Paging doctor chan

paging doctor chan...

How do I tell if I have a hernia?

By not asking Sup Forums and check with a doctor?

If your intestines are that high on your torso you've got bigger issues.


Not an expert but a FF/EMT here. What's the situation? Photo for reference?

do you lift with your legs or lift with your back?

It sticks out.

It just feels really tender in that spot but there's no black and blue on the skin.

Also when I drink water I can feel a really intense cold in the area. Also when I drink coffee or beer on an empty stomach it hurts a lot.

thank you doctor


I lift with my cock muscle.

the difference between a pc virgin neckbeard and a normie

EMT again,
Does it protrude from your stomach? What makes it worse? Coughing? Lifting?

Medfag here and the best way to tell if you're having a hernia is to have a fucking real life doctor physically examine you, douche cunt.
However, a hernia can cause mild discomfort
or excruciating pain. You will generally feel something hard when applying pressure with your hands around your abdomen; palpate and check for distention.

Do you feel a tearing pain that goes from your abdomen to your back or maye just a strong pulsating sensation? You may gots an aortic aneurysm. RIP

FF/EMT for last time. What this guy said. hit it on the head really.

Horse dildos clearly

I think all you assholes should cut this guy a break. I mean, if hes in the US, he might not have healthcare options anyway.

The main symptoms would be a tender spot that is very specific...lots of people have hernias and have mild symptoms, but if its getting worse etc. it will hurt like a MFer when you press the spot

What nonsense.

Try to perform a Valsalva maneouvre. Build-up intra-abdominal pressure by breathing in deeply. If the protrusion gets worse it's likely a herniation.

If you are able to reposition the herniation easily you shouldn't be too worried. If it ever becomes painful or you can't reposition it, visist a doctor without any delay. Could be incarcerated and lead to ischaemia of the gut within a matter of hours.

are you gonna treat him for free? HA! people go bankrupt in the US for not having health insurance and seeking treatment

In addition to this, the localisation could be quite helpful in diagnostics. Most often we will see umbilical herniations or a groin rupture. If you've ever had abdominal surgery then an incisional herniations is also possible. We're gonna need some more information here OP.

I just realized this year that I've had multiple hernias. I'd have a little lump near the base of my dick that was a little painful to apply pressure to. It'd go away after like 4-5 days, getting smaller/less painful everyday.

guess op is gone, fucker deserves to die from necrotic bowels if he's too stupid to respond to free medical advise.