What does Sup Forums member?

What does Sup Forums member?

I remember fucking your mother



this is the one meme I missed, someone fill me in please

It's really not worth knowing about

South Park turned nostalgia into a meme basically

that'll do thanks

member LOST threads?

ohh i member when america was made great again!

south park meme. refers to nostalgia pandering.

Member when South Park was good?

>they didn't even put one set of dubs in the numbers

member vanilla WoW?
member farming resistance gear?
member grinding mobs because of lack of quests?
member wpvp and the 2 minute respawn timers and very far away graveyards?

I remember the time when there weren't only underaged shitposters on this board.

member wasting the best years of your life?

>Actually thinks what he's doing on this earth is not as useless as playing WoW
>Actually thinks he matters

I wasted my teenage years on wow too, bro. I regret it. And yet I'm still browsing this shitty place.

when southpark didnt rely on shitty memes

So don't get all high and mighty on me for still playing retail

>he doesn't know that time you spent enjoying something is never time wasted

stop falling for the I could be doing better things with my life grass is greener on the other side meme

I remember when South Park didn't fucking suck, and then they're making a meme to make those who point out that it fucking sucks now look like nostalgiafags.

>wow in 2016

I used to tell myself that too. Now I am a 26 yo khhv with no prospects for the future.

>having a shitty transmog when almost every non-current raid is an easy solo
Come on guy

>with no prospects for the future.
That's just the age we live in, blame the globalists for outsourcing jobs to illegals for lower wages
That was me in WoD doe, got a way better transmog now

I'm 27 with no prospects for the future except driving a truck or something similar to that, but regardless of whatever you do in life for a living, try to enjoy it or you're only killing yourself to live, and that's no way to go through life

To be fair I just mog sets anyway

has anyone else seen the commercial where he's doing the voice over for hummus, and it starts with him talking about mayo as french for "fat fat fatty fat fat"?
it's pretty funny in context

Well fuck you for insulting my transmog if you only transmog sets

What is it with jews and that fucking hummus shit?

Are you embracing the redneck truck driver lifestyle then? Let me guess- you hate immigrants and secretly want to know what it's like getting fucked by some bear on a public toilet.

Let me guess, you're an armchair psycologist

Every man needs a hobby, trashman.

I 'member feeling like the future could only get better.

I 'member being confident that I could get a degree and a good job if I worked and studied hard, despite being a depressed and anxious basketcase.

I 'member a better world. A world that's going away very soon.

>solitary lifestyle

>no retards like you around at my workplace

>I do nothing but drive and listen to music all day

Nice try with the redneck stereotype and gay fantasy thing you seem to have in your mind but none of that's true, I just hate people because most of them are idiots and are as closed minded and stupid as you are

pic related its you

member dubs?


Kek- Yeah you sure sound like a redneck, you waste of space. Thanks for the image of you contently doing the shitwork for me.

>he's still either trolling or just plain retarded thinking I care what thoughts come out of his empty head

Are you crawling in your skin, user?

Keep it up and keep making your parents proud, loser!


Member when south park didn't reuse the same joke every episode and call it an arc?

OH! i member!

>He's still trying to upset me because his slut mom got fucked by a truck driver and then left her to raise the mistake that is you alone


I member when my health insurance covered pre-existing conditions

do you member 116% increases in premium cost, oh wait that's in the future.

>member rome threads

I member when my employer covered my health insurance and I didn't have to buy it on my own


member the very first reeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

I member when South Park made actual jokes rather than this fucking bullshit

member this classic?

>member farming resistance gear?

member when Druids didn't need it whilst i As a prot warrior would have to try be a shitty dps role. Just to farm for 100 hours to get enough resistance

member good commercials?

'Member when South Park was funny?


But that movie's legit good?

I haven't seen south park in years but I like using the member meme

I don't even know how the berries sound like

I remember when Sup Forums was good.

member Voyagers?


Remember Automan?

Not only do I love that show, I saw a complete DVD boxset in a Barnes&Noble like seven years ago and immediately bought it despite being between jobs at the time. On a technical level it wasn't great but OH MAN what a clever concept, and YES the nostalgia-train.

Oldfags unite.

The greatest American hero?

I remember this one, too, and you and I are both too old to be posting here. Shhh, you'll blow our cover.

member this generation's Star Wars?

Member "You're the man now dawg!"
Gee I remember...


Did Bill kill Arsenio's (first) show?

THAT WAS '92?!?!??!?
holy fuck

Wat cover u OLDFAG

(how am I doing? Was this too excessive?)

No, it was incredibly popular right up until the moment Arsenio quit.

>tfw I was 12 in 92

Nah, it was on-point, except anons don't call each other out for misogyny, it's the accepted normal here.

Hey, member when Mondale picked a female VP running mate?

get le out

People shitpost this movie as some sort of "ironic" racism of something, but it's actually a pretty entertaining movie

Damn all this stuff feel like they took place a whole century ago

When this shitty fucking meme didn't exist

'Member when normies and the general public hated South Park, Eminem, Marilyn Manson and rap?

I 'member!

normies loved eminem



i just remember a time before everything was dark and brooding, and the last few years when practical effects were still used over cgi. i remember when cartoons made sense and had interesting content, before they just became mind numbing sensory over load for autistic children. basically i remember when television and film was fun.

i was born in 94 so i feel like i got to see that last good bit before i got too old.

>i remember when cartoons made sense and had interesting content

I was born the same year as you and it seems as though cartoons today have more of a storyline. I haven't watched Steven Universe or much of Adventure Time, but a glimpse seems like I wish those cartoons existed when I was 10.

Member building buildings and AT-ATs out of VHS cassettes and then your mom would get mad when they toppled over and made a lot of noise.

'member when the history channel showed history related documentaries and not reality shows about truck drivers?

'member when cartoon network was good?

I remember when I used to get home Wednesday nights and go straight to my DVR so I could watch the newest episode of South Park. Seems like years ago.

Oh wait it was years ago.

member when you were a wee lad and you "came" but not really?

When South park was funny and not complete sjw "moral compass" tell me what to think CRAP!

When Family guy was bad but not this bad.

I remember when south park was funny - when I was 14.

You may not like to hear this but somebody should be telling you what to think.

Thanks captain sheeple, I have a brain unlike you moron!

ye, first two seasons

You guys will probably post this more than Matt and Trey spend time making episodes.

Consider that.

first time i posted this, and still managed to come up with something more original than past 10 seasons of sp

Tell that to their millions of fans, kid.

seeing you get mad is all i need kek

Remember when liberals were anti war?
Remember when liberals were pro labor?
Remember when liberals were environmentalists?
Remember when liberals were protectionists?

Now you can bomb as many countries as you want, hand trillions out to corporations, outsource everything to slave wage immigrants and ban any solar or wind project that blocks the view from your yacht club and you will still be beloved as long as you talk enough about how wonderful brown people and gay people are and how much you hate fucking white males

Yeah I'm really mad you don't like some cartoon show.

My point is, people are going to discuss the show. What does it do to barge in saying "hurr the show sucks?"

No one cares about your opinion, you just sound like a loud child.