Why is this place so terrible

Why is this place so terrible

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wh*Te """""""""""""""""beple"""""""""""""" ruined it

It starts with N and ends with iggers

We don't share the same ancestors



It's not. Why is this thread made every single day?

The various effects of the Sun on agriculture and plants.

Notice how all developed countries are in the North.

I've never made this thread before

Neanderthal has nothing to do with africa and niggers.

wh*tes are descended from neanderthals, poldditors brag about how if you don't have subhuman neanderthal DNA your "inferior"

they must do somehow
otherwise, we wouldn't be the same species
we have a common ancestor

also, there is so much fogs over those Neanderthals; that those theories are but shots in the dark

I have theory which is too edgy even for Sup Forums.

When you build society, always there will be some assholes destroying process. So what do you do? Simply exile them form village. And what happens to them? In europe and other cold climates they simply die cause winter is no joke.

What happens in africa? They climb tree, fuck ape, eat bannana and have children who will in few generation burn your comunity to ground.

Whites were forced to evolve as gentelmen in society. Niggers just kept raping apes. Look at various countries, climate and history. It all checks out.

we got ourselves an anthropologist right here

I will gladly hear your arguments about why my theory is wrong.

Just look at state of any africa country and tell me what is wrong with them.

niggers, nothing more nothing less

it is not just climate, otherwise Arabs wouldn't be so smart at that time, nor the Jews
point out just one factor, when there are hundreds of them
it is just a simplistic view of things

It's just a halted progress, m8.
Any society mast slowly go from caveman times to modern times. By itself and on it's own pace. Religion must come and be replaced by secularism. Exchange based economy must come and be replaced by monetary economy. And etc. by it's own pace. Culture and society must progress, or perish.
I africa, they got so much intervention from other cultures, and right when they were in tribal times, so now we have people wearing jeans and using electricity with a minds of our ancestors from times when you had to bring the chief a carcass of deer and a spear to get permission to marry.

>asking a white supremacist forum for legitimate reasons
Nah, you just had a moment where you hated us more than usual and needed corroborating replies to make you feel better

The Jews

how is that?

People here get angry when you bring it up, by colonialism really did fuck Africa's shit up for a while.

I wasnt serious, this thread doesn't deserve serious replies.

i can't tell if it serious or not around here
folks blame Jews for everything
i wouldn't be surprise if they make such accusations

>It's a white people steal gold, oil, minerals and resources from Africa and leave them dirt poor and then wonder why they're poor 100 years later episode.

Every serious reply here will get fucking ignored. There's a whole bunch of reason, from climate, to being cut off from the rest of the world, to exploitation, to corrupt leeaders, to bad borders (created by Europeans), to ethnic problems, to religions problems. You can't cover it on Sup Forums

Why are the parties with peoe that are shit terrible?

Only person making sense in this thread

Youre a literal shit eating nigger whos ancestors 200 years ago were dancing in ahit, youre also a subhuman.


Sorry my little princess if I hurt your feelings, I am not sure how to deal with faux-Aryans online without making them lash out emotionally :)

>Become Independent
>Still have the most natural resources in the world
>Still poor

Africa NEEDS the white dick

They didn't though. They're still left with most of those resources. They also introduced medicines and doctors which caused a population boom. More africans are alive today thanks to Europe and their life is far better with roads, schools, and other infrastructure than playing with dirt and spears.

The white devil ruined everything

Yes more Brazils very smart

>More africans are alive today thanks to Europe and their life is far better with roads, schools, and other infrastructure than playing with dirt and spears.
Lmao. Most of those was built by colonist, for the colonist. They never even taught them how to use it, africans there only existed to work and be a good little servants to white masters. And then they left, leaving schools, roads and fuckton of people with no knowledge how to use them.

>Yes more Brazils

well, no
for one, they aren't Portuguese
two, wouldn't be mixing with the same blacks

Ricky poster?

>replying seriously to Sup Forums one-liners
That only works when they're insulting 3rd-world white or Asian nations and can actually consider having a cohesive opinion on them

When its Poland, or a certain French city dweller or China responding to stereotypes with basic facts

Man Sudanon
Why are you so based?

I was a cuck, but I am gradually returning to my cynical and abusive personality

Godspeed my man

Nothing better to do, m8.
I runned out of tea and I catastropiycally need something to leave my frustration in.

Beautiful post.

Fair enough. Climate is just one of many reasons, but still true.

I drink black tea with lemon.

Africa was a drain on European economies. Doesn't matter who the infrastructure was built "for", it didn't turn out well for Europe in the end.

Any anyway colonization was inevitable. Sure things would have been better if someway somehow Africa could have developed technologically/politically relatively modern states through trade influences alone but that's so incredibly unrealistic. The Europeans were only able to control themselves in a very limited way with the berlin conference, that was the best they could do.
A society with technology and ability to conquer is gonna conquer one without, it's simply life. The west today doesn't need to do anything for Africa.

Please don't remind me of tea.
I must spend at least 4 more hours awake and there's none.

I agree but Africa is a mosaic of development thought, concentrated in few areas, underdeveloped throughout

How are individual African posters here supposed to be held accountable for corrupt-proxy governments who need to subjugate all civilians?

And how are you supposed to respond seriously to people who genuinely believe there's zero urban development or administrative organization anywhere in the continent

>white supremacist forum
If you actually believed this you wouldn't like it here so much :^)

Anyway I shouldn't have to point out that "white supremacy" is an American phenomenon where nobody can tell the difference between the different types of whites living here who assimilated into generic American. It's a simplistic way of looking at things.

There are P L E N T Y of natural resources in Africa
And like the other guy said, Africa's population is fucking exploding right now.

still better than detroit

I like it because of the banter and offensive humour but I know well it is white-supremacist, there's always an apologetic tone among countries who are mestizo, Arabian, Asian because they know they have to toe to the line here or face abuse

I don't care because I probably subscribe to the same dogma at some level

As far as mestizos go you're probably confusing any "white supremacist apologetic" notions you perceive among them to the actual political culture of latin america. All of hilo latio's autistic peruano and bolivian republic of argentina and whatever else memes don't come from the fucking environment of Sup Forums alone

I am no profesional tea drinker, but since when you drink tea to stay awake?

You want coffe for that?

I have very bad mental condition, and it gets worse without tea. I don't need anything to stay awake, I just need tee because it gives me pleasure and doesen't let me think too much.

>I have very bad mental condition
LMOA we can already tell XDDDDDD

They still take unnecessary steps in paying homage to the board's supremacist culture, understandably so, we all have a top-down appreciation of world-affairs, with Western European and North-American countries on the top

The active substance of tea is theophyilline, a methylxanthine like coffee and it has mild stimulatory effects

Plenty of people drink tea to stay awake/alert if they have to. Tea contains a fair amount of caffeine, less than coffee, but enough if you are sensitive to it or don't have a tolerance built up. A full mug of joe will give my girlfriend the jitters and an inability to sleep for 12+ hours, but some black tea will do to her what coffee does to me.

Who's that m8.
You and your imaginary friends?

me and my 25 proxies

That's a lot of proxies, m8.
Are you paranoidal?

this is why white should be analraped for repayment

People will dance a trillion miles to avoid saying the obvious to be honest

It is really not that bad

Two nukes werent enough.

>we all have a top-down appreciation of world-affairs, with Western European and North-American countries on the top
Naturally, for now anyway. But by "we" you can't mean just Sup Forums but rather a general feeling the world has, because everyone just had to bend over backwards adopting western standards and political thought and getting colonized. The west is dying now though, people have known this for about a century now. "Hold on to the lost position" is what I want for the west. That too down perspective is not going to last for much longer, and the west is sort of willingly fucking itself because even though it's still "in the spotlight" today, it's not gonna be like that for more than another century and then the world sort of evens out. It's worth noting that it will loose western "guidance", meaning an end of post-enlightenment philosophy. Might be a good thing 2bh.

Looks like you don't know what you're talking about

I am everyone in this thread except you
Just posted with some more proxies btw

Not to me, there's a lot of regression and the absence of a democratic majority could lead to disastrous consequences, regardless of neo-colonialism and corruption, Islam in Central and East Africa being one example

>except you
How do you know. It's easy to get lost with so many proxies and develope a personality that you don't consider your own.

>It's another episode where black people blame white people for their continued misery

Well the west is the backbone of enlightenment thought and as it stands everyone is spitting on its grave including itself. The same people in the west who want some sort of utopic globalized world are "fuck the west" types. Outside the west that utopian idea isn't anywhere nearly as prevalent, but anti-western sentiment is. The result will be a collapse of enlightenment thought. I don't care though, it's unrealistic and undesirable to have one world civilization perpetually guide all the others in the same direction it's going.

Look at the industrial revolution and world's fairs and an idea of a utopic world based on technology improving humanity and "western ideals". That period of optimism ended with ww1 when all that technology was used for a giant war instead and "western ideals" were slowly collapsing.
Now we're in another similar period of optimism coinciding with the computer revolution. It will end with the west's even greater decline on the world stage spiritually and otherwise.

Fucking white people.

Many reasons, they don't associate certain meanings to practices needed for success
For example, the abritrary division of time into 24 hours doesn't mean that they will value 1 hour over 2 hours.
The concept of a shared society exists, but only as far as the individual benefit is concerned.

Do you see anyone contesting my claim? No. It's because they're all me. I have a Sudanese proxy and I'm arguing with myself right now. Maybe I'll use a proxy to tell you otherwise later to throw you off

>Black people must rely on the benevolence of white people to sustain themselves
>cannot produce societies of their own


Or maybe sudanese has a proxy and it's you. Or you just don't have any proxy.
And old rule of engineering says that if something has too many explanations, none of them can be considered correct.

>Africa was a drain on European economies
Do you honestly think that the Europeans were there out of the kindness of their hearts?

Of course not
Doesn't change how it turned out




Habibi there is no point talking to ferenji on here, they are misguided and arrogant.

Australia would like to have a word with you. So would Singapore.

Nice, concise video. Only focused on the "lion"-type nations, whereas most publicity is of course negative focus on the ones that can't keep up. Still a good piece, thanks for posting.

you take that back

btw are you that delusional pseudo-leftist iranian diaspora that yells at other iranian diaspora for being diaspora

No I'm the beta Israeli American

Because foreign aid kills any independency by outcompeting the local production, thus it becomes a cycle of handouts and crisis because we are too scared to cut the cord and let them solve their own problems

I've gone long past it my treasure, I am now shitposting incessantly until I get a job tomorrow

>tfw skipped my autism medication and I can skip a day of sleep

Thats because those countries in northern africa aren't black.

How's Bashir?

Not dead unfortunately, him and his ilk deserve a horrendous death

Skinning him alive and pouring acid over his exposed nerves is not enough