ITT your average drumphkin and how they treat women

ITT your average drumphkin and how they treat women

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>voting for trump
Nice try hillshill

Is that Obama beating up Hillary for failing him?

I think trump only got like 9% of the black vote


probably obama's son

Did she dieded

I voted for trump.

Why didn't he just fuckin rape her? He'd assert his dominance without bloodying her face, and in the end he'd cum.

Fuckin retard.

I'm glad this happened and I am glad it was recorded for the world to see.

No (You) for you.

That little niglet couldn't be bothered to help his mother from getting blown the fuck out and miss his cartoons

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

Excluding the melanin enriched skin this is pretty much accurate.

Story behind this?

All niggers should be deported. I would literally torture this sick fucking ape.


Why is it when I try posting it gets stuck at "sending" or "100 percent" then hits me with a connection error? Why is Sup Forums so shit? Happens every night. Don't tell be 3am is a peak hour.

Be very careful
If you send too many requests at once he'll block your range/ip from even accessing the site for a day or two

That guy should be beaten every single day for the rest of his life sentence.

wtf was his problem?

I haven't been having that issue tonight, but that shit is annoying as hell. Just blame Hiroshima, and move on.

It's most likely the servers being trash, a day or two ago it was even doing gateway errors and whatever. Hiro really likes making this site run worse.

That was happening to me yesterday, but it literally only was on Sup Forums and I hadn't posted anything all day here. Can they do selective bans or something for boards now?

>Can they do selective bans or something for boards now?
They have always been able to. The mods are usually just vindictive with their bans, and give you a global for shit that really only should warrant a board ban.

I've been banned from just Sup Forums quite a few times.