What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

he remembers

he raped Alzheimer cripple. disgusting freak Brian Wilson.

What would you give Brian if you met him?

a tuna sandwich

A big hug

A shave and a handshake

A note saying "Christmas 2017"

A carrot

tree fiddy

imagine being brian fucking wilson and having to interact with this guy.

better yet, receiving a fucking fidget spinner from him

id ask him to sign my jimmy buffet margaritville mug.


ask him to sign my copy of kokomo

I’m always amazed by men of Brian’s age that have such full heads of hairs. I hope I’m like that when I’m his age. My dad is 57 and has literally no signs of balding so I’m hopeful.

A handjob

someone told me you inherit pattern baldness from your mother
how is her dad's hair?

My mom’s dad had obvious thinning by the time he was in his 50s unfortunately.


wrong, my mom has thin hair while my dad and I both have ungodly amounts of hair.

It seems Brian got his hair gene from his mother, though. Murry was a balding cuck, like Mike.