Is it true?

Is it true?

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NRA are a bunch of stinky jews of course but anyone who wants gun control is a socialist commie bastard who belongs face down dead in a gutter

This is spam, asshole. Obviously the NRA is not any kind of "terrorist" organization. This is fucking stupid, as in "exasperating obtuseness". Don't be such a retard.

This is basically the answer to everything

Congrats to that “former” Clinton staffer. He just opened up his PAC to libel claims.


Someone saw 3 billboards

Terrorism is using or insinuating a credible threat of violence to further a political ideal

So I'd call that a big fucking yes

Name one act of domestic or foreign terror the NRA was convicted of or even subpeonaed for, hell, even just had a sit down with any grand jury for questioning.
I don’t particularly like the NRA, but libel is libel.

"Black lives matter" is a terrorist organization

If non nra members would stop shooting eachother, snowflakes wouldn't butthurt so much

the federal government qualifies under this definition

Their membership is.

not at all

The NRA is the liberal boogeyman of the week. It's all designed to make leftists cower and burn cars and wear pink pussy hats while they march in the streets. First it was Russia but then they realized they colluded with the DNC so now the big bad guy for the month is the NRA.

Nothing will happen. We are happily going to keep our AR-15's. We want them. You can't tell me what I can and cant have. Just like you cant tell me what to think and believe no matter how much you sob and protest.

I'll never understand this leftist idea. "We hate the gov't! They want to control us! But first give up the only firepower possible that could stop the gov't in the case of a tyrannical ruling."

The US government can be considered a terrorist organization under every definition for "terrorism" that exists except the ones that specifically bar government agencies

This is true, snowflakes do butthurt when they kill each other. Real Americans however would be quite pleased if everyone in the NRA kept shooting each other. Less domestic terrorists.

The NRA is not a terrorist organization. Antifa is.

but what credible threat of violence has ever been issued by the nra?

>when your reading comprehension is so bad that your post has literally nothing to do with the one you've replied to

If ISIS is a terrorist organization, then the NRA is a terrorist organization.

"real americans" like faggots like you who would like to sacrifice your 2nd amendment rights to revolt so you can be more safe

Something something sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither - ben franklin

No. They are actually the oldest Civil Rights group in America. Seriously, Look it up.


NRA members threaten violence when their political ideals are under fire. So by definition, yes.
People that own guns are a bunch of scared pussies that fantasize about being a hero they see in movies. Get a fucking security system if you're so afraid of black people coming to take your shit and rape your wife. It's cheaper to put sensors on your windows and doors and set up a couple cameras than it is to buy and own a gun anyway.

Interestingly, most of the people who perpetrate firearm crimes arent members of the NRA.

That did suck when Obama took all our guns away. Paranoid fucks.