I being gay is genetic how come fags even exist? They should have extinct ages ago

I being gay is genetic how come fags even exist? They should have extinct ages ago.

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> I being gay
Freudian slip of the pen

you 've got a point, but seriously, stick to the topic.

Assuming that, if gays only fucked gays, as society didn't force them into closet, it would still not prevent them from existing, but it damn sure would reduce their numbers.

what I'm trying to say is faggotry is a trend. Attention whoring trend actualy.

and is cured quite easily with proper beating.

Being gay probably isnt genetic

hey retard, ever heard of recessive traits?


it's more a case of it being caused by early patterning and conditioning.

>recessive traits
that's why I yhink gay couples should be banned from raising children

Now I read about it. Still. If faggots woudn't breed the amount of gay people should decrease dramatically. Instead it's thriving nowadays. It's a fucking attention whoring trend. It should be banned.

Because it is and it isn’t

Some people are naturally more effeminate and may naturally be more attracted to men than others but ultimately you have to choose to engage in homosexual activity

>inb4 I didn’t choose to be a fag

Yes you did, just as I chose to fuck girls you, at some point, decided to fuck a or multiple men.

This is not true, I become gay when I was in my mid 20's and I know a lot of others that also became gay at age.
If it were a case of parental conditioning the signs would come MUCH earlier in life.

A homosexual percentage actually may boost the fitness of the group. While some reproduce, others take care of the offspring. Don't ask me, but there have been studies made. Also, assuming it's genetic (may/may not be), recessive genes basically can't take over a society.

that's not necessarily true, as patterned behaviours are instilled from birth, to the toddler stage. they are therefore unconscious, and behaviours resulting from early patterning can manifest at any point. gayness isn't genetic it's a behaviour, an unconscious choice.

You're right. That wouldn't happen, if no one cared. That's why there's no heterosexual pride and other annoyances.

>Gays adopting kids, makes them gay.
You having straight parents surely didn't stop you from becoming a massive faggot, did it?

a child adopted by a gay couple, of either gender, is going to be damaged, and more likely to be abused.

uncles still have 25% of their genetic code, and can contribute more to that kid then a family unit without a gay guy with no kid of his own. also, less internal power struggle in family units too, the gay guy is like an extra worker that you don't have to worry about getting your wife pregnant.

If you think about it, a sister is almost as good as you for passing genes, and she can sit around pooping out babies while you go do man stuff. if you don't have to support a wife then yeah. sister.

i love how the people who post this are always alpha-wannabe closet fags lol

well, adopted children rarely come from stable homes in the first place user. I can tell you that much i know.

>just as I chose to fuck girls

gay people are awesome

>said the gay fag while having a dick so far up his ass can't even distinguish reality from fiction

so take your dick out my ass, faggot

I'm bisexual myself, though only attracted to feminine crossdressing males.

I started off strictly heterosexual but over time dealing with crazy women has made me somewhat repulsed by most of them and made dating feminine guys a more viable option

Some studies have shown that theres a hormonal factor in play. When a woman gives birth to multiple boys over her life, even if they dont grow up together, each later boy has a higher percent chance of being gay. Theres no gay gene to be bred out, it most likely is a result of the mother's hormones affecting the fetus improperly.

That said, hormonal causes and social causes are not mutually exclusive. Gays have been around forever, and appear in the animal world, however it seems over the last few decades their numbers are spiking. This may be a social reason, either gays are more willing to come out of the closet, or more straight/ bi people choose a gay lifestyle cause this generation praises sexual nonconformity.

Or theres something in the water, who knows?

are you literally me lmao


Slip of the pen...is

Having attraction for and going through the action of are different things.

Try not to be a retard and understand that everyone makes a conscience choice about their actions.

At some point you chose to have sex with a woman just as fags choose to have sex with men. They don’t need to make that choice but they do.

Genetic is not the same as hereditary. Fucking study this shit.


Lol I'm thinking our plight is quite common these days. Especially on sites like Sup Forums where half of the lurkers jerk off to traps and the other half pretend not to and act like they're disgusted by the idea

Gay is a label we've placed on it. Christianity made it a sin.

You know the Spartans? They were all fucking each other. And it wasn't considered gay, it was just a part of their everyday life. Women were for babies.


I only fap to lolis

they look pretty gay to me

Well sir you are an autist of exceptional caliber.

Well done

Fatter pussy than my girl's, saucee

That’s not necessarily true in the way your putting it. Greeks and romans didn’t necessarily label fucking a dude as “gay” but it was certainly unacceptable for a man to get fucked.

If you fuck a slave boy that’s not really a problem but if you like getting fucked by slave boys you’d be labeled womanly and weak.

Having a gay relationship or being romantically gay was never acceptable and there were taboos and laws against in all sorts of societies going back thousands of years.

Christianity didn’t arbitrarily declare being gay wrong out of nowhere,

and even so it doesn’t say it’s wrong that your gay it takes the same line as all of their sex stuff, sex without the goal of procreation is sin, that’s why birth control and masturbation are technically sins, and oral is a type of sodomy. They are wanton acts with no purpose other than personal gratification which the church usually says is sin

thanks faggot

from that same wiki article:
>According to Xenophon, the Spartans abhorred the thought of using the relationships as the basis of unit formation for placing too much significance on sexuality rather than talent

sauce / moar?

seriously, this bitch is the most known and requested one on /b. you must be completely new.

Damn starting to feel like a ffing remedial class teacher here. Shouldn't have expected anything else from Sup Forums.

So here it goes fag:

When a trait is genetic it means that it is expressed in your DNA. Here you should be aware that you do not only have one single set of DNA but two. One being the DNA you know of and one being mitochondrial DNA (mDNA). mDNA is purely inherited from the mother's side and generally only concerns itself with energy production in your cells.

The normal DNA most people talk about is the cellular DNA. This is comprised of a combination of your parents DNA. One problem is though that it isn't pasting one half of the DNA on the other side of the DNA. The two halves that are pasted together exists from different haphazard combinations of both halves of the father's or mother's DNA and afterwards, the combination might also switch around. This makes it that you don't have 50/50 of your parents DNA but an amount that varies from 30/70 to 50/50.

Besides this, there is something called gene expression. This means that while your DNA might be coded for the creation of certain proteins. They are not always active. This means that while you might inherit DNA coding from your parents, this does not mean you will always have the exact same results.

Apart from this, every child will have at least a couple of dozen of mutations within their DNA. This mostly will occur in our junk DNA but there are multiple expressive parts of DNA that are more susceptible to these mutations. This means that every person has characteristics that are different from both their parents.

In other words, you might inherit DNA but that doesn't mean that everything your genetics express is because you inherited that DNA.

They were fucking though. An older veteran soldier would take on a new recruit. And in turn the recruit would become a veteran and take a recruit of his own. It wasn't considered gay.

nvm, op is a fag and i found more on my own

oy, fok you m8 i dont go on Sup Forums erryday this the first time ive seen the bitch




There are more bisexual men than gays. Many more by magnitudes.

nvm, ive done enough, find more here.


hard to believe. I'm not on /b everyday also, but can remember she's here for at least 3 years now.

must be coincidence, ive never seen her on here before

Being gay is natural

But it's actually a genetic defense mechanism. It exists in animals, wherein most cases the animal will actually grind/eat off it's own genitals

Being gay in human's is a defect that arises when the genetics hits a switch that says their offspring will have something really bad. It's why they have that gay voice. IT's actually genetically induced faggotry to remove them from the gene pool.

So yes, gays are natural. Shouldn't be considered good or normal though.

well... lurk moar

Because being gay doesn't prevent you from making babies. You can easily imagine various circumstances where it could be beneficial (for your genes) to be gay, or to have a higher gay tendency.

OP, homosexuality isn't genetic, it's a psychological abnormality and it's degenerate. What do my words offend you?!? FUCK YOU because when some fag scientist creates a cure for AIDS, which killed the sexual revolution not to mention of straight people, maybe then I'll give a fucking what you subhuman cunts have to say about anything!

Actually, homosexuality is a bonus to a social population. Homosexual individuals can provide resources to the community, as well as adopt existing children, without being able to produce more children that would be a drain to existing resources and compete with the rest of the population.

please share these circumstances

You're right. I was just typing and trying not to make my post too long. I didn't mean to say that Christianity were the first to say it was wrong, I'm saying they made it a sin. Against God. I've never studied religion so I don't know what other faith's views are on it. I think the Vikings were open minded about it too.

All I was really trying to say is that it happened in ancient Greece. And that it didn't come with a "gay" label or "homosexual". It was just a part of their society. Men were for fucking, women were for procreation.

In reality there are multiple factors. Genetics is the starting point, imprinting of gender roles at an early age, early sexual experiences, most powerful sexual experience and to some extent choice all move the 'gay scale' one way or the other.

Just google it or use your imagination. You're just being willfully ignorant.

You're welcome kiddie diddler

you can go ahead and beat your meat to it.

True, but their genetic material is not being passed on in your scenario.

I know this is bait, but I'll bite anyway. There is no evidence someone gay will bare gay children even if a gay man's sperm is put into a lesbian's body. That being said, think of it more as a random genetic mutation. If every homosexual were nuked today, there is still a good chance the kids of straight couple's could still come out gay.

the burden of proof lies on claiming one my faggot friend

maybe we are all genetically bi, some just develop a stronger preference towards either sex through nurture.

yep, homosexuality is something genetic.
Im from Spain, during the dictatorship homosexuality was punished with death penalty. A lot of fags got married and procreated (with this method they skiped the death but they spreaded the fag genetics).

Today Spain is the european country with more fags.
Thats why even the most conservative political parties are agree with "fag rights".

see, the logic behind evolution is not just: the fittest individuals survive. That is way too much of an simplification of Darwin's theory.

the logic rather is: the individuals which can reproduce the most and have the most fertile offspring are defined to be the fittest.

In that logic, you would be a "fitter individual" if some of your offspring was gay and helped your other, more likely to reproduce offspring without claiming to much of resources for themselves.

Evolution is happening on all levels at every moment.

while true, there's no negative effect for the homosexuality mutation to pop up so it can never really be bred away

For the vast majority of gay people, ”being gay” really is a lifestyle choice, which they make, perhaps subconsciously, on the basis of a number of social factors. This is especially, especially true of lesbians. If you are of a certain age, you might even remember a time in the early 80’s when gay people not only admittes that fact, but widely and openly celebrated it. That all went away with the realization that doing so would never afford them protected group status, so now everyone’s ”born this way”. At least until they discover that they were born some other way.

The ”gay gene” nonsense was fringe theory as late as the mid-90’s, until the LGBTQ realized they could use this theory to advance their protected group strategy. It’s been nearly 30 years of exhaustive searching, molecular biology has made gigantic strides in that time describing every kind of disease and condition. But as for the ”gay gene”? Nothing. And that’s with all incentives weighted for finding something, anything. If genetics determines homosexuality, it does so in a statistically-insignificant number of gays. Put another way: most, if not all gays, are socially conditioned.

There are plenty of genetic disorders preventing reproduction that don't die out, it's not a problem for the species if the percentage of offspring with the disorder remains small.

I think this is the most correct answer; others are also good thought.

Do you always talk such utter nonsense?

Following up ln this:

The failure of molecular biology to determine factors for homosexuality is not to say that all of science has faces similar failure in this search. Indeed, some of the sciences have produced criteria that can predict homosexuality as accurately as a clinical test can predict whether a patient is suffering from the flu. That particular branch of science which has enjoyed auch success is, of course, the social sciences. Paychologists can (and have been avle to for many years) predict whether a person is gay or not with an 80-90% confidence. Sociologists are able to predict the approximate number of homosexuals in a population, knowing only a handful of variablea about that population. Since these sciences are able to incorporate learned behaviours into their models, whereas biology cannot, then it stands to reason that holosexuality is a learned and socially re-inforced activity, and not an inward attribute.


>I being gay is genetic how come fags even exist? They should have extinct ages ago.

Half are born that way. The other half are sucked into it.


Last points:

All of this is not to say that gays should be forcibly converted, or that gays don’t deserve legal protections. It is to say that the peculiarities of the US legal system incentivize gays to misrepresent their nature, to their and everyone else’s detriment, in order to access legal and social resources.

I have very little concern what consenting adults do in private. I just wish it was kept in private. It is why I get pissed off when gays want to have a float in the St. Patrick's Day parade or other ones. There shouldn't be ANY float about sex in on of those parades. And, there shouldn't be ANY parades about sex.

Never heard of mutation, did you?

Yeah they put their genetic material all over the kids they molest

Why does she look so mad \ reluctant?

you only need to cum in one vagne for babby

I think that it might have to do with structural differences in the brain. Brain-dead people don't like dick or vagene.

I assure you most aren't born gay but turn gay pretty early on

The term we're discussing here is pederasty. It was completely ok for young boys to get fugd by older men, who in turn provided tutelage and patronage for the boy. Once the boy grew up to be a man, however, being on the receiving end became unacceptable. Contrary to what you're saying, simply having sex was frowned upon, while "erotic friendship" was celebrated.

Friendly reminder that, even in pairs of identical twins who have literally the exact same genes, down to every tiny detail, one twin being gay is only matched by the other one being gay ~50% of the time.

It's plausible that homosexuality is genetically *influenced*, in a manner not unlike susceptibility to certain mental illnesses, but it is totally impossible to explain it as purely genetic like the "born this way" propaganda is all so insistent about. There HAS to be some intervening event/individual response to actually trigger it, and it's not implausible at all to suggest that such a thing could possibly be treated/reversed.

quadz of truthz

If you choose to fuck girls you are a fag. Straight people never made that choice, they just didnt consider fucking men as an option in the first place. Same as some fags know from day one what they are.