saying it to make you consider moving.

>if you can handle them stay, but if you can just look for another place that mainly isn't filled with nosy people do it.
fixed some grammar

I think it was a test... like a feeler to find out if that was his plans for the house.

you need to go full nigger and make them as uncomfortable as possible

its not their business but they are still interested, they want to know if they should plan a move before some fuckup ruins their property value, also renters have a reputation for being destructive fuckheads

good for you for keeping your shit in order, and thanks for reaffirming the need for the wall you racist mexican.

white dude here. Is this your first house to buy? My thoughts:

* old ladies who walk dogs and talk to neighbors are fucking weird.

* I think she was awkwardly trying to signal she was a non-racist. Very awkwardly. It is a strange phenomenon. It's like being at a college bar when the educated looking black dude is everyone's best friend. "Let me buy you a drink, brother" he hears 15 times, lol.

* At my wedding my wife's personable but strange uncle was outside smoking with hotel staff. I stopped to talk with him. He was just then telling the black employee on her break how he had recently read the expurgated version of 'Huck Finn.'

What do people want you to say, "thanks for not hating me, you're one of the good ones?"

What's the show or movie where the black father and his sons go around "junking" in an old ass pickup truck and everyone assumes they live hand to mouth when in fact they have a nicer house than all of the other neighbors???

Actually that's a good idea for OP, go slightly crazy but not so much to get in legal trouble, like just edge on the line between noisy, scandalous and legal trouble. You will need good lawyers tho.

Most people like to live next door to homeowners rather than renters. Has nothing to do with your race. Owners have more pride in the property and will upkeep it better than a renter who can trash the place and move on. People like to protect their property values so they can make a profit when they sell their house.

I remember Chris Rock on 'Taxicab Confessions' when he picked up an old white lady who was uncomfortable. After a few minutes he went, "You mind if I smoke some crack?" and whipped out a pipe.

honestly white people just like to ask this question. also you're their fucking neighbor they might wanna know if they need to build a relationship with you (i.e., you bought the house and are planning on living there for 5 years or more) or if you're just some random guy who is renting it for 6 months

This response is actually pretty spot on.

Sounds like some of my kin.

Yup. See:

you're like a sore on someone's lip, you're just there and distractingly so.

consider moving back into the zoo

you must lead a really fulfilling life.

trips tell reality


Nah fam, OP is like the Valtrex on that sore and cleared that shit up. Also a deterrent to other potential nig-nogs that want to fuckup the neighborhood.

Also Canuck. This exactly.
If live there: who, what, why when, where? is no ones biz.
Got an issue, call the police. Otherwise, fuck off and mind your own biz. I already have friends and I don't want to know you.

just saying the truth. it doesnt matter if he's a good guy or not. it's like a white person moving to Ghana and living among them. it would never be 'normal' they would always stick out like a sore on someone's lip.

Sanford and Son?

Nah. I think it was a movie. Fred and son lived at their fucking junkyard. This family lived in a McMansion.


I really felt that I should've said something like "Yeah, you're too nosy and that's none of your business" like what my uncle kept telling me but I'm too nice and wanted to know what type of person she was.

But my dad always told me, "When someone gets nosy, just talk less and give vague answers, they'll likely expose themselves". Thank you dad, jesus christ.

She was also talking about me joining the Neighborhood watch and joining the community center... despite her not being on neighborhood watch and I don't even think she's in a community center

First time home owner, a one bedroom house, I know people can get awkward, that's fine but that was just bizarre

I understand but there's a way of starting a conversation. You don't just say "Hey, are you buying or renting", like how did she not think "that's a bit nosy and rude", if that just happened to come out of the conversation then I wouldn't have been concerned about it

I think when I'm outside doing yard work, I'll just wear earbuds and ignore her. Way too nosy for my tastes

The Beverly Hillbillies? A TV show first, of course, then a movie staring Jim Varney as Jed Clampett?

Just know OP, you're fine. It's she that is now doubting her own self worth.

You can be "friendly" without having to engage in her conversation. Your idea of the earbuds doing lawn work is good.

If you see her coming just always look busy or say "sorry, I gotta be somewhere to make more money".

In this case, it's less likely it's the color of your skin and more likely she's just a nosy cunt.

Its means they don't want driving down the property value nigger.

Just a follow-up: She'll ultimately become a "tome suck" if you let her and start suggesting things she thinks you should do to/with your house. (i.e. You should really plant THESE type of flowers HERE or You should paint the exterior of your house THIS color.)

Nope. Move along bitch.

*"time suck"

>the neighborhood wack-a-doodle
>Mrs. has-too-much-fucking-time-on-her-hands
>Friendly neighborhood white guy here
>nosey Nancys
>just keep doing you
jesus christ dad

Go to bed Kyle or I'm shutting off the wifi.

Real estate agent here. I’m going to be honest with you. Black renters devalue neighborhoods because people start suspecting section 8. It’s not always true but you know how stuffy people can be.

there's a lot of racist white people, that's life.

Cantonese and mandarin are the same written language.

not cool

Real estate bro here again.

Fuck off creep, stay out of peoples business, fuck this isn’t the Stepford Wives

Just buy a better car and have better landscaping. That will lay all to rest. Except they think “how does he have the money to landscape? Does he sell drugs?”

Also, have you fucked the white wife next door? It’s a benefit even white people dont have.... do it

They don't want you there clearly.

Blacks move in, crime goes up, property values go down, people sell, more renters move in, crime goes up, property values go down, ect.

Most people feel more comfortable living around people like themselves.

When one black family moves in, other minority's soon follow and the the character of the neighborhood changes, chain link fence go up yard are paved over, pit bulls are brought in, preventative home maintenance goes down, loud music begins, non-working cars are parked here and there, late night house parties start, police begin routinely rolling in, sheriff shows up to evict or serve warrants.

Its a bad situation all around, everyone knows the neighborhood is about to take a nosedive into the toilet.

Its somewhat like when white people with jobs move into predominantly minority communities, everyone knows gentrification is right around the corner and rents are about to rise and the cops will soon be hassling the brown folks.

Stay in your community and we'll stay in ours

Tell your sons to walk on past our daughters or risk being shot as an intruder/rapist

You have a week to pack up and move back to whatever ghetto/housing project you came from or your going to be invited to a cross burning, sheet wearing, public lynching as the guest of honor

Times up, boy

Cool story "bro", but obviously you don't live in the same neighborhood(s) in which you are selling homes.

Homeowners care. We don't want property values to plummet. No matter who lives there, if they don't take pride in their shit, then they can live elsewhere or live in an apartment or townhome where somebody else takes care of the maintenance.

Don't come moving in and fucking up what me and the other neighbors have spent time working to keep nice. Either get with the fucking program or be prepared to catch the wrath of the fucking HOA and architectural board.

Have a nice day.


they want to know if their property values are going down.

I don't think it's a racial thing. Neighbors just size people up. Trying to see how long you are going to last. Plus white people are just weird suburbanites anyways. Welcome to the burbs.
Stay solid.

Dubs of truth

Stupid fucking nigger think all Asians speak Chinese. How about this, can I axe you a question?

If you're really a nignog, here are the white person cheat codes:

> Look at your wristwatch
> Talk about the stock market
> Mention in passing how much the upper class tax breaks are needed
> In passing say how you like the area for hiking
> Bring up your wife and how you have been married for more than 5 years.
> Say the word "hockey" at any point in time.

Best advice ITT.

Thank you for this suggestion, I will follow it

Okay here's the kicker, my neighbor lives in a sorta run down home, they never clean up their leaves and their roof looks damaged. Both are white, the wife is cool and during Christmas, she made me a banana nut bread, so I brought her white pitbull some chew toys, which she loved and hugged me for it. Yet her husband is rather quiet and cold aka does the fake "hi" and sometimes says "what up brother" awkwardly. They're rednecks but they're good people, just sorta wish they cleaned up a little.

But this woman asks me the "rent or buying" thing. Weird

My other neighbor is this super old white man that doesn't talk to anyone, despite not being social, I actually like him more than others.

I just hope none of this becomes something retarded but like others have said, I can just ignore her with these earbuds.

>brutal truth
It means too many of your fellow blacks are in poverty and poverty turns people into shitty people. Poor people rent.


black people cant afford to buy houses, so a black homeowner means two things. 1) the neighborhood has gone to shit or 2) you might be one of the good ones.

A black renter is not to be trusted with lent gardening tools. also, black people look alike so when you have other black friends over, they think its a whole new set of people moving in. its confusing as fuck. like how an i supposed to remember the subtle differences between you and all the other ones out there?