Baby boomers are scum and the world will be a better place when they start dying off

Baby boomers are scum and the world will be a better place when they start dying off

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You blame your failures on others?

Stay poor.

Im not poor. Im doing just fine. I take responsibility for myself. However, its clear the boomers think theyre going to live forever.

OP has a reason.
I have talked with many baby boomers and some even come to me and talk about their time.They tell me they did have it easy. Back them things were easier to those who were less fortunate, as in, if you had a skill you could make money, survive and raise a family and buy a house. Those who were fortunate are your present day multi millionaires mansion onwers.
But like us, they did have their share of problems, they were just difowners.
So my point is, yeah the less fortunate, they did have it easy. Now days is not as easy.

Difowners = different. I dont know how that hell my phone spelled that....

Each generation needs to adapt. The baby boomers do feel we have it easy because we have a vast means to get information at our finger tips. Is was just different times. We will tell our grandchildren the same most likely and they will tell us how lucky and easy we have it now.
Respect to OP. It could be an interesting thread.

>Im not poor. Im doing just fine. I take responsibility for myself.
And you have to come to Sup Forums to say this with two typos. Fuck off, somebody I don't knows' punk ass bitch kid.

Hey, yr right. I shouldve post more Andys logs threads.

You're a lazy poorfag loser who just wants to blame others for your pathetic life. Get off your ass and go get a fucking job, you dumbfuck.

OP is right. Baby boomers are incredibly self-righteous. It's a shame that medical technology has advanced so far to the point where people are living longer than they were 100 years ago. I agree with OP in that the world will be a much better place when they all die.

My grandmother is a baby boomer, and she openly accepted that she rode the back of a business she put no effort into and bought/sold several houses to bubble the market.

She actually went out of her way too apologise, literally saying "I feel my generation has ruined everything". Of course I love her, but I hate that generation, right off the backs off of a wartime generation that suffered greatly... They completely fucked up Gen X as well, real bad, so now all these post-90s kids have fucked up parents and we all feel pretty abandoned on values outside of narcissism and friendship.

Millennials will make or break the future of the developed world with however our attitude will shape things. But Generation X is truly the lost generation, they had no hope to begin with.

What the shit are you talking about. Ive had a job since i was 16, you dense fuck lol

That one hurt.


Pls die already I don't want to pay for You dumb decisions anymore.
Also you raised your kids like shit and so did your entire generation


No, op. It's worst than that. Baby boomers have actually destroyed our future.

Maybe there is a way out...maybe not...

I'm a boomer and I think you guys have it hard as fuck. Manufacturing jobs that you could get even without a hs diploma paid the bills. You didn't get rich but you could manage if you budgeted, and more importantly we didn't start out with debt. You poor fuckers almost NEED an education to manage on your own but that puts you immediately in debt and because of that have a slim chance of managing on our own until you get some sort of promotion. But frankly, I'm no more personally responsible for those economic changes than you will be when you're explaining to your children why YOU let China become the dominant world economy. You don't like it, you KNOW it's coming, you might even vote accordingly but you're powerless to stop it. As this user said >Each generation needs to adapt.

Get off the internet, grandpa. Go play some crosswords and try to stay awake doing it, too!

why you young whippersnapper ill tan yer hide!

Proof yr a boomer , i thought i was the oldest genx/millenial loser on Sup Forums lol

Enjoy living in your mom's basement, punk!

I've been here waaay too long to feel the need to prove anything to you faggots. Don't believe me, that's OK.

the dubs ha spoken... we're fucked

omg... not again!

>You blame your failures on others
that isn't even close to what was being implied.

stay retarded.

>Millennial bitch

Baby boomers do suck. Check out a book called "A generation of sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America"

Boomers repeatedly cut their own taxes and have plundered the nations economy, financed 2 wars. They are literal pieces of shit.

>literal pieces of shit.

Thats not true.

virtually pieces of shit.

Dubs of truth

Shit started to go down with Reagan.
>Govenrment funding pushed the crack epidemic (Garry Webb)
>Privatize everything
>Cut taxes for the rich
>Manufacturing overseas
>Corporate person-hood

It all started with the theory of Reaganomics.

This generation isn't doing to well either, we did elect Trump.

dubs on top of the original dubs... the devil confirm it

>Millenials are scum and the world will be a better place when they start dying off

>This generation isn't doing to well either, we did elect Trump
>implying this generation elected Trump
Might wanna check the demographics on that one champ.

>Millennials will make or break the future of the developed world with however our attitude will shape things
The developed world is completely fucked then.

Baby boomer whites with no college degree had the highest voting percentage for trump, yet another reason boomers suck dick

Seriously, boomers legitimately don't give a shit about this country. They don't even fucking care that Russia interfered because their guy won.

Amen to that liberal fruitcakes the lot of them


Your generation can't get out of mom's basement. Cry more.


Precisely why I'm choosing to drop out of society and live my life for myself.

Why slave away, start a family, and save for retirement when were all fucked anyway?

>saying boomers when don't give a damn about the country
>when objectively millennials don't

There must be more Old fucks on here than I thought.

More like there's more people who have a normal job here than you thought.

Im not a Boomer or a Millenial

I'm the generation in the middle that actually gets shit done.

Boomers don't work because they are retired.
Millenials don't work because they are lazy as fuck.

Both equally suck.

For those looking for a more mainstream source about the shit we are in...

We're the generation that will riase our kids in one of the worst economies the US has ever had while trying to not let the ignorant previous generation influence our kids to be racist religious idiots who think Jesus will save the world from imaginary climate change and the evil evolutionists.

I fucking hate when old fucks say
>Proceed to works with old fucks

God fuck them... I wish every old fuck would die.

>Millenials don't work because they are lazy as fuck.
More like we know how fucked we are so why bother.

No. Millenials are lazy. The boomers raised a generation that believed they're #1, nothing can go wrong. Positivity bullshit. Now that they're actually expected to perform they can't because they're mentally incapable of doing so.

my grandfather said literally all of these things before he fucked off to hell.

Good stuff.

Been listening to Guy McPherson for a while. It's easy to see why no one wants to accept this, we live pretty comfortably and don't want to think it can end.

I'd rather accept it and enjoy life rather than continue being a wage slave.

This image contradicts itself. Is it Carter o 1982? Can't be both. Reagan was in by Feb 81.

Fuck the future!

Someone will come along someday to be my next mommy.


50/50 chance the next generation will either be genetically perfect tech gods or sewer dwelling mutants.
if i have to say anything to then ima say "you had it uncertain."


People want president's impeached. Puppet leaders aren't the problem. The other dinosaurs in DC are. Been bleeding it dry for decades.

that's what the guy from no country for old men looked like in high school
>this shit came out in 2007 feel old yet?

Age genocide when?

Had everything today progressives want. Progressives can't understand that it is not a sustainable model so they blame the generation that had exactly what they want.

That's the attitude that will fix all the bad things the boomers did to you.

As a 26 year old, I can without a doubt say you area spoiled brat. I lived off of minimum wage for 3 years before settling into a trade that pays more than most people make with their worthless college degree.

Wanna know the real problems?

>You BUY $1,200 iPhones because they're trendy
>You spend on ONE cup of "coffee" what a month worth of grounds would cost
>You buy expensive designer clothes that fall apart in a week instead of cheap shit that lasts a decade
>You flood the job market with hundreds of college graduates at a time
>You waste money on college in the first place, typically going for useless degrees like criminal justice
>You finance EVERYTHING
>You throw shit away instead of fixing it
>You piss and moan about the world being so unfair yet do nothing to make your life better
>You pay others to do shit you could EASILY do yourself

TL/DR: You're a bunch of lazy cunts

When i see shit in the news that millienials are "disrupting the credit card industry" by living frugally and not getting even deeper into debt it makes me want to puke. Thats boomer doublespeak at its finest


If you only knew the years of research and effort I put into trying to fix the problems that Boomers left us with only to realize that the system is too fucked.

Thanks Boomers.

I am also 26 and agree with everything you've said. I toiled for 6 years to get the experience in a trade that now benefits me. I make six figures without a degree (although I'm finishing one to get the pay bump). I have lived with people my age that believe everything must be given to them when they are too lazy to work for it.

Without a doubt user? Seriously? I was never handed anything in life. Now i own a home, have a comfortable savings, etc. I never got shit handed to me, try again user.

Good to know there's still working class folk out there.

Then what exactly is the point of your thread, OP?

There's a joke here about wasting years of your life on blaming others for your problems but I won't make it.

Strictly speaking, that should be "metaphorical pieces of shit".

That baby boomers are bloodless, narcissistic pieces of shit, and the world will be better of when they die off, i thought it was clear lol

I'm thirty and just lost my job because the boomer who owns the textile factory I've worked at for the past ten years just sold the company to honda and wants to take advantage of the tax break Trump will give him when he files his taxes next year.
Fuck him and Fuck you.

Dubs of truth losers

Shut your fuck hole about crosswords.

Millennial here. I work 2 jobs, averaging 70 hours a week. Fuck off.

explain the discrepancy?

>Baby boomers are scum

1. Seize political power now that boomers are aging out of being a pure majority in politically active age groups.
2. Institute steep progressive property taxes to increase cost of living in McMansions. Stress their fixed income lifestyles.
3. Create financial incentives for children to stick their parents into elder care facilities, a.k.a. concentration camps.
4. Etc.
5. Victory

Well hopefully you can use your experience to get another job.

people forget that baby boomers were spoiled rotten, best economy, highest pay.
Their parents went without so baby boomers would have more.
Baby boomers put their debt off on their kids, remember "tough love" in the 80's and 90's?
Highest rate of homeless abandoned children in America's history, all because baby boomers were greedy and lazy, kick the kid out and go on a cruise with the abandoned kids collrgr money.
Baby boomers are niggers.

Not the user you're responding to, and I don't know how old he is, but if you think Sup Forums is only for the young, you're dreaming. I'm 63 and have been visiting this shithole off and on since it began.
And btw, I agree totally with everything had to say.

I don't know why I bother, but maybe I just need to scream into the ether.
>Years of poring over books
>Years of mathematical calculations
>Years of talking to politicians and local leaders
>Years of talking to people campaigning
>Years of protesting
>Years of writing

Yah, I do feel like a wasted a lot of time now that I realize how fucked we are.

You might have 2 jobs but if you're a millenial, I guarantee you are just doing time while there.

I hope you at least have the courtesy to get out of the way while the other employees pull your weight.

Ya, I'm sure 'they' did a 'study' and concluded that the 'system' is 'too fucked'.

I'm also sure that the 'they' is you and your friends.
The 'study' was a bong session.
And 'too fucked' means you have to leave your house and do stuff for money.

Amen, I was booted out at 14.

Gen-x will finally have it's time to fix and unfuck everything soon. You're welcome.

Im 37, so a inbetween genx/millenial

You mean the generation that isn't smart enough to know not to eat tide pods? The generation that believes any internet meme/challenge? The generation extremely easily brainwashed by liberal MSM?

impying you know anything about us

Typical Baby Boomer, build a straw man to protect your fragile ego.

Why don't you go stare at the sun.

Hey now, boomers actually paid money for pet rocks

Gen x will amount to nothing but a bunch of jellyfish just floating through their lives. Some will die to the stupidest thing imaginable and the rest will be rendered brain dead to modern media.

What? That's beautiful. Culling the weak on it's own.

Another view for the insanity of the modern world...

Haha - Like you would know the definition of 'build'.

Go back to crying about how fucked life is because you don't have a trust fund.

Yes, and if under-30's had the only vote, Ted Kennedy would have been president in 1980.

People grow out of juvenile delusions like collectivist economics... The millennials will too...

Not a boomer, born in the late 60's, yep and oldfag. You guys do have it rougher, no doubt. When I was in college, any degree got you a job. Not if you're not into STEM you're screwed. Lots of peeps my age losing jobs overseas, too, and they have no chance of getting another one when there are millions of Millenials willing to work for cheap. Y'all have too many distractions growing up, if I'd had the internet and a PS4 I'd have failed out of high school. Instead I'm a doctor, cause I was poor and wanted what my rich friends had. At the same time, Millenials need to realize that no one is special, you get what you earn, for the most part. Instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle. For what it's worth, anyway.

That would be gen y faggot

Booms and Mills make us look pretty good.