Black thong candid!

Black thong candid!

Here's the vid link (no download)

I was about to give up from trying to find thongs all day. However, I went to a craft aisle and literally walked past the aisle in the vid and saw a woman hunched over and turned around and went down it. To my surprise, she was flashing her black thong!

I sucked it up and went right behind her and got a vid of it. My heart was pounding the whole time. When she got up, she must have noticed I was oogling all over it because she gave me a really cold stare. She left the aisle and went away. However, she came back and look down my aisle again with a little hop step and hurried away.

I saw that she went to the checkout line. I didn't know how in the world I could get a face shot which I badly wanted. So I sucked it up again and there are a bunch of impulse items right by where she was waiting to check out. You could totally tell she knew I saw her thong and was again eyeing me down, but I got the face!

Do you guys think she knew?


Wow a fucking thong.

yeah she knew, but kinda looks like a man

that's a good girl

what times in the vid gave it away that she knew. At first I thought she was squatting over on purpose to give me a show. But with her reaction I definitely don't think so.

they don't wear those without knowing that some creeper is gonna do what you did

Do you think she noticed it was filmed or that I was just looking at it

it looks like she didn't like it though. why wear it and show off if she is gonna have a reaction like that


because they have to show disgust, but secretly she probably liked it.




could she have been eyeing me like crazy in the checkout line to see what kind of kind was fantaszing about her?

what about this

if they look directly at your phone, they know you are either taking pics or video.

from the vid do you think she was looking at me or my phone. Does the vid link work also?

vid link does work, she was looking at both it seems, she had a disappointed look on her face, probably because she would rather you try to pick her up than be creepshot from afar.

whoa I didn't think of that. so do you think she was purposely showing it off and waiting to see if I would make a move. she left the aisle pretty quickly after though

she was purposely showing it off in public because she knew somebody not necessarily you would notice it. guess you'll never know if she was interested or not.

at 9 seconds and 20-22 seconds she is looking at the corner of her eye. what time in the vid do you think she realized I was in that aisle behind her?


what do you guys think of her?



That's not even a thong

what do y'all think of her and her thong!?

yeah it's a bigger style one but still a thong

I like her face and her lovely thong good video.
By the way do you like upskirts?

she knows

comments guys :)

I like that thong!!!!