I'm thinking about getting one of these for my gf as a bday gift

i'm thinking about getting one of these for my gf as a bday gift

what does Sup Forums think about this? she's got pretty big tits so she has never needed a padded bra, but the natural shape of her vag doesn't show off well with tight clothing, so with one of these that option would be open to her

Hope your gf is as trashy as you think she is

actually she's pretty classy most of the time

This is fetish wear. I think you're being ridiculous.

>pretty classy
>is considering buying fake cameltoe underwear for her

what do you mean?

it's just padded underwear, it's not like anybody would even see it. it's like a padded bra, no big deal

These do not look good.


why not? camel toes are very fashionable right now, aren't they? lots of attractive women that i see photos of posted and reposted on Sup Forums have visible camel toes

This comes unexpected probably but think about buying your gf a present she may like to her birthday instead of ridiculous underpants that harden your willy

the problem is that she's very difficult to shop for. there are some things that she has hinted at that she would like, but it's all useless garbage, whereas this is something that we would both enjoy

There's a big difference between showing off tits and showing off genitalia.

>that we would both enjoy
That you would enjoy you stupid fuck
It sounds like she knows your an autistic fuck and even gave you a list and you still can't think about anything but buying her low quality fetish wear for her birthday
>very difficult to shop for
>gave list what she would like

>whereas this is something that we would both enjoy
that's not the point of getting someone a gift

>whereas this is something that we would both enjoy

kek. Don't kid yourself. That thing is top tier trash and the only one who likes the idea is you.

not really. camel toes have been commonplace for over a decade, grandpa

Sure. It'll be great as a joke gift

Pls buy that but make shure to give it to her while her parents are present
They will be proud of their adult daughter and you will get lots of funtime with her

why is it so bad that i would also enjoy her gift? should i only be allowed to buy her something that is of no interest to anyone but her? she isn't selfish like that, i think

finally a real reply. thank you for not trolling me like all these other jerks

>this. is a glitch, or what?

I'm not necessarily against buying something you like as well, but cmon dude. That's a joke gift at best.
Besides, is that camel toe really that big? What do you want to simulate, a 300kg gorilla with a perfectly toned pussy?

Total whore

it seems like a normal size to me, but you think she might like something a little bit more subtle?

Bots are greentexting.... evolving

she isn't... tight clothing is normal and not seen as whorish like it used to be

Then ur a whore

wow rude

Just got here from tumblr?

normal size?! Granted, my girl has almost no lips but those are clearly unnatural.

And no, even more subtle camel toe undies are still trashy... Get her some nice lingerie to make her feel sexy if you wanna go that route.

kek 'murica! wtf have you become

>not seen as whorish
Only the people wearing it. Same as always.

Ur a fag and she's a whore. I still like to see my gf in almost painfully tight panties tho. Like to slip my hand down there and diddle around like a rapist.

All these people telling OP not to buy it. Go ahead. This is a great gift idea OP. Nothing bad will happen at all if you do this. Girls love "padded" underwear.

thank you, this is what i needed to hear. I'm going to order them right now

Post of a picture of your gf Op

why is his vagina that long

How to enrage your GF 101
>camel toes are very fashionable right now

yall niggas posting in a troll thread

i don't think you've ever had a gf, you virgin. they love gifts

>hey sweetie I got you a birthday present, cameltoe panties!

believe it or not women enjoy sex and looking good and feeling sexy, they just don't act like it around YOU you hopeless virgin

Cause I'm sure all women like to walk around with visible big pussies

If you're going through all the trouble of asking opinions and shooting them down, then why don't you post the results when you give them to her

>looking good and feeling sexy
>'ew look at that bitch and her monstrously large pussy lips, that shit is not normal'

it's pretty common, you should try going outside sometime

>not liking pussy lips
maybe you'd feel more comfortable in a trap thread? you fucking faggot

If you think strapping on that contraption would look natural in any way you're more autistic than I thought

I hope you have updated your life insurance

OP is trolling all you autists, no one on earth has a vagine that disgustingly big, and certainly no-one would actually want to wear something that makes their pastrami buns look like they belong on a dinosaur


I feel sorry for your gf. You are one stupid motherfucker.

Posting some opinions here




As you can see, one of these things is not like the others.

Is your GF a whale?

I think rhis is a great idea.

Is there something similiar to men? I would love to wear a big pulge at the beach or under my trousers.
Chicks always check your bulges

How are you this retarded at life and have a living breathing gf?

So, this is like some sort of elaborate troll, right?
I can't believe women would want this

Most of those are negative, did you read the captions?

are you illiterate? read between the lines

they are holding them and smiling, they just say something funny to pass it off as a joke because they don't want to look too slutty in that context, but they are obviously turned on by them

Reading facial expression and body language makes you literate?

Thank you so much op. You gave me my first real laughter this morning

>doesn't get the joke "are you illiterate? read between the lines"

Do it. She'll love it. Make sure she opens it in front of her family, so they can all see just how much you love her.

i already heard that one today, ya repeatin piece of shit!


>but they are obviously turned on by them
Nice thread op

Isn't this how cross dressers fake being a girl?

Nice joke

Just let OP slip into cuckodry like he's slipping into

All I can think about is my pic

that doesn't even make sense

Bait is real

do they make them any bigger? buy the most egregious ones you can find. those are way too small. you won't even see them under her clothes.

i was actually wondering this same thing, it seems pointless if nobody is going to even notice

wtf is that from

Why not get her nice lingerie instead?

she already has some of that, and it's like comparing apples and oranges. lingerie doesn't do anything when she's out in public, but padded underwear does

>crotchless panties
>short skirt
Problem solved. And it doesn't make her look like she has the fattest pussy on earth

that's just weird

And cameltoe panties aren't weird at all.
Thanks for the laughs, guy.

revealing clothing is different than having her bare pussy hanging out, but i wouldn't expect an autist to be able to tell the difference

I used to CD with sincerity, and I'd have given it a try....If I was a slut!

I think 1 CD out of 10 would use something like that.... breastforms and the right dress and makeup and accessories usually do the trick.

I never wore leggings (alone), but If I was so horny and chose to, those cameltoes would be necessary.

It will go a long way towards hiding her cock.

ha ha ha good one, but not everybody on Sup Forums is a trap loving faggot. she's a real woman

This dude is genuinely autistic, probably has a decent degree and or solid salary.
His gf is likely a bland gold digger.

you mean he makes you feel like like a real man ?

you're bad at guessing

Ur gay or virgin. Leave 13yo

100/10 would fill his boipucci

you are the troll here you autistic sperglord. If you knew anything at all about women you would know that they love to feel sexy and get the male gaze. These panties are all the rage in French fashion couture right now. Buy them OP, don't listen to these negative Nancy's

>French fashion couture right now
I thought islam was all about covering up women