Redpill me on why Europe was sailing the seven seas and conquering the world with guns while Africans were still...

Redpill me on why Europe was sailing the seven seas and conquering the world with guns while Africans were still running around in loincloths and hunting with spears?

I've asked my leftist friends about this, and their reply is always some incoherent crap about differing cultural values.

Which is it?

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We allowed them too.

Yeah sure cultural values. Europeans valued logic and Africans were valuing slave trade.

niggers are stupid

There is no evidence that Africans used the wheel before contact with outside peoples. This explains so much about black people imho


There's a ton of different answers, largely related to cultural effects of environment and economics.

the best response i've found is that men had to hunt all day to find food.

this was due to lack of tamed animals and poor agricultural conditions or some shit.

We were molded by the cold, forced to create better tools and structures.

And aliens.

Africans did invent the first wheels though, they just used them as lip discs instead

Evolution and natural selection


Minimal environmental pressure.

We toppled the black civilization while they were kangs and stole all their shit and we-wrote the entirety of history to make it white

Nice meme.

Africa has more resources than a white man could ever dream of, don't buy that lie.

There are dozens of african species that could have been tamed, thousands of plants to farm, huge forests, water etc...

They just didn't (and still don't) have the IQ to really do anything with it all.

Yes, because the cold north allows you much better opportunities.

They had no need to become smart and adaptive. Think about it. They never needed the planning skills to prepare for season change. Never needed to stock up on food. Never needed no prepare for anything. It made white people advance at a much faster rate to adapt to our surroundings. It made europeans MUCH smarter than your average dindu.

Cause da man was keeping them down

Europeans had to develop ingenuity. In the Northern lands, if you don't develop a way to stay warm and gather food efficiently, you risk dying.
Africans don't have to develop anything. Warmth is not an issue, and their lands are extremely abundant. They never had to start creating new and better ways to survive because there was no threat of death.
I really think that Europeans are just more intelligent. But that isn't PC enough for normies

Horses and cows are easy to domesticate. Zebras and elephants are not. You gotta run around and hunt those fuckers.

Go shill your book somewhere else Jared Diamond.

> dozens of african species that could have been tamed

name one

World would have probably been better off if we got rid of them there and then.

Africans didn't have the same threat of getting genocided by their neighbors that Europeans had.

So they didn't need guns and the ability to sail the seven seas quite yet.

Europe had a long history of raiding culture and symbolic combat too, it's just that religion and certain warlike groups made the people more eager to kill their neighbors, whereas in Africa for the most part, until JUST PRIOR to the European rush into the continent, nobody had really broken the sort of gentleman's agreement on massacre between rival groups just yet.

Note how the north and east were more technologically advanced than the west and center for that very reason. You see actual technologically productive empires there due to the regions bordering people who were VERY MUCH willing to ice a motherfucker in war.

haha more like golf discs

The Nigger

Africans are still running around in loincloths and hunting with spears.


le racism meme

It makes you more intelligent as survival in the north is more complex than survival in the africa.
Savage, but totally logical

Jared diamond is classic Jewish intellectual. Absolutely subversive. Fuck him for belittling European achievement. He's dedicated his whole career to it

Africans have genocided and enslaved each other since the beginning of time and continue to do so today.

It's like Red Alert, a slower player will never be able to catch up to a better one.

>Africans didn't have the same threat of getting genocided by their neighbors
Africans did that on a daily basis, and diseases killed them by the millions.

The never progressed shit on either front

>Horses and cows are easy to domesticate. Zebras and elephants are not. You gotta run around and hunt those fuckers.
Yeah, maybe because they are already domesticated?

They were too busy being kings

They're pretty ornery, actually.

Texans imported some of those cattle because they were the only animals who could tolerate the heat, but they were just too wild and produced low-quality meat.

So we bred them with smaller, docile cattle from India, and got the Texas Longhorn.

So I guess that you also believe that niggers cannot learn because they don't learn. The fact that niggers never domesticated any animals does not mean that it was impossible to domesticate them. It was impossible for the niggers to domesticate ANY animals. They themselves have not been domesticated.

Environmental conditions. African climate is too harsh for any type of sofisticated culture to develop, they're too busy trying to survive.

culture does play an important part, as does geography, luck ect..

Read Jared Diamond's "Guns, Germs, and Steel", ignore the retarded clap above me

Looks like a non-shaggy Aurochs

I dunno bout you but i don't go anywhere close to anything with horns longer than a penis

do you actually believe this or am i being rused

Yup, the smart ones migrated out thousands of generations ago, leaving behind the lazy and stupid ones. The smart ones knew Africa sucked, so they left.

The only argument really is one of trade. Trade and exploration provide more that tangible things, they can inspire new technologies and recreate technologies at home.

The countries of the Mediterranean used to be extremely powerful due to these trade routes between them. South Africa was never really a part of this cultural and scientific development. They never saw things out side of their sphere of influence, so continued in the ways they always had.

It's a discussion point, not certain if it's true or not. History isn't my strongest subject so I cant exactly bring in a lot of knowledge. But that's the reason that was explained to me.

The most sensical explanation is that culture thrives on communication, not even trying to meme multi-culti propaganda, but stepping into contact with other cultures is most essential for cultural growth.

Eurasia is the center of all development for a reason, it's one thick mainland where travel and interaction was relatively easy, as compared to the American Islands, New Zealand, Sub-Saharan Africa.
For example Japan was also populated by a primitive people before they stepped into contact with their neighbours across the ocean.

Basically isolation kept them limited, until they were discovered by more advanced civilizations.

>be african
>live in the most fertile and resource rich continent in the world
>food everywhere, go into the jungle, shoot an arrow, hit an animal
>no seasons, it rains everyday, sunny for the rest of the time, no cold
>only build mud huts, who needs stone anyway when it's always hot?
>have everything you need to survive, no need to evolve

be european
>live in a rough climate
>have to learn how to survive, especially in winter
>invent shit to use and make surviving easier
>apply knowledge to other situations
>become great and build empires
>enslave the lazy filthy bushpeople


That's how domestication works dumbass. You take a wild species and over the course of generations, you tame it. You think the first dogs were anything more than barely trained wolves?

>Domesticating the uro

Sure thing taming an 8 meter bull must be easiear than a stripped horse

It's not just trade.

Europeans had to work for their resources; they had to adapt to differing, temperamental climates. Africa had fucking everything right there basically on the ground. They had no need to change or innovate or even think or plan. They had no need to come up with a rotational crop system to last through both the summer and winter.

Sub Saharan Africa has an average IQ of under 75. This is considered retarded. If your entire population is retarded, it shouldn't come as a surprise that the civilization does not advance.

Slavery is not genocide.

Plenty of early pagan europeans -also- enslaved each other.

The Bantu occupied more than half of Africa, in its most fertile areas.

Bantu did not engage in very intensive warfare, usually doing like prescripted rumbles in which nobody would get hurt seriously, and ransoms would be exchanged at the end of the battle with a little bit of shit-talking, and then everyone would get home.

Had the Zulu come 50 or 100 years earlier, Africa would have been a much different place.

im dying laughing



But make no mistakes, the average normie is a specialist in doublethink and cognitive dissonance. No matter what you tell him, and no matter how many proofs you put under his nose, he won't budge.

I have explained multiple times to my normie friends, with abundance of proofs and logical arguments that democracies are no better than dicatorships, that we are not all equals, that the judeo christian God is an imaginary construct and that voting left will fuck their future.

It is entirely possible to convince the normies of these basic facts. You will notice from the horror and despair into their eyes once they realize the kinds of lies they have been fed. But the sorrow and the anger disappear fast to leave room for denial and grasping at whatever it is that allows them to forget or even better what you just said.
Reason why, the wise man keeps his mouth tightly shut and figures out the best way to profit from such a dark and deep pool of stupidity.

I now realize the morality behind despicable actions committed on a mass scale to fool the masses and profit for their stupidity


>Horses and cows are easy to domesticate
>a domesticated species is easy to domesticate
>a dog is easy to domesticate

You're a special kind of stupid.

>striped horses meme
zebras and horses look similar on the outside, but look it up. Their brains are super different. Especially with regards to herd mentality. You capture the lead horse and the rest follow you usually. But zebras aren't smart enough to care.

So you see, the problem of African stupidity is also about the stupidity of the animals :^)

This is really wrong and stupid. life was never easy in Africa.
They experienced near species death several times in history, Africa has an incredibly hostile environment, Europeans never had to deal with the kind of dangerous wildlife and fucking DISEASES Africans had to deal with.

Stop spreading this shit, it's just wrong.

Have you ever heard of a tautology? Morons like Jared Diamond will claim that the fact that niggers domesticated no animals meant that Africa had no animals which could be domesticated. Juvenile stupidity. Were all of Africa's birds also impossible to tame? The fact that niggers could not domesticate anything, including themselves, means that NIGGERS cannot domesticate animals. You use the example of elephants not being able to be tamed - although they were. Poo in loo do it all the time.

damn, that's stylish. id trade in my truck any day if i could take a zebra to wrok

The more intelligent [common ancestors] are the ones that left Africa and spread across the globe? I mean isnt that sort of split the same reason other primates are stupid? No sources here just guessing.

If people(not africans) could domesticate zebras by now, they would have because they're cool lookin

That's what I think too

Germanics always make stupid question and respond with stupid shit that doesnt make sense at all

Im amazed

I didn't say it was you dumb shit. And even if your single Bantu example was true it doesn't refute what i said.

butthurt sjw-genderstudies-graduate detected

truth hurts does it not?

>You use the example of elephants not being able to be tamed - although they were
That they were.
Remember Hannibal in the Alps

>largest ethnic group in Africa

>doesn't matter


Do you really think that this book was some sort of definitive source? It was probably one of the dumbest things ever published. That retard claims that headhunters in Papua New Guinea are smarter than us because they can follow trails in the woods. He also throws out such silliness that intellectual development in certain countries was stifled, because their coastlines weren't craggy enough to provide hiding spaces for dissident intellectuals. I read the book, it was good for some laughs, and insight into the delusional and irrational workings of the liberal mind.

>More fertile than Europe
What do you base this on?

Also by your logic Rome, Egypt and Greece would be bunch of bushmen too.

African colonial Europeans seems like the heyday of Western Civilization to me. Just the contrast in what white people and black people accomplished, that comparison side by side, is so beautiful.

Are you stupid? Kill yourself please.
You're saying Africans never developed because they had it easy, I basically told you you're wrong (which you are), dismantling a non-racist argument for the lack of African civilization meaning I'm paving the way for racist explanations.
Stop browsing Sup Forums it's frying your brain.

Also you're Portuguese

And poo in loo. I think that they don't use them for food because they are too valuable as working animals.


The rotational crop system allows sustainability of a larger population, it wasn't a necessity until the population grew to that requirement.

Arguably, Africans would have discovered this too if they had contact with Europe much earlier.

This was how the native Australians were living around 1910.

They aren't us.

Africans co-evolved with everything else in Africa. The problem is that all of the diseases and animals knew exactly how to fuck the humans. If the tribe got too large, then a virus was likely to infect their village. If Jamal planted a garden, the an elephant would eat it and then destroy his hut because elephants are dicks.

Humans who left Africa were an invasive species and were able to conquer an unsuspecting world.

Figuring out why Europeans were conquering and exploring instead of the Chinese or the Indians probably does have something to do with culture and geography. Christianity, for example, has some beliefs that encourage people to explore, subjugate, and learn. Also, Europe has a ridiculous amount of coastlines that encouraged ship building and sea travel.

Zulus' riding in on Zebras..

>not true
>millions of other Africans killing and enslaving each other in the past and today

Rome and Greece are Europeans... So no...

Egyptians are not Africans. Yes i know the country is in Africa but we're talking about subsaharan africa

>Europeans never had to deal with the kind of dangerous wildlife and fucking DISEASES Africans had to deal with.
Are you being retarded on purpose?

They didn't do that



He is just being German.


European diseases were of a substantially different nature, honestly.

There's a reason why Europeans have immunity genes based on viruses, which mostly have a human-human vector, whereas Africans have genes that grant immunity to a number of intracellular parasites.

One of the biggest differences between Europea and Africa is the amount of and type of insect life they support.

As a Texan who lives in a very tropical climate, I can tell you right now that mosquitos and biting flies are a scourge and bring fucking FILTH into an environment.


The word knight is from ancient German. It meant servant, it became known as in the highest servant of the king.


That helps my theory that the smart ones just Slowly migrated away

Is that a fact?

Why is Geralt a nigger?

>dat saddle

Can you imagine the nigger riding it?

But these three ancient realms were quite fertile and safe enviorment, especially Egypt and Rome. Using your logic that comfort breeds dumb people, these people would be oogabooging with wooden javelins.

>Europeans never had to deal with the kind of dangerous wildlife

Is this a joke? Mammoths, cave bears, lions...we didn't have crocs or hippos, but it wasn't exactly an environment free of dangerous animals, man.

This, and the tsetse fly dominated a huge chunk of Africa, which compounded the stupidity problem a brazillion-fold.