Can you get HIV from someone by smoking a blunt with them...

Can you get HIV from someone by smoking a blunt with them? Just found out a guy I smoked with recently has it and I'm spooked...

what part of SEXUALLY-TRANSMITTED is hard to understand

did he bleed on the blunt? no? you're fine

>smoking weed

why are you on this board and not /fa/ or /u/

unless you both smoked with open lip sores, you're good

Ok ass fuck. I'm just a dumb teen that hasn't had to experience this shit yet.

Cause it's random which means I can do what I want.

gtfo my Sup Forums you little punk

Fight me in fortnite bitch.

Did he use the bath room also? You can get HiV from the toilet seat nigga.

No, retard.

Nah. And if I did it was to puss and I didn't touch anything. I do shit anywhere but home.

Listen here, hobbit foot, you gtfo my post. You're quite the cunt and I don't appreciate you.

What the fuck are they teaching you little cunts in school these days?

Potentially. If they have an open sore/bleeding gums.. etc it's entirely possible.

Those are the pothead boards?

or chapped lips, really it's pretty likely that OP has HIV now

what exact material was the blunt made of?

Did he put the joint in his mouth? If he did your in trouble. HIV can be transmitted through saliva.

you are a retard go jump of a bridge


hiv is fluid to fluid transmission into the circulatory system. if there was no blood on blood contact you're fine.

now, if he fucked you in the ass raw (which is what i'm assuming b/c you came to Sup Forums for info instead of google) you might have an issue.


Can you?


ikr? now if he said pubg...
